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20.27. Und löse den Knoten in meiner Zunge,

[ Ta Ha:27 ]

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

20.132. Wa/mur ahlaka bialssalatiwaistabir AAalayha la nas-alukarizqan nahnu narzuquka waalAAaqibatu lilttaqwa

20.132. And enjoin upon thy people worship, and be constant therein. We ask not of thee a provision: We provide for thee. And the sequel is for righteousness. (Pickthall)

20.132. Und trage deinen Angehörigen das Gebet auf und beharre geduldig auf ihm. Nicht verlangen Wir von dir Versorgung, Wir versorgen dich, und das endgültige Ende ist um der Gottesfurcht willen. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

20.132. Und befiehl deinen Angehörigen, das Gebet (zu verrichten), und sei beharrlich darin. Wir fordern keine Versorgung von dir; Wir versorgen dich. Und das (gute) Ende gehört der Gottesfurcht. (Bubenheim)

20.132. Halte deine Angehörigen zum Gebet an und befleißige dich dabei der Geduld!. Wir verlangen von dir keinen Unterhalt. Wir sind es, Die dich versorgen. Der Frömmigkeit gebührt das gute Ende. (Azhar)

20.132. Und gebiete deiner Familie das rituelle Gebet und übe dich darin in Geduld. WIR bitten dich nicht um Rizq. WIR gewähren dir Rizq. Und das Anschließende ist für die Taqwa. (Zaidan)

20.132. Und befiehl deinen Angehörigen das Gebet (salaat) (zu verrichten), und harre (selber) darin aus! Wir verlangen von dir keinen Unterhalt. Wir bescheren (umgekehrt) dir (den Unterhalt). Und das Ende fällt (dereinst) zugunsten der Gottesfurcht aus. (Paret)

20.132. Und fordere die Deinen zum Gebet auf und sei (selbst) darin ausdauernd. Wir verlangen keinen Unterhalt von dir; Wir Selbst sorgen für dich. Und der Ausgang ist durch Gottesfurcht vorgegeben. (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 129 bis 132

Had not a decree been fore-ordained by your Lord and a term for respite been appointed, judgement on them would have been passed now immediately. Therefore O Muhammad, endure what they say and glorify your Lord with His praise before the rising of the sun and before its setting, and glorify Him during the hours of the night and at the extremes of the day: ( 111 ) perhaps you may feel satisfied. ( 112 ) And do not cast an envious look at the worldly property We have bestowed on different kinds of people, for We have given them all that to put them to trial, and the lawful provision ( 113 ) of your Lord is better and more lasting: enjoin Salat on the members of your family ( 114 ) and yourself also observe it strictly. We do not ask any provision of you, for it is We Ourself Who give you provision. And the ultimate good is for piety. ( 115 )

Desc No: 111
This is to comfort and console the Holy Prophet, as if to say, "Allah does not intend to destroy them yet, for He has appointed for them a term of respite, so you should endure with patience whatever they do against you and hear their harsh talk and go on performing the obligations of your Mission. For this purpose you should offer Salat in accordance with the prescribed times because it will create in you necessary forbearance and fortitude".
"Glorify your Lord" means: "Offer your prescribed Prayers", as is clear from v. 132:

Incidentally in this verse (130) the times of Salat have been prescribed: (1) Fajr Prayer before sunrise, (2) `Asr Prayer before sunset, (3) `Isha and Tahajjud Prayers during the hours of night. Morning and Afternoon (Dhuhr) and Evening (Maghrib) Prayers "at the extremes of the day." (See also E.N.'s. 91 to 97 of Chapter XV11.)  

Desc No: 112
The original Arabic Text admits of two meanings:
(1) "Rest content with your present condition in which you have to hear many unpleasant things for the sake of your Mission, and submit to this decree that they are not being punished for the time being, for they will continue to persecute you and at the same time lead prosperous lives."
(2) "Go on performing your Mission, for as a result of this, you will be fully satisfied."
This second meaning is supported by (a) XVII: 79: "That time is not far, when your Lord may exalt you to a laudable position," which follows the commandment about Salat, (b) XCIII: 45: "Surely the later period of life will be better for you than the former, and in the near future your Lord will give you so much that you will be fully satisfied."  

Desc No: 113
It means: "It does not behove you and your companions to be envious of the riches of the wicked people who are amassing wealth by unlawful means. The best thing for you is the lawful provision which you earn by your hard labour, even though this may be meagre in quantity. That is better for the pious and righteous and is of everlasting virtue."  

Desc No: 114
That is, "Teach your children also that lawful provision is much better than the unlawful riches of the wicked people. For this purpose, enjoin them to say their prescribed Prayers, for this will change their attitude, their standard of values, and make them contented with pure provisions and virtuous life in preference to the life of sin and luxury." 

Desc No: 115
It implies this: "We do not ask you to offer your Prayers for any benefit of Our own. We ask you to do that for your own good, because this will create piety in you which will bring about true success for you in this world and in the Hereafter."  "

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