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28.79. Und so trat er zu seinem Volk in seinem Schmuck heraus. Diejenigen, die das diesseitige Leben begehrten, sagten: "O hätten doch (auch) wir das gleiche wie das, was Qarun gegeben worden ist! Er hat wahrlich gewaltiges Glück."

[ alQasas:79 ]

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Suche im englischen Tafsir von Maududi
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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah asSu'ara (26)  Ayah: 42


Medina-Musshaf Seite 369

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

26.42. Qala naAAam wa-innakum idhanlamina almuqarrabiina

26.42. He said: Aye, and ye will then surely be of those brought near (to me). (Pickthall)

26.42. Er sagte: "Ja, und ihr seid dann bestimmt mir nahe." (Ahmad v. Denffer)

26.42. Er sagte: "Ja. Und ihr werdet dann also fürwahr zu den Nahegestellten gehören." (Bubenheim)

26.42. Er sprach: "Ja, Und ihr werdet zu den mir Nahestehenden gehören." (Azhar)

26.42. Er sagte: „Ja! Und gewiß, ihr werdet dann doch von den Vertrauten sein.“ (Zaidan)

26.42. Er sagte: "Ja. Und ihr gehört dann zu denen, die (uns) nahestehen." (Paret)

26.42. Er sagte: "Ja, und dann werdet ihr zu unseren Nächsten gehören." (Rasul)

26.42. Er sagte: "Gewiss, dann werdet ihr zu den (mir) Nahestehenden gehören." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 42 bis 42

He replied, "Of course,and then you will be included among those nearest to me. " ( 35 )

Desc No: 35
This was then the highest honour that the king could confer on those who served the creed best Thus, at the very outset, Pharaoh and his magicians manifested by their conduct the great moral distinction that exists between a Prophet and a magician. On the one side, there stood that embodiment of courage and confidence, who in spite of belonging to the suppressed community of the Israelites and having remained to hiding for ten long years on account of a charge of murder, had suddenly appeared in Pharaoh's court to proclaim fearlessly that he had been sent by the Lord of all Creation and demanded release of the Israelites.
He did not even feel the least hesitation in starting a discussion face to face with Pharaoh not caring in' the least for his threats. On the other side, there were the wretched magicians wholly lacking in moral fibre, who had been summoned by Pharaoh himself to help secure the ancestral religion, and yet they were begging for rewards in return for the services. And when they are told that they will not only be given rewards but will also be included among the royal courtiers, they feel greatly overjoyed. These two types of characters clearly bring out the difference between the grand personality of a Prophet and that of a mere magician. Unless a tnan loses all sense of modesty and decency, he cannot have the audacity to call a Prophet a magician.  "

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