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27.19. Da lächelte er erheitert über ihre Worte und sagte: "Mein Herr, veranlasse mich, für Deine Gunst zu danken, die Du mir und meinen Eltern erwiesen hast, und rechtschaffen zu handeln, womit Du zufrieden bist. Und lasse mich durch Deine Barmherzigkeit eingehen in die Reihen Deiner rechtschaffenen Diener."
28.13. Faradadnahu ila ommihi kaytaqarra AAaynuha wala tahzana walitaAAlamaanna waAAda Allahi haqqun walakinnaaktharahum la yaAAlamuuna
28.13. So We restored him to his mother that she might be comforted and not grieve, and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true. But most of them know not. (Pickthall)
28.13. So brachten Wir ihn zurück zu seiner Mutter, damit ihr Auge Trost fand, und sie nicht traurig war, und so daß sie wußte, daß das Versprechen Allahs wahr ist, aber die meisten von ihnen wissen es nicht. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
28.13. So brachten Wir ihn zu seiner Mutter zurück, damit sie frohen Mutes und nicht mehr traurig sei und damit sie wissen sollte, daß Allahs Versprechen wahr ist. Aber die meisten von ihnen wissen nicht. (Bubenheim)
28.13. So führten Wir ihn zu seiner Mutter zurück, damit sie sich freue und sich nicht gräme und wisse, dass Gottes Verheißung wahr ist, auch wenn die meisten Menschen es nicht wissen. (Azhar)
28.13. So brachten WIR ihn zu seiner Mutter zurück, damit sie sich erfreut und nicht traurig wird und damit sie zweifelsohne weiß, dass ALLAHs Versprechen wahr ist. Doch die meisten von ihnen wissen es nicht. (Zaidan)
28.13. Und so gaben wir ihn seiner Mutter zurück, damit sie frohen Mutes und nicht traurig sei, und damit sie wisse, daß das Versprechen Allahs wahr ist. Aber die meisten von ihnen wissen (es) nicht. (Paret)
28.13. Dann gaben Wir ihn seiner Mutter zurück, damit ihr Auge mit Freude erfüllt würde und damit sie sich nicht grämte und damit sie wüßte, daß Allahs Verheißung wahr ist Jedoch die meisten von ihnen wissen es nicht. (Rasul)
28.13. So gaben Wir ihn seiner Mutter zurück, damit ihre Augen trocken wurden und sie nicht (länger) traurig war; und damit sie erkannte, dass Allahs Versprechen wahr ist. Aber die meisten von ihnen wissen nicht, (dass Allahs Versprechen wahr ist). (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 10 bis 13
On the other hand, the heart of Moses' mother was sorely distressed. She would have disclosed his secret, had We not strengthened her heart so that she might have faith (in Our promise). She said to his sister, "Follow him up. " So, she watched him from a distance in a manner that (the enemies) did not notice it." ( 13 ) And We had already forbidden the breasts of the nurses for the child. ( 14 ) (On seeing this) the girl said to them, "Shall I tell you of a house whose people will bring him up for you and look after him well?" ( 15 ) Thus We restored Moses ( 16 ) to his mother so that her eyes might be cooled and she might not grieve and she might know that Allah's promise was true. ( 17 ) But most people do not know this.
Desc No: 13 That is, the girl walked along and watched the floating basket in such a manner that the enemies could not know that she had anything to do with the child in it. According to the Israelite traditions, this sister of the Prophet Moses was 10 to 12 years old. She followed up her brother intelligently and cleverly and ascertained that he had been picked up by the Pharaoh's household.
Desc No: 14 That is, "The child would not take to any nurse whom the queen would call for suckling him."
Desc No: 15 This shows that the sister did not go and sit back at home when she found that her brother had reached Pharaoh's palace, but cleverly hung about the palace to watch every new development. Then, when she found that the child was not taking to any nurse, and the queen was anxious to get a nurse who would suit it, the intelligent girl went straight into the palace, and said, "I can tell you the whereabouts of a nurse, who will bring him up with great affection." Here it should be borne in mind that in old days the well-to-do and noble families of these countries generally used to entrust their children to nurses for bringing up. We know that in the time of the Holy Prophet also nurses from the suburbs used to visit Makkah from time to time in order to get infants from the well-to-do families for suckling and nursing on rich wages. The Holy Prophet himself was brought up by Halimah Sa diyah in the desert. The same custom was prevalent in Egypt. that is why the Prophet Moses' sister did not say that she would bring a suitable nurse, but said that she would tell them of a house whose people would take up the responsibility of bringing him up with care and affection.
Desc No: 16 According to the Bible and the Talmud, the child was named "Moses" in Pharaoh's house. It is not a Hebrew but a Coptic word, which means, "I drew him out of the water", for in Coptic mo meant water and oshe rescued.
Desc No: 17 Another good thing that resulted from this wise device by Allah was that the Prophet Moses could not become a real prince in Pharaoh's house, but grew up among his own people and became fully aware of his family and community traditions and his ancestral religion. Thus, instead of growing up as a member of Pharaoh's class and people he arose sentimentally and intellectually as a full-fledged Israelite. In a Hadith the Holy Prophet has said: "He who works to earn his livelihood and keeps in view Allah's goodwill also, has a likeness with the Prophet Moses' mother, who suckled her own son as well as received her wages for the service, too." That is, although such a person works to earn a living for his children, since he works honestly with a view to pleasing God he is just and upright in his dealings with others, seeks lawful provisions for himself and his children in the spirit of God's worship he does deserve a reward from Allah even for earning his own livelihood.