44.56. La yadhuuquuna fiihaalmawta illa almawtata al-uula wawaqahum AAadhabaaldschahiimi
44.56. They taste not death therein, save the first death. And He hath saved them from the doom of hell, (Pickthall)
44.56. Sie schmecken dort nicht das Sterben, außer dem erstmaligen Sterben, und Er hat sie vor der Strafe des Feuerbrandes bewahrt, (Ahmad v. Denffer)
44.56. Sie kosten darin nicht den Tod, außer dem ersten Tod. Und Er bewahrt sie vor der Strafe des Höllenbrandes (Bubenheim)
44.56. Nach dem ersten Tod werden sie darin keinen weiteren erleiden, und Gott bewahrt sie vor der Höllenstrafe. (Azhar)
44.56. Nicht erfahren sie den Tod darin, außer dem ersten Tod. Und ER schützte sie vor der Peinigung der Hölle, (Zaidan)
44.56. Sie erleiden darin nicht den Tod, abgesehen vom ersten Tod (mit dem sie ihr Erdenleben beschlossen haben). Und Allah hat sie vor der Strafe des Höllenbrandes bewahrt. (Paret)
44.56. Den Tod werden sie dort nicht kosten, außer dem ersten Tod. Und Er wird sie vor der Strafe der Dschahim bewahren , (Rasul)
44.56. Ausser dem erstmaligen Tod werden sie dort keinen weiteren (Tod) erleiden, und Er wird sie vor der Strafe des flammenden Feuers bewahren, (Périsset)
44.57. Fadlan min rabbika dhalikahuwa alfawzu alAAadhiimu
44.57. A bounty from thy Lord. That is the supreme triumph. (Pickthall)
44.57. Als eine Gunst von deinem Herrn, dies, es ist der gewaltige Gewinn. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
44.57. als Huld von deinem Herrn. Das ist der großartige Erfolg. (Bubenheim)
44.57. Das ist eine Gnade von deinem Herrn. Das ist der große Sieg. (Azhar)
44.57. als Gunst von deinem HERRN. Dies ist der gewaltige Erfolg. (Zaidan)
44.57. (All das kommt ihnen zu) aus Huld von deinem Herrn. Das ist dann das große Glück (al-fauz al-`aziem). (Paret)
44.57. als eine Gnade von deinem Herrn. Das ist das höchste Glück. (Rasul)
44.57. als eine Gnade deines Herrn. Das ist der grosse Sieg. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 51 bis 57
The God-fearing shall be in a secure place, ( 40 ) in the gardens and springs, dressed in silk and brocade, ( 41 ) sitting face to face. Such will be their station! And We shall wed to them fair-complexioned, gazelle-eyed women. ( 42 ) There, in full peace, they shall ask for all kinds of tasty things. ( 43 ) There they shall never taste death, after their fast death in the world, and Allah by His grace will protect them from the torment of Hell. ( 44 ) This is the supreme success!
Desc No: 40 "A secure place" : A place safe from every kind of fear, grief, worry and danger, hardship and trouble. According to a Hadith, the Holy Prophet said: "It will be proclaimed to the dwellers of Paradise: You will remain in good health, will never fall ill; will live for ever: will never die; will ever remain happy and prosperous and will never meet with a misfortune; will ever remain youthful, will never become old. " (Muslim, on the authority of Abu Hurairah and Abu Sa id Khudri).
Desc No: 41 Sundus and istabraq in the original are fine silk cloth and thick silk cloth respectively.
Desc No: 42 In the original, hur-un 'in : fair complexioned, large-eyed women. (For further explanation, see E.N.'s 26,29 of As-Saaffat).
Desc No: 43 That is, they will order the attendants in Paradise to bring anything they would like in any measure they would demand, and it will be presented before them. In this world, a man cannot ask for a thing in a hotel, or even his own things in his own house, with the freedom and satisfaction as he will ask for these in Paradise, for in the world nothing is found anywhere in un-limited measure; whatever man uses here, he has to pay for it. In Paradise, things will belong to Allah, and the servants will enjoy full freedom to use them. Neither will there be the danger of the failure of the supply, nor the necessity of a bill to pay.
Desc No: 44 Two things are worthy of notice in this verse. First, after mentioning the blessings of Paradise special mention has been made of being secure from Hell separately whereas a person's entry into Paradise by itself amounts to his being safe from Hell. This is because man can feel the worth of the reward of obedience fully only when he is informed what end the disobedient people have met and from what evil end he himself has ban saved. Secondly, Allah is mentioning those people's safety from Hell and their entry into Paradise as a result of His own grace. This is meant to warn man of the truth that this success cannot be achieved by any person unless he is blessed by Allah's grace. Although man will be rewarded for his own good deeds, in the first place he cannot do good unless favoured by Allah's succour; then even the best deed that man is able to perform, cannot be absolutely perfect and none can claim that it is flawless and faultless. It is only Allah's bounty that He should overlook the servant's weaknesses and defects in his actions and accept his services and bless him with rewards; otherwise if He resorts to minute accountability no one can dare claim to win Paradise only on the strength of his own deeds. The same thing has been said by the Holy Prophet in a Hadith to the effect: "Act and try to act as righteously as you possibly can, but know that the action of a person alone will not make him enter Paradise. It was asked: What about your own action, O Messenger of Allah? He replied: Yes, even I won't enter Paradise on the strength of my actions, unless of course, my Lord covers me up in His mercy."
44.59. Wait then (O Muhammad). Lo! they (too) are waiting. (Pickthall)
44.59. Also erwarte, sie sind ja Erwartende. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
44.59. Warte nun ab; auch sie warten ab. (Bubenheim)
44.59. Warte nur ab, was ihnen geschieht! Sie warten auch ab. (Azhar)
44.59. So warte! Gewiß, sie warten ebenfalls. 3 (Zaidan)
44.59. Paß nun auf (was weiter geschehen wird)! (Auch) sie werden aufzupassen haben. (Paret)
44.59. So gib acht; siehe, sie geben auch acht. . (Rasul)
44.59. So warte ab, und auch sie warten ab. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 58 bis 59
O Prophet. We have made this Book easy in your own tongue so that they may take counsel Wait then, as they too are waiting. ( 45 )
Desc No: 45 That is, "If they do not accept the admonition even now, you should wait to see how they arc visited by their doom; and they also arc waiting to see what becomes of the message that you are giving them. "