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12.67. Und er sagte: "O meine Kinder, geht nicht (alle) durch ein einziges Tor hinein, sondern geht durch verschiedene Tore hinein. Ich kann euch gegen Allah nichts nützen. Das Urteil ist allein Allahs. Auf Ihn verlasse ich mich; und auf Ihn sollen sich diejenigen verlassen, die sich (überhaupt auf jemanden) verlassen (wollen)."

[ Yusuf:67 ]

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Suche im englischen Tafsir von Maududi
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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah anNur (24)  Ayah: 50


Medina-Musshaf Seite 356

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

24.50. Afii quluubihim maradun ami irtabuuam yakhafuuna an yahiifa Allahu AAalayhimwarasuuluhu bal ola-ika humu aldhdhalimuuna

24.50. Is there in their hearts a disease, or have they doubts, or fear they lest Allah and His messenger should wrong them in judgment? Nay, but such are evil doers. (Pickthall)

24.50. Ist in ihren Herzen eine Krankheit, oder haben sie Zweifel, oder fürchten sie, daß Allah ihnen Willkür antut, und Sein Gesandter? Vielmehr sind diese, sie sind die Unrechthandelnden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

24.50. Ist denn in ihren Herzen Krankheit, oder haben sie etwa Zweifel, oder befürchten sie, daß Allah gegen sie ungerecht sein könnte, und (auch) Sein Gesandter? Nein! Vielmehr sind eben sie die Ungerechten. (Bubenheim)

24.50. Haben sie eine Krankheit im Herzen, oder hegen sie Zweifel, oder fürchten sie, dass Gott und Sein Gesandter ihnen unrecht tun? Sie sind es, die Unrecht tun. (Azhar)

24.50. Ist etwa in ihren Herzen Krankheit, oder haben sie etwa Zweifel (an ihm), oder fürchten sie etwa, dass ALLAH und Sein Gesandter sie benachteiligen?! Nein, sondern diese sind die wirklichen Unrecht-Begehenden. (Zaidan)

24.50. Haben sie etwa eine Krankheit in ihrem Herzen, oder hegen sie Zweifel, oder fürchten sie, Allah und sein Gesandter würde ihnen Unrecht tun? Nein (Eben) sie sind die (wahren) Frevler. (Paret)

24.50. Ist Krankheit in ihren Herzen? Oder zweifeln sie, oder fürchten sie, daß Allah und Sein Gesandter ungerecht gegen sie sein würden? Nein, sie sind es selbst, die Unrecht begehen. (Rasul)

24.50. Ist in ihren Herzen Krankheit, oder zweifeln sie, oder fürchten sie, dass Allah und Sein Gesandter ihnen Unrecht tun könnten? Nein, vielmehr sind sie diejenigen, die Unrecht tun. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 47 bis 50

These people say "We have believed in Allah and the Messenger and we have submitted"; but soon after this, some of them turn away (from obedience): such people are not true Believers. ( 76 ) When they are called to Allah and His Messenger so that the Messenger may judge between them, ( 77 ) a party of them turns away. ( 78 ) However, if the truth be on their side, they come towards the Messenger in all obedience. ( 79 ) Are their hearts afflicted with the disease (of hypocrisy)? Or, are they in doubt? Or, do they fear that Allah and His Messenger will be unjust to them ? In fact, they themselves are unjust. ( 80 )

Desc No: 76
That is, their turning away from obedience itself belies their claim that they are believers and their conduct clearly shows that their profession of faith and submission was absolutely false.  

Desc No: 77
These words clearly state that thejudgement of the Prophet is the judgement of Allah and the Command of the Prophet is the Command of Allah. Therefore, the invitation to obey the Prophet is an invitation to obey both Allah and His Prophet. (Also see An-Nisa: 59-61, and the E.N.'s thereof).  

Desc No: 78
This dces not only apply to the cases which came up before the Holy Prophet for a decision in his lifetime, but this continues valid even today. Thus, a summon from the court of a judge in an Islamic government, who judges a case in accordance with the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet, is actually a summon from the Court of Allah and His Prophet and the one who repudiates the judge indeed repudiates both Allah and His Prophet. This thing has been explained in a tradition related by Hasan Basri thus: "Whosoever is summoned to appear before a judge from among the judges of the Muslims but fails to appear before him, he is a transgressor and forfeits his rights." (Al-Jassas, Ahkam-ul-Qur'an, Vol. III, p. 405). In other words, such a person not only renders himself punishable but also guilty and liable to be proceeded against.  

Desc No: 79
This verse states that a person who willingly accepts only that part of the Divine Law which serves his advantage, but rejects that which goes against his interests and desires, and prefers the worldly laws instead, is not a believer but a hypocrite. His profession of Faith is false for he dces not in fact believe in Allah and His Prophet but in his own interests and desires. With this attitude even if he believes in and follows a portion of the Divine Law, his belief has no value whatever in the sight of Allah 

Desc No: 80
That is, there can be only three reasons for such a conduct. First, a person may not have believed at all but may only be posing as a Muslim in order to enjoy the benefits of belonging to the Muslim community. Secondly, he might have believed but may still be having doubts about the reality of the Prophethood, Revelations, life-after-death, and even the existence of Allah Himself. Thirdly, he may be a believer but might at the same time be apprehending injustice from Allah and His Prophet and considering their Commands disadvantageous to him personally in one way or the other. There can be no doubt that the people belonging to any of these categories are themselves unjust. A person who, having such doubts and suspicions, enters the Muslim community and enjoys undeserved benefits posing himself as a member thereof, is indeed a deceiver, cheat and forger. He is not only doing injustice to himself, practising constant falsehood and developing the meanest traits of character, but he is being unjust to the Muslim people as well, who look upon him as one of themselves merely on the basis of his verbal profession of the Faith and let him enjoy all sorts of social, cultural, political and moral relations with them as such.  

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