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2.135. Sie sagen: "Werdet Juden oder Christen, so seid ihr rechtgeleitet." Sag: Nein! Vielmehr das Glaubensbekenntnis Ibrahims, Anhängers des rechten Glaubens, und er gehörte nicht zu den Götzendienern.
74.48. Fama tanfaAAuhum schafaAAatu alschschafiAAiina
74.48. The mediation of no mediators will. avail them then. (Pickthall)
74.48. Und nichts nützt ihnen die Fürsprache der Fürsprecher. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
74.48. Nun nützt ihnen die Fürsprache derjenigen nicht, die Fürsprache einlegen (können). (Bubenheim)
74.48. Ihnen nützt die Fürsprache der Fürsprecher nichts. (Azhar)
74.48. So nützt ihnen nicht die Fürbitte der Fürbittenden. (Zaidan)
74.48. Nun nützt ihnen keine Fürsprache der Fürsprecher (mehr). (Paret)
74.48. Darum wird ihnen die Fürsprache der Fürsprecher nichts nützen. (Rasul)
74.48. (Nun) nützt ihnen die Fürsprache der Fürsprecher nichts. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 38 bis 48
Every person is a pledge for his own deeds, ( 30 ) except the people of the right hand, who shall be in Gardens, ( 31 ) There they will ask the culprits, ( 32 ) "what has brought you into Hell?" They will reply, "We were not of those who offered the salat, ( 33 ) and we did not feed the poor, ( 34 ) and we used to join with those who indulged in idle talk against the Truth, and we used to belie the Day of Recompense, till the inevitable overtook us." ( 35 ) At that time, no intercession of the intercessors shall avail them anything. ( 36 )
Desc No: 30 For explanation, see E.N. 16 of Surah At-Tur.
Desc No: 31 In other words, the people of the left hand will be seized in consequence of their misdeeds, but the people of the right hand will have their debts settled. (For explanation of the people of the right hand and the left hand, see E.N.'s 5, 6 of Surah Al-Waqi`ah).
Desc No: 32 At several places in the Qur'an above, it has been stated that the dwellers of Paradise and the dwellers of Hell will be able to see and commune with each other directly without the agency of any instrument whenever they will so desire, although they will be living hundreds of thousands of miles away from each other. For instance, see Al-A`raf: 44-50 and E.N. 35, As-Saaffat: 50-57 and E.N. 32 on it.
Desc No: 33 That is, "We were not of those who after having believed in Allah and His Messenger and His Boo , performed the foremost duty imposed by Allah, i.e. the Prayer. " Here, it should be understood well that unless a person has believed he cannot offer the Prayer at all. Therefore, one's being of those who performed the Prayer, by itself implies that one is a believer. But by attributing one's going to Hell to one's not being of those who performed their Prayer, it has been made explicit that one cannot escape Hell even after having believed if one dces not perform one's Prayers regularly.
Desc No: 34 This shows how grave a sin it is in Islam to see a hungry man and fail to feed him even if one can, for this has been particularly mentioned as one of the causes of one's going to Hell.
Desc No: 35 "Till the inevitable overtoo us" : till death came upon us. Here, "the inevitable" implies death as well as the Hereafter.
Desc No: 36 That is, "Even if an intercessor interceded for a person who persisted in this way of life till death, he would not be forgiven." The question of intercession has been so fully explained at so many places in the Qur'an that no one can have any difficulty in nowing and understanding as to who can intercede and who cannot, when one can intercede and when one cannot, for whom one can intercede and for whom one cannot, and for whom intercession is beneficial and for whom it is not. As one of the major causes of the people's deviation in the world, is their false concept about intercession, it has been explained at such length in the Qur'an as to leave no room for any doubt and ambiguity. For example, see Al-Baqarah; 255, Al-An`am: 94, Al-A`raf: 53. Yunus: 3-18, Maryam: 87, Ta Ha: 109, Al-Anbiya': 28, Saba: 23, Az-Zumar: 43-44, Al-Mu'min: 18, Ad-Dukhan: 86, An-Najm: 26, An-Naba: 37-38. "