2.245. Man dha alladhii yuqriduAllaha qardan hasanan fayudaAAifahulahu adAAafan kathiiratan waAllahuyaqbidu wayabsutu wa-ilayhi turdschaAAuuna
2.245. Who is it that will lend unto Allah a goodly loan, so that He may give it increase manifold? Allah straiteneth and enlargeth. Unto Him ye will return. (Pickthall)
2.245. Wer ist es, der Allah ein gutes Darlehen leiht? So vervielfacht Er es ihnen vielmals, und Allah hält zurück und Er weitet aus, und zu Ihm werdet ihr zurückgebracht (Ahmad v. Denffer)
2.245. Wer ist es denn, der Allah ein schönes Darlehen gibt? So vermehrt Er es ihm um ein Vielfaches. Allah hält zurück und gewährt, und zu Ihm werdet ihr zurückgebracht. (Bubenheim)
2.245. Wer Gott ein gutes Darlehen gibt, dem gibt Er es mehrfach zurück. Es ist Gott, Der entscheidet, wem Er viel und wem Er wenig gibt. Zu Gott werdet ihr im Jenseits zurückgeführt werden.
2.245. Wer ist dieser, der um ALLAHs willen eine Hasan-Anleihe macht, damit ALLAH sie für ihn um ein Vielfaches vermehrt?! Und ALLAH lässt beengen und ausdehnen, und zu Ihm werdet ihr zurückgekehrt. (Zaidan)
2.245. Wer will Allah ein gutes Darlehen geben (indem er gute Werke tut), damit er ihm (bei der Abrechnung am jüngsten Tag) vervielfache? Allah teilt (je nachdem) knapp und reichlich zu (ganz wie er will). Und zu ihm werdet ihr (dereinst) zurückgebracht. (Paret)
2.245. Wer ist es, der Allah ein gutes Darlehen gibt, damit Er es ihm um ein vielfaches verdoppele? Und Allah schmälert und mehrt, und zu Ihm werdet ihr zurückgebracht. (Rasul)
2.245. Wer ist bereit, Allah ein schönes Darlehen zu gewähren, damit Er es für ihn um ein Vielfaches vermehrt? Allah (allein) schmälert und vermehrt, und zu Ihm werdet ihr (dereinst) zurückgebracht. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 243 bis 245
Have ( 265 ) you ever reflected upon the case of those who fled their homes for fear of death, and they were thousands in number? So Allah said to them, "Die"; then He again gave them life. ( 266 ) Indeed Allah is bountiful to mankind, but most of the people are ungrateful. O Muslims, fight in the way of Allah and know that Allah hears everything and knows everything. Who is there among you who will lend to Allah a good loan ( 267 ) that He may return it after multiplying it manifold? Allah alone can decrease and increase (wealth) and to Him you shall all return.
Desc No: 265 From here begins a new address. In it the Muslims have been exhorted to do Jihad," i.e., to exert their utmost in the Way of Allah and make monetary sacrifices for the cause. At the same time they have been warned to guard against those weaknesses that had led to the degeneration and downfall of the children of Israel. It will help understand this address, if we keep in mind the occasion of its revelation. At that time the Muslims, who had been expelled from Makkah a year or so earlier and were living as refugees at Madinah, were asking over and over again for permission to fight with the disbelievers who had been persecuting them relentlessly for years. But, when the permission they themselves had asked was given, some of them began to lose heart (Please refer to Al-Baqarah, II : 216). That is why two important events from the history of the Israelites are being related to serve as a fore-warning to the Muslims and to stimulate their zeal and courage.
Desc No: 266 This refers to the exodus of the children of lsrael (for details please see Al-Ma'idah, V: 20-26), when they had left Egypt in large numbers and were wandering homeless in the deserts and wildernesses and were very anxious to find a home for themselves. But when inspired by Allah, the Prophet Moses ordered them to fight against the Canaanites and expel them from Palestine and conquer that territory, they showed cowardice and refused to march forward. Consequently Allah left them to wander in the land for forty years so that that generation should come to an end and a new one be brought up in the hardships of the desert. Then Allah gave them victory over the Canaanites. Probably "death and second life" refer to these two aspects of the exodus.
Desc No: 267 "Good loan" is that which is lent without any idea of personal gain or interest but is given with the sole intention to please Allah. Allah in His bounty credits the wealth thus spent in His Way as a loan on Himself. He promises that He will not only return the actual debt but increase it manifold, provided that it is a good loan in the real sense and is lent merely to please Him and for the sake of the objects He approves. "