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26.54. "Diese sind fürwahr (nur) eine kleine Schar;

[ asSu'ara:54 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alQasas (28)  Ayah: 78


Medina-Musshaf Seite 395

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

28.78. Qala innama uutiituhu AAalaAAilmin AAindii awa lam yaAAlam anna Allaha qad ahlaka minqablihi mina alquruuni man huwa aschaddu minhu quwwatan waaktharudschamAAan wala yus-alu AAan dhunuubihimu almudschrimuuna

28.78. He said: I have been given it only on account of knowledge I possess. Knew he not that Allah had destroyed already of the generations before him men who were mightier than Him in strength and greater in respect of following? The guilty are not questioned of their sins. (Pickthall)

28.78. Er sagte: "Es wurde mir gegeben, auf Grund von Wissen, das ich habe." Weiß er nicht, daß Allah schon vor ihm von den Generationen welche vernichtet hat, die stärker waren an Kraft als er und mehr an Zahl? Und es werden die Verbrecher nicht weiter nach ihren Sünden gefragt. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

28.78. Er sagte: "Es ist mir nur gegeben worden aufgrund von Wissen, das ich besitze." Wußte er denn nicht, daß Allah bereits vor ihm solche Geschlechter vernichtet hatte, die eine stärkere Kraft als er besaßen und eine größere Ansammlung (an Helfern) hatten? Und die Übeltäter werden nicht nach ihren Sünden befragt. (Bubenheim)

28.78. Er sprach: "Was ich habe, das habe ich durch mein eigenes Wissen erworben." Wusste er denn nicht, dass Gott vor ihm schon Geschlechter vernichtet hat, die mächtiger waren und größeren Reichtum als er besaßen? Die vermessenen Frevler werden nicht gleich nach ihren bösen Taten gefragt. (Azhar)

28.78. Er sagte: „Zuteil wurde mir dies nur wegen dem Wissen, über das ich verfüge!“ Wusste er etwa nicht, dass ALLAH bereits vor ihm von Generationen zugrunde richten ließ, die über noch mehr Macht verfügten als er und die noch mehr an Vermögen anhäuften?! Und die schwer Verfehlenden werden nach ihren Verfehlungen nicht gefragt. (Zaidan)

28.78. Er sagte: "Ich habe es nur auf Grund von Wissen, das ich besitze, erhalten." Wußte er denn nicht, daß Allah vor ihm Generationen hat zugrunde gehen lassen, die kraftvoller waren und mehr (Reichtümer) zusammengebracht hatten als er? Die Sünder werden (dereinst beim Gericht) nicht (lange) nach ihren (einzelnen) Sünden gefragt. (Paret)

28.78. Er sagte: "Es (die Schätze) wurde mir nur um des Wissens willen, das ich besitze, gegeben." Wußte er denn nicht, daß Allah vor ihm schon Geschlechter vernichtet hatte, die noch gewaltigere Macht und größeren Reichtum als er besaßen? Und die Schuldigen werden nicht nach ihren Sünden befragt. (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 76 bis 78

The fact ( 94 ) is that Korah was of the people of Moses, but he rebelled against them; ( 95 ) and We had given him so many treasures that their very keys would have weighed down a band of strong men. ( 96 ) Once his people said to him, "Do not exult, for Allah does not like the exultant. Seek through the wealth that Allah has given you to make your abode in the Hereafter, and also do not forget your share from this world; and do good to others as Allah has done good to you; and do not strive to make mischief on the earth, for Allah does not like the mischief-makers. " But he replied, "All that I have been given is by virtue of the knowledge that I possess. " ( 97 ) -Did he not know that AIIah had destroyed before him many such people who were mightier than him in power and strength ? ( 98 ) But the criminals are not asked as to their sins. ( 99 )

Desc No: 94
This fact also is being related in continuation of the answer to the excuse which has been the theme of the discourse from verse 57 onward. In this regard, one should bear in mind the fact that the people who feared that the Holy Prophet Muhammad's message would affect the overall national interests adversely were, in fact, the big money owners, money-lenders and capitalists of Makkah, who by virtue of their international trade and money-lending business had become the Korahs of their time. These were the people who thought that the real truth was to earn and amass maximum wealth. Anything that seemed to vitiate this object was an untruth which could not be accepted in any case. On the other hand, there were the common people who looked with longing eyes at these magnates and earnestly desired that they should also attain the same heights as those people had attained. In an atmosphere charged with the love of money, as it was, people considered it to be a weighty argument that if the invitation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) towards Tauhid and the Hereafter and the moral code was accepted it would spell ruin for the Quraish not only commercially but economically too. 

Desc No: 95
Qarun who has been called Korah in the Bible and the Talmud was a first cousin of the Prophet Moses. According to the account of descent given in Exodus (ti: 18-21) the fathers of the Prophet Moses and Korah were real brothers. At another place in the Qur'an it has been stated that this man had joined with Pharaoh inspite of being an Israelite and become one of his favourites; so much so that one of the two ring-leaders of opposition to Prophet Moses after Pharaoh was this same Korah: "We sent Moses to Pharaoh and Haman and Korah with Our Signs and a clear authority of appointment, but they said, `He is a sorcerer, a liar'." (Al-Mu'min :23-24).
From this it follows that Korah had rebelled against his own people and become a supporter of the hostile forces which were bent upon wiping out the Israelites. On account of this rebellion against his own people he had attained a high place with Pharaoh and the two persons, besides Pharaoh, to whom the Prophet Moses had been sent were Pharaoh's minister, Haman, and this Israelite capitalist, Korah. All other chiefs and couriers were of inferior status, who were not worth mentioning. The same position of Korah has been alluded to in Al' Ankabut: 39. 

Desc No: 96
In the story related of him in the Bible (Num., ch. 16), there is no mention of this man's wealth. But according to the Jewish traditions, he possessed immense wealth, so much so that three hundred mules were required to Barry the keys of his' treasures. (Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VII, p. 556). Though greatly exaggerated this statement shows that even according to the Israelite traditions, Korah was a very wealthy man of his time. 

Desc No: 97
The words of the Text can have two meanings: (1) "Whatever I have obtained is by virtue of my own ability. It is not a bounty which somebody else might have given me as a favour without my deserving it as a right, and now I may have to render thanks for it by giving a portion of it to those who have not been given anything, as a favour, or give some of it in charity so that the bounty is not withdrawn from me." (2) "I think God has given me this wealth in view of my qualities and excellences Had I not been a likeable person, He would not have given me all this. That He has bestowed on me all kinds of blessings is a proof that I am His favourite and he approves of the way of life that I am following." 

Desc No: 98
That is, "Did this person who was proud of being so knowledgeable and wise and well-informed and capable never know that people with greater wealth and grandeur and power and might than him had lived before him in the world, and Allah at last, had annihilated them completely? if capability and skill and competence are the only factors conducive to worldly progress, then why didn't these virtues avail them when they were destroyed? And if the worldly progress of a person is a sure proof that Allah is pleased with him and approves of his deeds and qualities, then why were those people doomed to destruction at all?" 

Desc No: 99
That is, "The criminals have always been claiming to be the best people, who are free from every evil, but their punishment is not dependent on their own confessions. Whenever they are seized; they are not seized on the basis of their own confessions of sins, etc."  

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