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7.35. O Kinder Adams, wenn immer Gesandte von euch (selbst) zu euch kommen, die euch Meine Zeichen berichten - wer dann gottesfürchtig ist und Besserung bringt, über die soll keine Furcht kommen, noch sollen sie traurig sein.

[ alA'raf:35 ]

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Medina-Musshaf Seite 208

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

10.2. Akana lilnnasi AAadschabanan awhayna ila radschulin minhum an andhirialnnasa wabaschschiri alladhiina amanuuanna lahum qadama sidqin AAinda rabbihim qala alkafiruunainna hatha lasahirun mubiinun

10.2. Is it a wonder for mankind that We have inspired a man among them, saying: Warn mankind and bring unto those who believe the good tidings that they have a sure footing with their Lord? The disbelievers say: Lo! this is a mere wizard. (Pickthall)

10.2. War es für die Menschen ein Wunder, daß Wir einem Mann von ihnen Offenbarung eingegeben haben: Warne die Menschen und künde denjenigen an, die glauben, daß für sie im Voraus Wahres bei ihrem Herrn ist? Die Glaubensverweigerer haben gesagt: "Dies ist ja bestimmt ein klar erkennbarer Zauberer." (Ahmad v. Denffer)

10.2. Ist es denn für die Menschen verwunderlich, daß Wir einem Mann von ihnen (als Offenbarung) eingegeben haben: "Warne die Menschen und verkünde denen, die glauben, die frohe Botschaft, daß sie bei ihrem Herrn einen wahrhaftigen Stand haben"? Die Ungläubigen sagen: "Das ist wahrlich ein deutlicher Zauberer.3" (Bubenheim)

10.2. Warum wundern sich die Menschen, dass Wir einem Menschen aus ihren Reihen offenbart haben: "Warne die Menschen und verkünde den Gläubigen, dass sie bei ihrem Herrn einen hohen Rang einnehmen!" Die Ungläubigen aber sagen: "Das ist eindeutig ein Zauberer." (Azhar)

10.2. War dies den Menschen etwa verwunderlich, dass WIR einem Mann von ihnen Wahy zuteil werden ließen: „Ermahne die Menschen und überbringe den Mumin die frohe Botschaft, dass sie bei ihrem HERRN eine Vorrangstellung haben.“ Die Kafir sagten: „Gewiß, dies ist wahrhaftig ein offenkundiger Magier!“ (Zaidan)

10.2. Ist es (denn) für die Leute ein Grund, sich zu wundern, daß wir einem Mann aus ihren eigenen Reihen (die Weisung) eingegeben haben: Warne die Leute und verkünde denen, die glauben, daß sie (dereinst) bei ihrem Herrn einen guten Stand (? qadamu sidqin) haben (werden)? Die Ungläubigen sagen: "Dies ist ein ausgemachter Zauberer." (Paret)

10.2. Scheint es den Menschen so verwunderlich, daß Wir einem Manne aus ihrer Mitte eingegeben haben: "Warne die Menschen und verkünde die frohe Botschaft denjenigen, die da glauben, einen wirklichen Rang bei ihrem Herrn innezuhaben."? Die Ungläubigen sagen: "Wahrlich, das ist ein offenkundiger Zauberer." (Rasul)

10.2. Ist es für die Menschen etwa erstaunlich, dass Wir einem Mann unter ihnen offenbart haben: "Warne die Menschen (vor dem Feuer) und verkünde den Gläubigen die frohe Botschaft, dass sie (dereinst) einen guten Stand bei ihrem Herrn einnehmen (werden)?" Die Ungläubigen sagen (jedoch): "Das ist bestimmt ein versierter Zauberer." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 2 bis 2

" Did it seem strange to the people that We should have inspired a man from among themselves to warn the (neglectful) people, and to give the Believers the good news that they will have real honour and success with their Lord ? ( 2 ) (Is this the thing that) led the unbelievers to say, "This man is a manifest enchanter?" ( 3 )

Desc No: 2
This question has been posed to impress on them that if they considered the matter coolly, they themselves would come to the conclusion that:
(a) there is nothing strange in appointing a man to warn his fellow men of the consequences of neglecting the Message. For it is obvious that a man, and not a Jinn or an angel or any other being, was the proper messenger for human beings.
(b) there is nothing strange in it that the Creator and Lord of mankind should make arrangements for the guidance of erring human beings; nay, it would have been strange if He had made no such arrangements, and
(c) there is nothing strange in this that real honour and success should come to those who accept the guidance and not to those who reject it.  

Desc No: 3
They dubbed him "enchanter" but did not consider whether the epithet appropriately applied to him or not. It is obvious that the mere fact that he was moving the hearts and influencing the minds of the believers with his eloquence, was not a sufficient proof that he was using magic to achieve this object. And it is not difficult at all to distinguish rhetoric of a Messenger from that of an enchanter for these are quite distinct from each other in their nature, in the objectives for which they are used and in the effect they produce on the lives of the believers. The irresponsible "enchanter" dces not care at all whether what he utters is correct, just and righteous because his only object is to influence the hearts of the hearers in order to achieve his own unlawful ends. That is why he dces not hesitate at all to utter any false, exaggerated or unjust thing, if it serves his purpose. For his only aim is to produce an emotional effect in order to deceive the people by using an artificially ornamented and exaggerated language rather than to state things of wisdom. As a result of this, his talk is contradictory, imbalanced and unsystematic. As his sole object is self-interest, he abuses his rhetoric for exploitation, or for sowing seeds of discord or for setting one party against the other. Therefore, the "enchanter" fails to produce any high moral effects on the lives of the people or to imbue them with any righteous thoughts or to urge them to noble deeds or to bring about any healthy change in their lives; nay, as a result of his "magic" the people begin to exhibit even worse qualities than they did before.
Thus it is implied that by the application of this criterion, the charge of the unbelievers that. "This man is a manifest enchanter" is refuted, for it means to say to them, "You yourselves are witnessing that the talk of 'this person' is wise, systematic, balanced, right and just. Every word he utters is well-thought out and everything he says is most valuable and precious. His eloquence aims at nothing but reform of the people. There is not the least tinge of personal, family, national or any other worldly interest in his talk. His only intention and desire is to warn the people of the consequences of their negligence and to invite them to the way of their own good. Then consider the effects of his eloquence and you will find that they are quite different from those produced by the rhetoric of the `enchanters'. The lives of all those who have been influenced by him have been so reformed that they have become models of high moral character and excellent conduct. Therefore, you should consider the matter and decide for yourselves whether he is an enchanter or a prophet. "   "

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