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21.18. Aber nein! Wir schleudern die Wahrheit gegen das Falsche, und da zerschmettert sie ihm das Haupt, und sogleich geht es dahin. Und wehe euch wegen dessen, was ihr (da fälschlich) zuschreibt!
77.24. Woe unto the repudiators on that day! (Pickthall)
77.24. Wehe an diesem Tag den Ableugnenden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
77.24. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Bubenheim)
77.24. Wehe an diesem Tag den Leugnern! (Azhar)
77.24. Niedergang ist an diesem Tag für die Ableugnenden bestimmt! (Zaidan)
77.24. Wie schlecht ist es an jenem Tag um diejenigen bestellt, die (unsere Botschaft) für Lüge erklären! (Paret)
77.24. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Rasul)
77.24. Wehe den Leugnern an diesem Tag. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 20 bis 24
Did We not create you out of a mean fluid, and kept it lodged in a secure place ( 11 ) for an appointed term? ( 12 ) Behold! We had power to do this, as We are excellent Possessors of power! ( 13 ) Woe on that Day to the deniers (of Truth)! ( 14 )
Desc No: 11 "A secure place": the mother's womb in which the child is so firmly lodged as soon as it has been conceived and where such arrangements are made for its security and nourishment that abortion cannot take place unless there is a disaster, and even for artificial abortion extraordinary devices have to be adopted, which are both risky and harmful in spite of modern developments in medical science.
Desc No: 12 The words qadar im-malum do not only mean that the term is appointed and fixed but they also contain the sense that it is known to Allah alone. About no child can man know by any means how many months, days, hours, minutes and seconds it will remain in the mothers womb and what will be its exact and precise time of birth. Allah alone has fixed a specific term for every child and He alone knows it.
Desc No: 13 This is an express argument for the possibility of the life-after-death What is meant to be said is: "When We had the power to shape and develop you into a perfect and complete man from insignificant sperm-drop, how shall We be helpless to re-create you in some other way ? Our this creation in consequence of which you exist as a living being, is a proof that We are excellent Possessors of power; We cannot be so helpless as to be unable to re-create you after having created you in the fi rst instance. "
Desc No: 14 This sentence here gives the meaning that in spite of the express argument for the possibility of life-after-death, the people who are denying it, may mock it as they may and look down upon its believers as people of antiquated ideas and whims, but when the Day comes which they are denying today, they will themselves know that it is a Day of their own ruin and disaster.
77.28. Woe unto the repudiators on that day! (Pickthall)
77.28. Wehe an diesem Tag den Ableugnenden: (Ahmad v. Denffer)
77.28. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Bubenheim)
77.28. Wehe an diesem Tag den Leugnern! (Azhar)
77.28. Niedergang ist an diesem Tag für die Ableugnenden bestimmt! (Zaidan)
77.28. Wie schlecht ist es an jenem Tag um diejenigen bestellt, die (unsere Botschaft) für Lüge erklären! (Paret)
77.28. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Rasul)
77.28. Wehe den Leugnern an diesem Tag. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 25 bis 28
Have We not made the earth a receptacle, both for the living and for the dead, and set in it high mountains, and given you sweet water to drink? ( 15 ) Woe on that Day to the deniers (of Truth)! ( 16 )
Desc No: 15 This is yet another argument for the possibility and reasonableness of the Hereafter. It is this very earth which since millions and millions of years has been sustaining and providing for countless different kinds of creatures. Every kind of vegetation and every kind of animal and man are living on it, To meet the requirements of all immeasureable treasures of provisions of different kinds are corning out of its belly. Then it is on this very earth that countless members of all kinds of creatures die every day, but there exists a wonderful arrangement in that the dead bodies of all creatures are deposited in the same earth, and it again becomes ready for sustaining life and providing home to the new members of every species. This earth has not been shaped like a smooth-surfaced ball either, but here and there on it there have been set high mountains and mountain-ranges, which play an important role in causing the change of seasons and rainfall, the birth of rivers creation of fertile valleys, growth of trees which supply timber, and provisions of a variety of minerals and stones. Then in the interior of this very earth, sweet water has been stored and on its surface rivers of sweet water have been arranged and from the saline waters of the sea also vapours of pure water are raised and caused to fall as rain from the sky. Is not all this an argument to prove that an All-Powerful Sovereign has created all this and He is not only All-Powerful but AII-Knowing and All-Wise as well'? Now, if this earth has been thus equipped and provisioned only by His power and wisdom, why should an intelligent man trod it difficult to understand that the same Sovereign by His power can wind up this world and create another world on a new pattern, and the demand of His wisdom is that he should create another world after it so that He may call man to account for the deeds he has done in this world?
Desc No: 16 Here, this sentence signifies that the people who deny the coming of the Hereafter and regard it as impossible and irrational in spite of seeing these manifest signs of Allah's power and wisdom, may remain lost in their vain imaginations if they so like. But the Day when all this takes place against their expectations, they will realize that they have earned ruin on account of their own folly.