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[ alMulk:30 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah Yunus (10)  Ayah: 74


Medina-Musshaf Seite 217

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

10.74. Thumma baAAathna min baAAdihi rusulanila qawmihim fadschauuhum bialbayyinatifama kanuu liyu/minuu bima kadhdhabuubihi min qablu kadhalika natbaAAu AAalaquluubi almuAAtadiina

10.74. Then, after him, We sent messengers unto their folk, and they brought them clear proofs. But they were not ready to believe in that which they before denied. Thus print We on the hearts of the transgressors. (Pickthall)

10.74. Dann haben Wir nach ihm Gesandte zu ihrem Volk geschickt, und sie sind mit den klaren Beweisen zu ihnen gekommen, und es war nicht an ihnen, daß sie an das glaubten, was sie vorher als Lüge bezeichnet hatten. Derart siegeln Wir über die Herzen der Übertreter. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

10.74. Hierauf schickten Wir nach ihm Gesandte zu ihrem (jeweiligen) Volk; sie kamen mit den klaren Beweisen zu ihnen. Aber sie waren nicht bereit, an das zu glauben, was sie zuvor für Lüge erklärt hatten. So versiegeln Wir die Herzen der Übertreter. (Bubenheim)

10.74. Nach Noah schickten wir andere Gesandte zu ihren Völkern, die ihnen klare Beweise vorlegten, aber sie wollten sich nicht besinnen und an das glauben, was sie einmal der Lüge bezichtigt hatten. So versiegeln Wir die Herzen der Frevler, die Gottes Vorschriften übertreten. (Azhar)

10.74. Dann entsandten WIR nach ihm Gesandte zu ihren Leuten. Sie kamen zu ihnen mit deutlichen Zeichen. Doch es lag ihnen nicht, den Iman an das zu verinnerlichen, was sie vorher abgeleugnet haben. Solcherart versiegeln WIR die Herzen der Übertretenden. (Zaidan)

10.74. Hierauf, nach ihm, schickten wir Gesandte zu ihrem (jeweiligen) Volk. Und sie kamen mit den klaren Beweisen (baiyinaat) zu ihnen. Aber sie konnten unmöglich an das glauben, was sie vorher als Lüge erklärt hatten. So versiegeln wir denen das Herz, die Übertretungen begehen (so daß sie verstockt bleiben). (Paret)

10.74. Dann schickten Wir nach ihm Gesandte, jeden zu seinem Volk, und sie brachten ihnen klare Beweise. Allein sie wollten unmöglich an das glauben, was sie zuvor verleugnet hatten. So versiegeln Wir die Herzen der Übertreter. (Rasul)

10.74. Dann schickten Wir nach ihm (weitere) Gesandte zu ihren (jeweiligen) Völkern. Sie brachten ihnen klare Beweise, aber sie waren nicht bereit an das zu glauben, was sie zuvor geleugnet hatten. So versiegeln Wir die Herzen der Übertreter. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 71 bis 74

Recite ( 69 ) to them Noah's story, when he said to his people; "O my brethren, if it has become intolerable for you that I should dwell in your midst and preach to you the Revelations of Allah, then (note it well that) I have put my trust in Allah. You may muster all the partners you have set up and come to a united decision about me and consider your scheme well so that no aspect of the matter should remain hidden from you. Then bring that into action against me without giving me any respite ( 70 ) .if you have turned away from my Message, (I have lost nothing) for I did not demand any reward from you: my reward is with Allah, and I have been commanded to behave like a Muslim, (whether any other does so or not.)" But they disbelieved in him and the result was that We rescued those of them, who were with him in the Ark and made them successors on the earth and drowned those who rejected Our Revelations. So consider the end of those who were warned (but did not believe). After Noah We sent different Messengers to their peoples and they came to them with manifest Signs, but they would not believe in what they had disbelieved before. This is how We set a seal on the hearts of the transgressors. ( 71 )

Desc No: 69
The story of Prophet Noah has been related here to serve as a warning to those who were rejecting the Message of Prophet Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him). Up to this place, arguments had been presented before them to show the errors of their creeds, thoughts and ways, and impressive appeals had been made to them to adopt the Right Way. But from here onward they are being warned of the consequences of the attitude they had adopted towards their Messenger and admonished indirectly to learn a lesson from the fate of Prophet Noah's people, who had behaved towards their Prophet like the Quraish, the addressees. The Holy Prophet had been pointing out to them in a very befitting manner their errors and deviations, and was trying to correct them. Hut instead of considering and re-considering these things, they had become his mortal enemies, though he had no self-interest in his Mission and was extending the Message for their good, but they responded to his arguments with rudeness, abuses and stones. So much so that his very person had become intolerable and unbearable for them. This was because of their prejudices against the Right Way, which had so blinded them that they could not tolerate even the presence of the one who was following the Right Way. At this Allah commanded His Messenger to recite to them the story of Prophet Noah so that they might get in it the answer to their misbehaviour towards him. 

Desc No: 70
This was a challenge that amounted to this: "I am not going to give up my Mission at all, whatever you may do against me, for I have my full trust in Allah. " (For contrast please See I. 55 of Hud). 

Desc No: 71
The transgressors whose hearts are sealed are those obstinate and obdurate people who are so hardened against persuasion that they firmly and perversely adhere to the opinion they have once formed erroneously. As they themselves refuse to listen to counsel and admonition, Allah's curse falls on them and they are deprived of the ability of ever coming to the Right Way. 

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