2.27. Alladhiina yanquduuna AAahdaAllahi min baAAdi miithaqihi wayaqtaAAuuna maamara Allahu bihi an yuusala wayufsiduuna fii al-ardiola-ika humu alkhasiruuna
2.27. Those who break the covenant of Allah after ratifying it and sever that which Allah ordered to be joined, and (who) make mischief in the earth: Those are they who are the losers (Pickthall)
2.27. Welche die Abmachung mit Allah auflösen, nach ihrem Vertrag, und zerschneiden, was Allah aufgetragen hat, daß es verbunden ist, und auf der Erde Unheil anrichten, diese sind es, - sie sind die Verlierer. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
2.27. die Allahs Bund nach seiner Abmachung brechen und trennen, was Allah befohlen hat, daß es verbunden werden soll, und auf der Erde Unheil stiften - das sind die Verlierer. (Bubenheim)
2.27. diejenigen, die den Bund mit Gott brechen, nachdem er geschlossen worden war, die Bindungen nicht einhalten, wie Gott befohlen hat, und Unheil auf Erden stiften. Sie sind die Verlierer.
2.27. Es sind diejenigen, die das von ALLAH Auferlegte nach dessen verbindlichem Abschluss verletzen, das abbrechen, dessen Verbindung ALLAH gebot, und auf der Erde Verderben anrichten. Diese sind die eigentlichen Verlierer. (Zaidan)
2.27. Diejenigen, die eine Verpflichtung (die sie) gegen Allah (eingegangen haben) brechen, nachdem sie (in aller Form) abgemacht war, und zerreißen, was nach Allahs Gebot zusammengehalten werden soll, und auf der Erde Unheil anrichten, haben (letzten Endes) den Schaden. (Paret)
2.27. die den Bund Allahs brechen, nachdem dieser geschlossen wurde, und die zerreißen, was nach Allahs Gebot zusammengehalten werden soll, und Unheil auf der Erde anrichten. Diese sind die Verlierer. (Rasul)
2.27. die den Bund brechen, den sie mit Allah geschlossen haben, zerschneiden was Allah zu verbinden gebot, und Verderben auf der Erde stiften. Das sind die Verlierer. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 26 bis 27
Well, Allah is not ashamed to cite the similitude of a gnat or of something even more insignificant than this ( 28 ) . As for those who believe, they come to know from the same similitude that it is the Revelation from their Lord; but those who disbelieve, say, "What does Allah mean by such similitudes?" ( 29 ) Allah leads astray many and guides many to the right way by the same thing ( 30 ) . And He leads astray only those who disobey Allah; who break Allah's covenant after ratifying it ( 31 ) ; who cut asunder what Allah has ordered to be joined ( 32 ) , and who produce chaos on the Earth ( 33 ) . These are the people who are indeed the losers.
Desc No: 28 Here an objection has been answered without making mention of it. The objection was that if the Qur'an had been the Book of Allah, it would not have adduced illustrations from such insignificant things as gnats, spiders, ants, bees, etc.
Desc No: 29 Those people who do not want to understand the Reality and do not seek the Truth, get entangled in the words of such similitudes, draw wrong conclusions and go astray from the Truth on account of their own perversion. On the contrary, the seekers-after-truth, who are possessed of insight, ponder over the wisdom contained in them and are convinced that these sublime things can only be from Allah.
Desc No: 30 "Fasiq ": disobedient, the one who transgresses the bounds set by Allah.
Desc No: 31 The edicts or instructions issued by a sovereign to his subjects are called 'ahd according to the Arabic idiom, because they are obligatory on them. In this verse the word 'ahd has been used in the same sense. Allah's `ahd is His standing command to mankind to submit to Him, to obey Him and worship Him alone. The ratification of the same refers to the covenant to which the while of mankind agreed at the creation of Adam: it was that they would submit to Allah. (For further details, please refer to Al-A'raf, VII: 172).
Desc No: 32 That is, these people break off the relations which Allah has enjoined to be established and upon the establishment and strength of which depends man's individual and collective well-being. This concise sentence is so vast in meaning that it covers the whole of the moral world, ranging from relations between two persons to international relations. "Breaking off relations" not only implies violation of human relations but it also implies abuse of relations in any way, because the result will be the same if and when these relations are not observed rightly and. properly. The Qur'an, therefore, abhors not only their violation but also their abuse as it causes chaos, conflict and disorder in the world.
Desc No: 33 In these sentences the full definition of fasiq has been given: he is one who breaks off or vitiates relations between man and Allah or between man and man, and thus produces chaos on the earth. "