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30.59. So versiegelt Allah die Herzen derjenigen, die nicht Bescheid wissen.

[ arRum:59 ]

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Medina-Musshaf Seite 314

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

20.50. Qala rabbuna alladhiiaAAta kulla schay-in khalqahu thumma hada

20.50. He said: Our Lord is He Who gave unto evening its nature, then guided it aright. (Pickthall)

20.50. Er sagte: "Unser Herr ist derjenige, der jeder Sache ihr Geschaffensein gegeben und dann rechtgeleitet hat." (Ahmad v. Denffer)

20.50. Er sagte: "Unser Herr ist derjenige, der allem seine Natur gegeben und (es) hierauf rechtgeleitet hat." (Bubenheim)

20.50. Moses sagte: "Unser Herr ist Der, Der jedem Geschöpf seine eigene Schöpfungsart verlieh und ihm seinen Weg wies." (Azhar)

20.50. Er sagte: „Unser HERR ist Derjenige, Der jeder Sache ihre Gestalt verliehen hat, dann Rechtleitung erwies.“ (Zaidan)

20.50. Moses sagte: "Unser Herr ist der, der einem jeden Ding seine kreatürliche Art gegeben und hierauf (die Menschen) rechtgeleitet hat." (Paret)

20.50. Er sagte: "Unser Herr ist Der, Der jedem Ding seine Schöpfungsart gab, alsdann es zu seiner Bestimmung führte." (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 50 bis 50

Moses replied, "Our Lord is He ( 22 ) - Who has given a distinctive form to everything and then guided it aright. " ( 23 )

Desc No: 22
That is, "We acknowledge Him alone as our Lord in every sense: He is our Sustainer, our Maker, our Master, our Sovereign and is Supreme in everything, and there is no other lord in any sense but He." 

Desc No: 23
This concise sentence needs serious attention. It means that it is Allah alone Who has created everything and given it its distinctive structure, form, capabilities, characteristics, etc.
(1) For instance, tnan has been given the hands and feet which are given the most appropriate structure that was needed for their right functioning.
(2) A human being, an animal, a plant, mineral and the like, air, water and light-everything has been given that particular form which was needed for its right functioning in the universe.
(3) Then He has guided everything aright to function properly. It is He Who has taught everything the way to fulfil that object for which it has been created. He has taught the ear to hear and the eye to see; the fish to swim and the swallow to fly; the earth to grow vegetation and the tree to blossom and bear fruit. In short, He is not only the Creator of everything but also its Guide and Teacher.
Prophet Moses employed this concise and meaningful sentence to convey the Message to Pharaoh and his people. He not only gave a suitable reply to Pharaoh as to who his Lord was, but also told him why He was his Lord, and how there was no other lord than He. The argument implied in it was this: As Pharaoh and every one of his subjects was obliged to Allah for his human form and could trot live even for a moment without the functioning of the different parts of his body which were performing their functions in accordance with the guidance of Allah, so Pharaoh's claim that he was the lord of the people was absurd, and its acknowledgment by his people that he was their Lord, a folly.
Besides this, Prophet Moses also hinted at the need of Prophethood which was denied by Pharaoh. When Allah guides everything in the universe, He has also to fulfil the need of the guidance of mankind. Whereas the guidance of. the animals and birds has been provided by instinct, the guidance of rational human beings has been provided by sending Messengers who appealed to them by rational arguments.   "

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