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22.72. Und wenn ihnen Unsere Zeichen als klare Beweise verlesen werden, erkennst du in den Gesichtern derjenigen, die ungläubig sind, Mißbilligung. Beinahe würden sie über diejenigen herfallen, die ihnen Unsere Zeichen verlesen. Sag: Soll ich euch denn kundtun, was schlechter ist als dies? (Es ist) das (Höllen)feuer; Allah hat es denjenigen angedroht hat, die ungläubig sind - ein schlimmer Ausgang!

[ alHagg:72 ]

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Suche in den deutschen Übersetzungen
Suche im englischen Tafsir von Maududi
Phonetische Suche im Quran (extern)

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alHigr (15)  Ayah: 60


Medina-Musshaf Seite 265

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

15.60. Illa imraatahu qaddarna innahalamina alghabiriina

15.60. Except his wife, of whom We had decreed that she should be of those who stay behind. (Pickthall)

15.60. Außer seiner Frau," Wir haben beschlossen, sie ist bestimmt eine von den Zurückbleibenden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

15.60. außer seiner Frau." Wir haben (es so) bestimmt, sie gehörte fürwahr zu denen, die zurückbleiben. (Bubenheim)

15.60. nur Lots Frau nicht, die wir zu denen zählen, die untergehen werden." (Azhar)

15.60. außer seiner Ehefrau. Wir bestimmten: ‚Gewiß, sie gehört doch zu den Vergehenden.‘ (Zaidan)

15.60. mit Ausnahme seiner Frau. Wir haben es (so) bestimmt. Sie gehört zu denen, die zurückbleiben (? al-ghaabiriena)." (Paret)

15.60. bis auf seine Frau. Wir bestimmten, daß sie unter denen sein wird, die zurückbleiben." (Rasul)

15.60. ausser seiner Frau. Es wurde beschlossen, dass sie zu den Zurückbleibenden gehören soll." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 51 bis 60

And tell them the story of the guests of Abraham. ( 30 ) When they came to him, they said, "Peace be to you". But he replied, "We are afraid of you." ( 31 ) They said, "Do not be afraid of us. We give you the good news of a sagacious son. " ( 32 ) Abraham said, "What! do you give me the good news of a son in my old age? Just consider what kind of good news you are giving me." They replied, "We are giving you a true good news; you should not be of those who despair". Abraham replied, only those who go astray, despair of their Lord's Mercy?' Then he asked them, "O Messengers of Allah ! What is the expedition for which you have been sent?" ( 33 ) They said, "We have been sent to (punish) a criminal people ( 34 ) with the exception of Lot's family; we will rescue all of them except his wife, who (Allah says) has been destined to remain with those who will stay behind. "

Desc No: 30
The story of Prophets Abraham and Lot has been related to tell the disbelievers of Makkah how angels come down with truth. This was in response to their demand. "Why do you not bring angels before us, if what you say be true?" (v. 7). Then, only this brief answer was given: "We do not send down angels in this way. When they come down, they come down with truth" (v. 8). Now these two events arc cited as two concrete forms of "truth" with which the angels came, as if to ask the disbelievers, "Now decide for yourselves which of these two forms of truth you want angels to bring to you. It is obvious that you do not deserve that "truth" which was sent to Prophet Abraham. Do you then desire that `truth" which the angels brought to the' people of Prophet Lot?" 

Desc No: 31
Please compare this story of Prophet Abraham with that contained in XI: 6 9-76. 

Desc No: 32
" ... a sagacious son" : Prophet Isaac . His name has been mentioned in connection with this good news in XI: 71. 

Desc No: 33
It appears from the question of Prophet Abraham that angels are sent down in human shape only on extraordinary occasions and on some important expedition. 

Desc No: 34
The fact that the angels did not name the people of Lot but merely referred to them as "the wicked people", shows that these people had become so notorious for their wicked deeds that there was no need to mention them by name before Prophet Abraham, who was well acquainted with the moral condition of all the people around him.  "

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