25.40. Walaqad ataw AAala alqaryati allatiiomtirat matara alssaw-i afalam yakuunuuyarawnaha bal kanuu la yardschuuna nuschuuran
25.40. And indeed they have passed by the township whereon was rained the fatal rain. Can it be that they have not seen it? Nay, but they hope for no resurrection. (Pickthall)
25.40. Und sie sind schon zu der Ansiedlung gekommen, auf die der Regen des Unheils herabregnete. Und sie haben sie nicht gesehen? - Vielmehr erhoffen sie keine Auferstehung. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
25.40. Sie kamen doch an der Stadt vorbei, auf die der Unheilsregen niederging. Haben sie sie denn nicht gesehen? Nein! Vielmehr erwarten sie keine Auferstehung. (Bubenheim)
25.40. Sie kamen wiederholt an der Stadt (von Lots Volk) vorbei, die der unheilvolle Steinregen heimgesucht hatte. Haben sie sie sich nicht mit Bedacht angesehen? Wie hätten sie es können, leugnen sie doch die Auferstehung! (Azhar)
25.40. Und gewiß, bereits kamen sie doch zur Ortschaft, die mit dem Regen des Unheils beregnet wurde. Haben sie sie etwa noch nicht gesehen?! Nein, sondern sie pflegten auf keine Erweckung zu hoffen. (Zaidan)
25.40. Sie kamen doch (immer wieder) zu der Stadt, über die der üble Regen niedergegangen ist. Haben sie sie denn nicht (immer wieder) gesehen? Aber nein! Sie rechneten (eben) nicht mit einer Auferweckung (von den Toten). (Paret)
25.40. Und wahrlich, sie kamen vorüber an der Stadt, auf die ein Unheilsregen niederging. Haben sie sie denn nicht gesehen? Nein, sie haben nicht mit der Auferstehung gerechnet. (Rasul)
25.40. Sie sind doch immer wieder an der Stadt (Sodom) vorbeigegangen, auf die ein verheerender (Stein)regen niederging. Haben sie diese denn nicht gesehen? (Doch sie ziehen keine Lehren daraus,) denn sie glauben nicht an die Auferstehung. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 35 bis 40
We gave Moses the Book ( 48 ) and appointed his brother Aaron as his counsellor: then We said to them, "Go to the people who have treated Our Revelations as false. " ( 49 ) So We annihilated those people utterly. The same was the case with the people of Noah when they charged the Messenger with imposture: ( 50 ) We drowned them and made them a sign of warning for entire mankind, and We have prepared a painful chastisement for the unjust. ( 51 ) Likewise were destroyed the `Ad and the Thamud and the people of the Rass, ( 52 ) and many a generation in between. We admonished each one of them by citing the examples (of those who were destroyed before them) and ultimately annihilated all of them. Surely, these people have passed by that habitation on which was rained an evil rain: ( 53 ) have they not seen its ruins ? But they do not expect another life in the Hereafter. ( 54 )
Desc No: 48 Here by "the Book" is not meant the Torah, which was given to Prophet Moses after the exodus from Egypt, but it implies that Divine Guidance which was given to him after his appointment as a Prophet up to the Exodus. It included the orations delivered by him in the court of Pharaoh and also the instructions given to him during his conflict with Pharaoh as mentioned in the Qur'an here and there. Most probably, these things were not included in the Torah; the Torah began with the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses engraved on stone tablets on Mount Sinai after the Exodus.
Desc No: 49 "Revelations": The Divine teachings which had reached them through Prophets Jacob and Joseph, and which had been preached to them by the righteous people of Israel for centuries
Desc No: 50 They did not charge only Prophet Noah with imposture because he was a man, but, in fact, charged all the Prophets with imposture because they were all human beings.
Desc No: 51 That is, a painful chastisement in the Hereafter.
Desc No: 52 There is no definite knowledge about "the people of the Raas'' . Different commentators have said different things about them, but nothing is convincing. The only thing that may be said about them is that they were a people who had killed their Prophet by throwing him into or hanging him down a "Rass " (an old or dry well).
Desc No: 53 The habitation referred to was that of the people of Prophet Lot, which was destroyed by a rain of stones. The people of Hijaz while traveling to Palestine and Syria, passed by its ruins and heard the horrible tales of its destruction .
Desc No: 54 As the disbelievers did not believe in the Hereafter, they looked at these ancient ruins as mere spectators and did not take any warning from them. Incidentally, this is the difference between the observation of a disbeliever and of a Believer in the Hereafter: the former looks at such things as a mere spectator or at the most as an archaeologist whereas the latter learns moral lessons from the same and obtains an insight into the realities beyond this worldly life.