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[ Ya Sin:17 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah asSu'ara (26)  Ayah: 102


Medina-Musshaf Seite 371

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

26.102. Falaw anna lana karratan fanakuunamina almu/miniina

26.102. Oh, that we had another turn (on earth), that we might be of the believers! (Pickthall)

26.102. Und wenn es für uns eine Rückkehr gäbe, so wären wir welche von den Gläubigen." (Ahmad v. Denffer)

26.102. Hätten wir doch eine (Möglichkeit zur) Wiederholung, damit wir zu den Gläubigen gehörten!" (Bubenheim)

26.102. Könnten wir doch zum irdischen Leben zurückkehren, dann würden wir uns unter die Gläubigen reihen!" (Azhar)

26.102. Würde uns doch nur eine Rückkehr gewährt, dann wären wir von den Mumin!“ (Zaidan)

26.102. Hätten wir doch (Gelegenheit zur) Umkehr, damit wir (schließlich) gläubig wären (und keine falschen Götter mehr verehren würden)." (Paret)

26.102. Wenn es doch für uns eine Rückkehr gäbe, (dann) wären wir unter den Gläubigen!" (Rasul)

26.102. Wenn uns eine Rückkehr möglich wäre, wären wir sicherlich unter den Gläubigen." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 90 bis 102

(On that Day) ( 66 ) Paradise will be brought close to the righteous, and Hell will be set open before the straying ones, ( 67 ) and they will be asked: "Where are those whom you worshipped instead of Allah? Are they of any help to you, or even to themselves ?" Then these deities and those erring people, and the hosts of Satan, all will be hurled into it, one upon the other. ( 68 ) Therein they will dispute with one another, and these erring people will say (to their deities): "By God ! We had certainly strayed when we held you equal in rank with the Lord of the worlds, and they were criminals indeed who led us astray. ( 69 ) Now we have neither any intercessor ( 70 ) nor any true friend. ( 71 ) Would that we were given a chance to return (to the world) so that we became believers. ( 72 )

Desc No: 66
Verses 90-102 do not seem to be a part of Prophet Abraham's speech, but they are Allah's words.  

Desc No: 67
That is, on the one hand, the righteous people will be shown the countless blessings which they will enjoy in Paradise by Allah's grace, and on the other, Hell will be set open with all its dreads and horrors before the straying people, when they will still be in the Plain of Resurrection.  

Desc No: 68
Kubkibu in the Text has two meanings: (1) They will be hurled into Hell one upon the other; and (2) they will go on rolling down into the depths of Hell.  

Desc No: 69
This is how the followers will treat their religious leaders and guides, whom they served and revered like deities in the world, whose words and patterns of behaviour they took as authoritative and before whom they presented all sorts of offerings in the world. In the Hereafter when the people will find that their guides had misled them and caused their ruin as well as their own, they will hold them responsible for it and will curse them. The Qur'an has presented this horrible scene of the Hereafter at several places so as to admonish the blind followers to see and judge carefully whether their guides in this world were leading them on the right path or not. For instance: "As each generation will be entering Hell, it will curse its preceding generation till all generations shall be gathered together there; then each succeeding generation will say regarding the preceding one, `O Lord, these were the people who led us astray; therefore give them a double chastisement of the Fire.' Allah will reply, `There is a double chastisement for every one but you know it not'." (Al-A`raf: 38). "And the disbelievers will say, `Our Lord, bring those jinns and men before us, who led us astray so that we may trample them under our feet and put them to extreme disgrace'." (Ha Mim Sajdah: 29). "And they will say, `Our Lord, we obeyed our chiefs and our great men and they misled us from the right path; our Lord, give them a double chastisement and curse them with a severe curse'." (Al-Ahzab: 67-68). 

Desc No: 70
That is, "Those whom we regarded as our intercessors in the world and who, we believed, would take us safely into Paradise, are utterly helpless today and of no avail to us." 

Desc No: 71
That is, "We have no sympathizer either who could feel for us and console us." The Qur'an says that in the Hereafter only the believers will continue to be friends; as for the disbelievers, they will turn enemies of one another even though they had been sworn friends in the world. Each will hold the other as responsible for the doom and try to get him maximum punishment. "Friends on that Day will become enemies of one another except the righteous (who will continue to be friends)." (Az-Zukhruf: 67) . 

Desc No: 72
That Qur'an has given an answer to this kind of longing and desire as well:".. evenif they be sent back to the earthly life, they would do all that they had beenforbidden to do." (Al-An`am: 28). As for the reasons why they will not be allowed to return to the world, please see E.N.'s 90-92 of Al-Mu'minun above.  

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