28.21. Fakharadscha minha kha-ifanyataraqqabu qala rabbi nadschdschinii mina alqawmi aldhdhalimiina
28.21. So he escaped from thence, fearing, vigilant. He said: My Lord ! Deliver me from the wrongdoing folk. (Pickthall)
28.21. Also ging er heraus von dort, - in Angst sah er sich um, - er sagte: "Mein Herr, errette mich vor dem Volk der Unrechthandelnden." (Ahmad v. Denffer)
28.21. So ging er furchtsam aus ihr fort und hielt (immer wieder) Ausschau. Er sagte: "Mein Herr, errette mich von dem ungerechten Volk." (Bubenheim)
28.21. Da verließ er ängstlich um sich blickend die Stadt und sprach: "Mein Herr, rette mich vor den Ungerechten!" (Azhar)
28.21. Dann ging er von ihr heraus angsterfüllt und beobachtete, er sagte: „Mein HERR! Errette mich vor den unrecht-begehenden Leuten!“ (Zaidan)
28.21. Da zog er voller Angst aus ihr weg, indem er sich (immer wieder) umsah (ob man nicht hinter ihm her sei). Er sagte: "Herr! Errette mich von dem Volk der Frevler!" (Paret)
28.21. Da zog er furchtsam aus ihr hinaus und spähte umher. Er sagte: "Mein Herr, rette mich vor dem ungerechten Volk." (Rasul)
28.21. So ging er besorgt weg und sagte: "Mein Herr, rette mich vor den ungerechten Menschen." (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 18 bis 21
The next morning, as he was walking in a state of fear and caution in the city, suddenly he saw the same man who had asked his help the day before, again calling him for help. Moses said, "You are certainly a misguided man. " ( 27 ) Then, when Moses was about to assault the man, who was their enemy, ( 28 ) he cried out, ( 29 ) "O Moses! would you kill me today just as you killed a person yesterday? You certainly wish to become a tyrant in the land and reform nothing." Then, a man came running from the other end of the city; ( 30 ) who said, "O Moses, the chiefs are holding consultations to kill you, so leave this place: I am your well-wisher." Hearing this, Moses left the place, in a state of fear and, vigilance, and prayed, "O my Lord, save me from the wicked people. "
Desc No: 27 That is, "You seem to be a quarrelsome man:you have daily a new quarrel with one or the other person."
Desc No: 28 Here, the Biblical version is different from the Qur'anic. The Bible says that the fight on the next day was between two Israelites, but according to the Qur'an this fight also was between an Israelite and an Egyptian. This second version seems to be credible, for the manner in which the secret of the murder of the tirst day became known, as is being mentioned below, could be possible only if a member of the Coptic community had come to know of the matter. An Israelite's knowledge of it could not be so treacherous: he could not have gone to inform the Pharaonic government of such a heinous crime committed by the prince, who was a great supporter of his own community.
Desc No: 29 The one who cried out was the same Israelite whom the Prophet Moses wanted to help against the enemy. When after scolding and rebuking him, he turned to assault the Egyptian, the Israelite thought that Moses was going to strike him; therefore, he raised a hue and cry and disclosed the secret of the previous day's murder by this own folly.
Desc No: 30 This happened when in the second day's fight, the secret of the murder became known and the Egyptian informed the authorities about the case accordingly.