16.50. Yakhafuuna rabbahum min fawqihimwayafAAaluuna ma yu/maruuna
16.50. They fear their Lord above them, and do what they are hidden. (Pickthall)
16.50. Sie fürchten ihren Herrn über ihnen und machen, was ihnen aufgetragen ist. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
16.50. Sie fürchten ihren Herrn über sich und tun, was ihnen befohlen wird. (Bubenheim)
16.50. Sie fürchten Gott, Der Macht über sie hat und tun alles, was ihnen befohlen wird. (Azhar)
16.50. Sie (die Engel) fürchten ihren HERRN über ihnen und tun, was ihnen geboten wird. (Zaidan)
16.50. Sie fürchten ihren Herrn (den sie) über sich (haben) und tun, was ihnen befohlen wird. (Paret)
16.50. Sie fürchten ihren Herrn über sich und tun, was ihnen befohlen wird. (Rasul)
16.50. Sie fürchten ihren Herrn, Der über ihnen ist, und tun, was ihnen befohlen wird. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 48 bis 50
And don't they observe anything created by Allah how it casts its shadow right and left, prostrating itself before Allah? ( 41 ) Thus all things express their humility. All the animate creation in the heavens and the earth and all the angels prostrate themselves in adoration before Allah; ( 42 ) they do not show any arrogance at all; they fear their Lord Who is above them, and do whatever they are bidden.
Desc No: 41 The argument is this: The fact that everything-a man, an animal, a tree or a mountain-casts its shadow, is a clear proof of its material nature, and everything which is made of matter, is a creation of Allah and is subject to a universal law. In this case the law is that every material thing casts its shadow, which is symbolical of its servitude, and it cannot have any share whatsoever in Godhead.
Desc No: 42 That is, "Not only all things on the earth alone but also all things in the heavens, including all those whom people have been regarding as gods and goddesses. and considering to be closely related to Allah arc subservient to God, and have no share whatsoever in His Godhead." Incidentally, it implies the existence of living creatures not only on the earth but in the planets, too. "