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74.42. "Was hat euch in Saqar geführt?"

[ alMuddatir:42 ]

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Medina-Musshaf Seite 269

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

16.21. Amwatun ghayru ahya-inwama yaschAAuruuna ayyana yubAAathuuna

16.21. (They are) dead, not living. And they know not when they will be raised. (Pickthall)

16.21. Gestorbene, nicht Lebendige, und sie sind nicht gewahr, wann sie auferweckt werden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

16.21. Tot (sind sie), nicht lebendig; und sie merken nicht, wann sie auferweckt werden. (Bubenheim)

16.21. Leblose, nicht Lebende, sind sie. Sie wissen nicht, wann die Auferstehung sich ereignen wird. (Azhar)

16.21. Sie sind Leblose, keine Lebendigen. Und sie merken nicht, wann sie erweckt werden. (Zaidan)

16.21. Tot (sind sie), nicht lebendig. Und sie merken es nicht (daß der jüngste Tag angebrochen ist), wenn sie (dereinst vom Tod) erweckt werden. (Paret)

16.21. Tot sind sie, nicht lebendig; und sie wissen nicht, wann sie erweckt werden. (Rasul)

16.21. (Sie sind) tot, nicht lebendig, und sie wissen nicht, wann sie auferweckt werden. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 20 bis 21

And the other beings, whom the people invoke, create nothing; nay, they are themselves created. They are dead, not living, and they do not know at all when they shall again be raised to life. ( 19 )

Desc No: 19
The words employed here to refute man-made deifies clearly indicate that these deities were deceased prophets, saints, martyrs and pious and other extraordinary beings buried in their graves and not angels, jinns, devils or idols. For the angels and devils are alive: therefore, the words, "They are dead, not living" cannot apply to them, and it is out of the question to say about idols of stone or wood that "They do not know at all when they shall again be raised to life" in the Hereafter. As regards the objection to this version that there were no such deities in Arabia, this is based on the lack of knowledge of the history of the pre-Islamic period. It is well known that there was a large number of Jews and Christians living among many clans of Arabia, who used to invoke and worship their Prophets, saints, etc. It is also a fact that many gods of the mushriks of Arabia were human beings, whose idols they had set up for worship after their death. According to a Tradition cited in Bukhari on the authority of Ibn ' Abbas, "Wadd, Sua`, Yaghuth, Ya`uq, and Nasr were pious human beings, whom the succeeding generations had made gods." In another Tradition, related by Hadrat 'A'ishah, Asaf and Na'ilah were human beings. There are also traditions to the same effect about Lat, Munat and 'Uzza. So much so that according to some traditions of the mushriks, Lat and `Uzza were the beloved ones of Allah who used to pass His winter with Lat and summer with `Uzza. But "Allah is absolutely free from such (absurd) things they attribute to Him. " 

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