23.52. And lo! this your religion is one religion and I am your Lord, so keep your duty unto Me. (Pickthall)
23.52. Und diese eure Gemeinschaft ist eine einzige Gemeinschaft, und Ich bin euer Herr, also fürchtet Mich! (Ahmad v. Denffer)
23.52. Gewiß, diese ist eure Gemeinschaft, eine einzige Gemeinschaft, und Ich bin euer Herr; so fürchtet Mich!" (Bubenheim)
23.52. Eure Religionsgemeinschaft ist eine einheitliche, (sind doch die Offenbarungen im Grunde gleich) und Ich bin allein euer Herr. Darum sollt ihr nur Mich fürchten. (Azhar)
23.52. Und gewiss diese eure Umma, ist eine einheitliche Umma, und ICH bin euer HERR, so handelt Taqwa gemäß Mir gegenüber! (Zaidan)
23.52. Und dies ist eure Gemeinschaft (umma). Es ist eine einzige Gemeinschaft. und ich bin euer Herr. Mich (allein) sollt ihr fürchten." (Paret)
23.52. Und diese eure Gemeinschaft ist eine einheitliche Gemeinschaft, und Ich bin euer Herr. So fürchtet Mich. (Rasul)
23.52. Diese eure Gemeinschaft ist eine einzige Gemeinschaft, und Ich bin euer Herr, also fürchtet Mich." (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 51 bis 52
O Messengers, ( 45 ) eat of pure things and do righteous deeds, ( 46 ) for I am fully aware of what you do. And you all belong to one and the same community, and I am your Lord: so fear Me. ( 47 )
Desc No: 45 In the preceding passage (vv. 23-50), the stories of some Prophets have been related as individuals, but in this verse all of them have been addressed together. However, it does not mean that they were present at one and the same place at the time of address. As a matter of fact, this way of address has been adopted to show that the Message of all the Messengers, who came to different countries in different ages, was the same and they all belonged to one and the same community. (v. 52). Therefore the Message to one Messenger was meant to be the Message for each one of them. In this verse, they have been addressed together as if they were present at one and the same place in order to emphasize this same aspect of the matter. But it is an irony that some stupid people of this age have concluded that this verse has been addressed to those messengers who were to come after Prophet Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him). It is obvious that this interpretation cannot fit in the context in which the verse occurs.
Desc No: 46 "Pure things" implies that they should be wholesome and must have been earned in lawful ways. Here the instruction, "eat of pure things", is meant to refute the theory and practice of asceticism. The Qur'an teaches the middle way between the life of asceticism and that of licence. The fact that the instruction, "eat of pure things", precedes "do righteous deeds", is meant to impress that righteous deeds are meaningless without eating lawful provisions. The Holy Prophet impressed this very thing, saying, "O people, Allah is pure and loves pure things." Then he recited this verse (51) and said, "A person makes a long pilgrimage in a dishevelled condition and prays with raised hands, `O my Lord, O my Lord', whereas he eats unlawful food, wears unlawful clothes and has been brought up on unlawful provisions. How can such a one expect that Allah will grant his prayer?" (Related by Abu Hurairah).
Desc No: 47 The original Arabic word ummat (community) comprises those individuals who have something basic common among them. All the Messengers of Allah belonged to one and the same community because .they had the same creed and the same religion and the same Message. See also Al-Baqarah (II): 130-133 and 213, Al-`Imran (III): 19-20, 33-34, 64, 79-85, An-Nisa'(IV): 150-152, Al- A'araf (VII): 59, 65, 73, 85, Yusuf (XII): 37-40, Maryam (XIX) :49-59, and AlAnbiya' (XXII): 71-93 along with the relevant E.N.'s. "