15.84. And that which they were wont to count as gain availed them not. (Pickthall)
15.84. Und es nutzte ihnen nicht, was sie erworben hatten. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
15.84. so nützte ihnen nicht, was sie erworben hatten. (Bubenheim)
15.84. Alles, was sie erworben hatten, gewährte ihnen keinen Schutz. (Azhar)
15.84. Und von ihnen hat nichts abwehren können das, was sie sich zu erwerben pflegten. (Zaidan)
15.84. und es nützte ihnen nicht, was sie (in ihrem Erdenleben) erworben hatten. (Paret)
15.84. Und alles, was sie sich erworben hatten, nützte ihnen nichts. (Rasul)
15.84. und alles, was sie erworben hatten, nützte ihnen nichts. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 80 bis 84
The people of Al Hijr ( 45 ) also treated the Messengers as impostors and We sent Our Revelations and showed Our Signs to them, but they went on ignoring all these things. They hewed their dwellings into the mountains and apparently lived in full security. But at last a violent blast over took them with the approach of the morning, and all that they had achieved proved of no avail to them. ( 46 )
Desc No: 45 AI-Hijr was the capital city of the people of Thamud, and its ruins are found near the modern city of Al-'Ula' which is to the north west of Al-Madinah, and lies on the route from AI-Madinah to Tabuk. Though the caravans had to pass through the valley of Al-Hijr, the Holy Prophet had forbidden the Muslims to stay in the valley on their journey. When Ibn Batutah reached there in the eighth century of Hijrah on his way to Makkah, he wrote: "I have seen the buildings of Thamud hewed into red mountains; the paintings look so bright as if they have been put on only recently....and rotten bones of human beings are found in them even today." (See E.N. 57 of VII.)
Desc No: 46 That is, "Their strong and secure buildings, which they had hewed into the mountains, could not protect them from the blast. " "