13.15. Walillahi yasdschudu man fii alssamawatiwaal-ardi tawAAan wakarhan wadhilaluhumbialghuduwwi waal-asali
13.15. And unto Allah falleth prostrate whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, as do their shadows in the morning and the evening hours. (Pickthall)
13.15. Und vor Allah wirft sich nieder, was in den Himmeln und auf der Erde ist, freiwillig und widerwillig, und ihre Schatten zur Morgenstunde und den Tagesenden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
13.15. Und vor Allah wirft sich nieder, wer in den Himmeln und auf der Erde ist, ob freiwillig oder widerwillig, und (auch) ihre Schatten, am Morgen und am Abend. (Bubenheim)
13.15. Vor Gott beugen sich - willig oder unwillig - alle Wesen in den Himmeln und auf Erden, desgleichen alle Schatten mittags und in der Dämmerung. (Azhar)
13.15. Und für ALLAH vollziehen Sudschud alle, die in den Himmeln und auf Erden sind - aus freien Stücken und widerwillig - auch ihre Schatten morgens und abends. (Zaidan)
13.15. Und vor Allah werfen sich (alle), die im Himmel und auf Erden sind, - sei es freiwillig, sei es widerwillig - (in Anbetung) nieder, und (dazu) ihre Schatten, morgens und abends. (Paret)
13.15. Wer immer in den Himmeln und auf der Erde ist, wirft sich vor Allah in Anbetung nieder, willig oder widerwillig, und (ebenfalls tun dies) ihre Schatten am Morgen und am Abend. (Rasul)
13.15. Und vor Allah werfen sich (die Geschöpfe) nieder, die in den Himmeln und auf der Erde sind, ob willig oder widerwillig, (ebenso) ihre Schatten am Morgen und am Abend. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 14 bis 15
To invoke Him alone is the right thing. ( 23 ) As regards the other deities whom they invoke apart from Him, they cannot give any answer to their prayers. It is as if a man were to stretch his hands towards water and ask it to come to his mouth, when it cannot reach his mouth in this way; likewise the prayers of the disbelievers are nothing but aimless efforts. For it is Allah alone before Whom everything in the heavens and the earth bows down willingly or un-willingly, ( 24 ) and the shadows of all things bow down before Him in the morning and the evening. ( 25 )
Desc No: 23 "To invoke Him alone is the right thing," for Allah alone has the power and the authority to give help and remove difficulties.
Desc No: 24 "... everything in the heavens and the earth bows down before Allah" in the same sense that every creation of His has to obey and submit to His Physical Law in every detail. The only difference between the submission of a Believer and an unbeliever is that the former submits to it with a willing heart while the latter is forced to do so against his will, for it is absolutely beyond his power to oppose it.
Desc No: 25 "The shadows bow down" in the sense that they fall to the west in the morning and to the cast in the evening and so on. This shows that they, too, have to submit to some Law.