15.93. Nach dem, was sie getan haben. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
15.93. über das, was sie zu tun pflegten. (Bubenheim)
15.93. für das, was sie an Untaten begangen haben. (Azhar)
15.93. über das, was sie zu tun pflegten. (Zaidan)
15.93. über das, was sie (in ihrem Erdenleben) getan haben. (Paret)
15.93. um dessentwillen, was sie zu tun pflegten. (Rasul)
15.93. über das, was sie zu tun pflegten. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 85 bis 93
We have not based the creation of the Earth and the Heavens and everything but truth, ( 47 ) and our judgment is sure to come. So O Muhammad, overlook . (their misbehaviour) in a gracious manner. Indeed your Lord is the Creator of all and is All-Knowing. ( 48 ) We have given you seven verses that are worthy of recitation over and over again, ( 49 ) and We have also bestowed on you the glorious Qur'an. ( 50 ) Do not even look at the worldly wealth We have given to different people from among them nor grieve at their condition. ( 51 ) Leave them alone and attend to the Believers. Tell (the disbelievers), "I am a plain warner only. This warning is like the warning We sent to the schismatics, who have caused divisions in their Qur'an" ( 52 ) So by your Lord, We will surely take account from them concering what they had been doing.
Desc No: 47 This was to reassure the Holy Prophet that ultimately he would come out successful because he was propagating the Truth, and the whole of the universe was based on truth. Such an assurance was urgently needed because at that tithe falsehood appeared to be triumphant over the Truth. This implies, "O Prophet, do not worry at all at the apparent "success" of falsehood for this is temporary. Likewise the difficulties, the obstacles and the troubles in the way of truth are not permanent. Take courage, and have confidence in the cause of the Truth and you will triumph over falsehood because the whole system of the miverse is akin to truth and averse to falsehood. Therefore, truth is permanent and falsehood is perishable" (Please refer to E.N.'s 25 26,35-39 of Surah Ibrahim).
Desc No: 48 These attributes of Allah have been mentioned to reassure the Holy Prophet as if to say, "As Allah is the Creator, He has complete power over all his creatures, and no one is able to escape His punishment. Moreover, He is AllKnowing: He is fully aware that you are exerting your utmost for their reform, and He knows also their evil machinations against your efforts for reform. Therefore, you need not worry on this account, but you should wait patiently and with confidence that at the appropriate time they will be dealt with justly.?"
Desc No: 49 These seven verses which are recited over and over again in every prescribed salat are the verses of Al-Fatihah. Though some of the commentators are of the view that this `Al-Mathani, " refers to the seven Surahs which contain two hundred or more verses, that is, II-VII and (VIII-IX) or X. But the majority of the early commentators opine that it refers to AI-Fatihah. Imam Bukhari has cited two authentic Traditions in support of the view that it refers to Al-Fatihah.
Desc No: 50 The mention of the precious gift of the Glorious Qur'an has been made also to console the Holy Prophet and his followers that they should not even look at the worldly wealth of their opponents because that was nothing as compared with this precious wealth. In order to grasp the full significance of this, one should keep in view the fact that at that time the Holy Prophet and his Companions were suffering badly from poverty. The trading activities of the Holy Prophet had almost come to an end during the period in which he had been engaged in his Mission. Besides this, he had almost used up the whole wealth of Hadrat Khaijah. As regards his Companions, some of the young men had been turned out of their homes and reduced to poverty. The economic boycott had mined the business of those who were engaged in trade. There were others who were mere slaves or proteges of the Quraish and had no economic position whatever. In addition to their sad economic plight, all the Muslims, along with the Holy Prophet, were suffering persecution from the people of Makkah and its surroundings, In short, they were so much persecuted, ridiculed and insulted that no one of them was safe from physical and mental torture. On the other side, the Quraish, their opponents and persecutors, enjoyed all the good things of this world, and lived lives of happiness and luxury.. This is the background of the reassurance given to the Believers, as if to say, "Why should you feel disheartened at this? We have given you "wcalth" which surpasses all kinds of worldly riches. Therefore, your opponents should cnvy your knowledge and high morals; you need not cnvy their ill-canned wcalth and their wicked enjoyments, for when they will go before their Lord, they themselves will find that they had not brought such wcalth as carries any value there. "
Desc No: 51 That is, "Do not grieve that they consider you as their enemy, though you .are their sincere well-wisher; that they regard their vices as their virtues; that they are not only themselves following but leading their followers on that way which inevitably leads to destruction: nay, they are doing their worst to oppose the reformative efforts of the one who is showing them the way of peace."
Desc No: 52 The schismatics were the Jews for they had split their religion into many parts and caused division in it. They believed in certain parts and rejected the other parts, and detracted some things from it and added others to it. Thus they had been divided into many sectarian groups, which were opposed to one another. "They have cut their Qur'an (Torah) into pieces": "They believe in certain parts of it and reject other parts. " The same thing has been stated in II: 85 like this: ".... Do you then believe in one part of the Scriptures and disbelieve in the other parts .... " " .... this warning is like the warning We sent to the schismatics (Jews)" . ' This is meant to warn the disbelievers that they should learn a lesson from the plight of the Jews who neglected the warning that was given to than by God, and persisted in their wrong ways, as if to say, "You arc beholding the degradation of the Jews. Do you like to meet with the same end by neglecting this warning?" "
15.99. And serve thy Lord till the inevitable cometh unto thee. (Pickthall)
15.99. Und diene deinem Herrn, bis zu dir kommt, was gewiß ist. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
15.99. und diene deinem Herrn, bis die Gewißheit zu dir kommt. (Bubenheim)
15.99. Und diene Deinem Herrn, bis dir die Gewißheit des Jüngsten Tages gegenwärtig ist! (Azhar)
15.99. und diene deinem HERRN, bis der Tod dich ereilt. 1 (Zaidan)
15.99. Und diene deinem Herrn, bis zu dir kommt, was (allen) gewiß ist! (Paret)
15.99. Und diene deinem Herrn, bis die Gewißheit zu dir kommt. . (Rasul)
15.99. Und diene deinem Herrn, bis das Gewisse zu dir kommt. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 97 bis 99
We know that your heart is distressed at the things they say against you. (This is the remedy:) you should glorify your Lord with His praise, and fall in prostration before Him, and serve your Lord till that last hour which is sure to come. ( 53 )
Desc No: 53 That is Salat and worship of your Lord are the only means which can generate in you that power of sustenance which is required to stand resolutley against the troubles and afflictions you will inevitably encounter in the propagation of the Message of the Truth and reform of humanity. This will comfort you, fill you with courage and enable you to perform that Divine Mission on which you have been sent in the face of abuse, derision and obstacles."