21.20. They glorify (Him) night and day; they flag not. (Pickthall)
21.20. Sie preisen Ihn des Nachts und zur Tageszeit, sie ermatten nicht. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
21.20. Sie preisen (Ihn) Nacht und Tag und lassen (darin) nicht nach. (Bubenheim)
21.20. Sie lobpreisen Ihn unablässig Tag und Nacht. (Azhar)
21.20. Sie lobpreisen (Ihn) die ganze Nacht und den ganzen Tag, sie lassen nicht nach. (Zaidan)
21.20. Sie preisen (ihn) unablässig Tag und Nacht. (Paret)
21.20. Sie verherrlichen (Ihn) bei Nacht und Tag; (und) sie lassen (darin) nicht nach. (Rasul)
21.20. Sie lobpreisen (Ihn) unablässig Nacht und Tag. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 19 bis 20
All that exists in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah : ( 18 ) and (the angels) who are near Him ( 19 ) disdain not to serve Him, nor do they feel wearied : ( 20 ) they glorify Him night and day without taking rest.
Desc No: 18 From here begins the discourse on the confirmation of Tauhid and the refutation of shirk for these were the actual bases of the conflict between the Holy Prophet and the disbelievers of Makkah. The line of argument is this: The whole system of the universe is a clear proof that there is One Allah Who is its Creator, Sovereign, Ruler, and Lord and it is a falsehood that there are many gods who are partners in His Kingdom and Sovereignty, or that there is a Supreme God Who has under Him some minor gods to conduct the affairs of His Kingdom. This proof is also based on the preceding verses in which it has been stated that the universe has not bleu created as a pastime or a plaything, but for a serious purpose and that there has always been a conflict between the Truth and falsehood, and falsehood has always been defeated and destroyed.
Desc No: 19 That is, the angels whom the mushriks of Arabia believed to be the children of God and worshipped them as partners in Godhead.
Desc No: 20 That is, "They are engaged in His service day and night without grumbling or ever feeling wearied."