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19.37. Doch die Gruppierungen wurden uneinig untereinander; dann wehe denjenigen, die ungläubig sind, vor dem Erleben eines gewaltigen Tages!

[ Maryam:37 ]

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Medina-Musshaf Seite 209

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

10.10. DaAAwahum fiiha subhanakaallahumma watahiyyatuhum fiiha salamunwaakhiru daAAwahum ani alhamdu lillahirabbi alAAalamiina

10.10. Their prayer therein will be: Glory be to Thee, O Allah! and their greeting therein will be: Peace. And the conclusion of their prayer will be: Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds! (Pickthall)

10.10. Ihr Ruf dort ist: "Preis Dir, o Allah!" und ihr Gruß dort ist: "Frieden!", und das Ende ihres Rufes ist: "Das Lob ist für Allah, den Herrn der Welten!" (Ahmad v. Denffer)

10.10. Ihr Ausruf darin wird sein: "Preis sei Dir, o Allah!" und ihr Gruß darin: "Friede!" und ihr abschließender Ausruf: "(Alles) Lob gehört Allah, dem Herrn der Weltenbewohner!" (Bubenheim)

10.10. Dort rufen sie: "Gepriesen seist Du, Unser Gott!" Und ihr Gruss wird lauten: "Friede!" Und ihre Gebete beschließen sie immer mit: "Lob sei Gott, Dem Herrn der Welten!" (Azhar)

10.10. Ihr Bittgebet darin ist: Subhanakal-lahumma und ihr Gruss ist darin Salam und der Abschluss ihres Bittgebets ist: Al-hamdulil-lahi rabil-'alamin . 1 (Zaidan)

10.10. Sie rufen (wenn sie) darin (eintreten) aus: "Gepriesen seist du, o Allah!", und werden mit "Heil!" begrüßt. Und sie schließen (ihrerseits) mit dem Ausruf: "Lob sei Allah, dem Herrn der Menschen in aller Welt (al-`aalamuun)!" (Paret)

10.10. Ihr Ruf dort wird sein: "Preis Dir, o Allah!" Und ihr Gruß dort wird "Frieden!" sein. Und zuletzt werden sie rufen: "Alles Lob gebührt Allah, dem Herrn der Welten." (Rasul)

10.10. Dort wird ihr (erster) Ruf lauten: "Gepriesen bist Du, Allah." Und ihr Gruss (an die Bewohner des Paradieses) wird sein: "Salâm [Friede]." Und ihr abschliessender Ruf (nach den Gebeten) wird sein: "Alles Lob gebührt Allah, dem Herrn der Welten." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 9 bis 10

And it is also a fact that, because of their faith, Allah will guide aright those who believe (sincerely in the Truths that have been presented in this Book) and do righteous deeds; and canals will be flowing underneath there in the Gardens of bliss. ( 13 ) Therein their prayers will be. "Glory to Thee, O Lord," and their greeting, "Peace be to you," and the burden of their hymn will be, "Praise is for Allah alone, the Lord of the universe. " ( 14 )

Desc No: 13
We should not pass cursorily over this verse and should consider it deeply in the order it has been presented:
(1) Why will they be given Gardens of bliss in the life of the Hereafter? This will be because they followed the Right Way in the life of this world and adopted the right ways in every aspect of life, both as individuals and as a community, and discarded the false and erroneous ways.
(2) How did they obtain at every step, at every turning and at every crossroad the correct criterion of judging between the right and the wrong, the true and the false, the righteous and the erroneous? Then wherefrom did they get the power to remain stead-fast on the Right Way, avoiding scrupulously wrong ways, after getting the right sort of discernment? It was their Lord Who is the real source of everything, Who gave them the guidance and the power of doing good works on every critical occasion.
(3) Why did their Lord give them that guidance and power? He gave them these things because of their Faith.
(4) What is that characteristic of the Faith which produces the above results ? The Faith which produces those results dces not comprise mere profession but it is that Faith which becomes the moving spirit of one's conduct and character and has the power of reforming one's morals and deeds.
In order to illustrate this point, let us consider, in the physical life of man, the case of food that is consumed for nourishment, health, energy and happiness. It is obvious that these results cannot be produced by the mere taking in of any food, but by that "food" which is so digested as turns into blood and circulates into every vein to provide energy to every part of the body for its proper functioning. In the same way, in the moral life, guidance, righteous attitude and pure conduct and true success, depend on those right creeds that get deeply embedded in the mind, heart and soul. Otherwise, creeds which are merely professed by the tongue or lie dormant in some corner of the mind and the heart, cannot produce such results, for they cannot influence one's conduct, character, way of thinking and attitude towards life for the better. Just as one may eat food and still not obtain those useful results which arc produced only if it is digested properly according to the physical laws of God, in the same way, one who professes those right creeds merely with his tongue, but dces not make them a part of his mind, heart and soul, dces not deserve those rewards which are only for those whose deeds correspond to the creeds.  

Desc No: 14
These facts about the life in Paradise have been stated in order to make conspicuous the high thinking and the noble qualities of the Believers. When they enter Paradise after coming out successful in this worldly test they will manifest the same high qualities of character that they had in this world. Instead of making urgent and immediate demands for beautiful articles of luxury, musical instruments, wine and women, they will sing hymns of praise to their Lord. This also belies that picture of the lift in Paradise that some crooked people have formed of it. The fact is that the noble personalities which the Believers build in this world and the high ways of thinking and the excellent moral characters they form in this world and the great and rigid training they give to their feelings, emotions and desires, will become all the more prominent in the pure surroundings and environments of Paradise. That is why they will love it most to sing hymns of praise to Allah and glorify His name just as they did in this world. Besides this, their greatest wish and desire in Paradise will be peace for one another, as it was in their collective life in this world.  "

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