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25.40. Sie kamen doch an der Stadt vorbei, auf die der Unheilsregen niederging. Haben sie sie denn nicht gesehen? Nein! Vielmehr erwarten sie keine Auferstehung.
29.35. And verily of that We have left a clear sign for people who have sense. (Pickthall)
29.35. Und Wir haben damit schon ein klares Zeichen hinterlassen für Leute, die Verstand haben. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
29.35. Und Wir ließen ja von ihr ein klares Zeichen zurück für Leute, die begreifen. (Bubenheim)
29.35. Und Wir hinterließen Spuren davon als Zeichen für Menschen, die sich des Verstandes bedienen. (Azhar)
29.35. Und gewiß, bereits ließen WIR aus ihr eine eindeutige Aya übrig für Leute, die sich besinnen. (Zaidan)
29.35. Und wir haben ja ein deutliches Zeichen von ihr übriggelassen (zur Beherzigung) für Leute, die Verstand haben. (Paret)
29.35. Und Wir haben davon ein klares Zeichen für die Leute zurückgelassen, die Verstand haben. (Rasul)
29.35. Und von ihr [der Stadt Sodom] haben Wir ein deutliches Zeichen für die verständigen Menschen hinterlassen. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 31 bis 35
And when Our messengers came to Abraham with the good news, ( 53 ) they said to him, "We are going to destroy the people of this habitation, ( 54 ) for its people have become very wicked." Abraham said, "There is Lot in it. " ( 55 ) They replied, "We know full well who is in it we shall save him and all his household except his. wife;" his wife was of those who remained behind. ( 56 )
Desc No: 53 According to the details given of this in Surah Hud and A1-Hijr, the angels who had been sent to bring the torment on the people of the Prophet Lot, first came to the Prophet Abraham and gave him the good news of the birth of the Prophet Isaac and after him of the Prophet Jacob. Then they told him that they had been sent to destroy the people of Lot.
Desc No: 54 "This habitation" refers to the territory of the people of Lot. The Prophet Abraham at that time resided in the Palestinian city of Hebron, now called AI-Khalil. A few miles to the south-east of this city lies that part of the Dead Sea, which was once inhabited by the people of Lot and which is now under sea water. It is a low-lying area and is clearly visible from the hill country of Hebron. That is why the angels, pointing towards it, had said "We are going to destroy this habitation." (See also E.N. 114 of Ash-Shu'araaa).
Desc No: 55 According to the initial part of this story as related in Surah Hud, the Prophet Abraham at first was perturbed to see the angels in human shape, for he knew that the coming of the angels in human shape was always a prelude to some dangerous mission. Then, when they gave him the good news, his fear wasallayed and he came to know that they had been sent to the people of Lot. Then he began making entreaties of mercy for those people (Hud: 7475), but his entreaties were not granted, and it was said: "Do not plead for them any more: your Lord's decree has been issued, and the punishment now cannot be averted." (v. 76) After this answer, when the Prophet Abraham lost all hope of any increase in the respite of Lot's people, he became anxious about the Prophet Lot himself, and said, what has been related here: "There is Lot in it." That is, "If the torment comes down when Lot is there, how will he and his household retrain safe from it?"
Desc No: 56 According to Surah Tahrim: 10, this woman was not faithful to the Prophet Lot. Tha is why it was decreed that she too, would be afflicted with the torment in spite of being a Prophet's wife. Most probably when the Prophet Lot had come to Jordan after the migration and settled there, he might have married among the ,people living there. But the woman did not believe even after spending a lifetime with him, and her sympathies remained with her own people. As Allah has no consideration for relationships and brotherhoods and every person's case is decided on the basis of his own faith and morality, even being a Prophet's wife did not profit her in any way and she met her doom along with her own people with whom she had remained attached in faith and morality.