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34.24. Sag: Wer versorgt euch von den Himmeln und der Erde? Sag: Allah. Fürwahr, entweder wir oder ihr (die einen von uns) befinden sich in Rechtleitung oder in deutlichem Irrtum.

[ Saba':24 ]

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Medina-Musshaf Seite 397

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

29.7. Waalladhiina amanuuwaAAamiluu alssalihati lanukaffirannaAAanhum sayyi-atihim walanadschziyannahum ahsana alladhiikanuu yaAAmaluuna

29.7. And as for those who believe and do good works, We shall remit from them their evil deeds and shall repay them the best that they did. (Pickthall)

29.7. Und diejenigen, die glauben und rechtschaffen handeln, ganz bestimmt nehmen Wir ihre Schlechtigkeiten von ihnen, und ganz bestimmt vergelten Wir ihnen das Beste, was sie getan haben. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

29.7. Denjenigen, die glauben und rechtschaffene Werke tun, werden Wir ganz gewiß ihre bösen Taten tilgen und ihnen ganz gewiß das Beste vergelten von dem, was sie taten. (Bubenheim)

29.7. Den Gläubigen, die gute Werke verrichten, werden Wir die schlechten Taten tilgen, und Wir werden sie großzügig für ihre guten Taten belohnen. (Azhar)

29.7. Und denjenigen, die den Iman verinnerlichten und gottgefällig Gutes taten, werden WIR zweifelsohne ihre gottmißfälligen Taten tilgen und doch Besseres als das vergelten, was sie zu tun pflegten. (Zaidan)

29.7. Denen, die glauben und tun, was recht ist, werden wir (dereinst) ihre schlechten Taten tilgen und ihre besten Taten vergelten. (Paret)

29.7. Und jene, die glauben und gute Werke tun - wahrlich, Wir werden ihre Übel von ihnen nehmen und ihnen den besten Lohn für ihre Taten geben. (Rasul)

29.7. Denjenigen, die glauben und rechtschaffene Werke verrichten, werden Wir ihre Missetaten tilgen, und Wir werden sie für das Beste von dem belohnen, was sie zu tun pflegten. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 5 bis 7

Whoever expects to meet Allah (should know that) Allah's appointed time is about to come, ( 6 ) and Allah hears everything and knows everything. ( 7 ) Whoever will exert will exert for his own good: ( 8 ) Allah is certainly Independent of all His creations. ( 9 ) As for those who believe and do good works, We shall wipe off their evils and reward them for the best of their deeds. ( 10 )

Desc No: 6
That is, "The case of the one who does not believe in the life hereafter and thinks he is answerable to none for his deeds and there is no accountability whatever, is different. He may remain heedless and act as he likes, for he will himself see the consequences when they appear against his expectations. But those who expect that they have to meet their Lord one day and rewarded and punished according to their. deeds, should not have the misunderstanding that the time of death is yet tar off. They should rather think that it is near at hand and the respite for action is about to come to an end. Therefore, whatever they can do for their well-being in the Hereafter, they should do. They should not delay self-reform on account of the baseless belief that they have yet to live a long life."  

Desc No: 7
That is, "That God before Whom they will appear to render their accounts is not uninformed. He hears everything and knows every thing, and nothing about them is hidden from Him." 

Desc No: 8
The word mujahadah means to struggle and exert one's utmost against an opponent , and when the particular opponent force is not pointed out, the word implies an all-out, many-sided struggle. The struggle that a believer has to make in the world, is of this very nature. He has to fight against Satan, who frightens him every moment of the possible losses he thay have to incur for the sake of good and allures him with the benefits and pleasures of the evil. He has to fight his own self also, which exerts to make him the slave of its lusts. He has also to fight all those men, from home to the world outside, whose ideology, trends, morality, customs way of life and social and economic principles may be in conflict with his Faith; and he has to fight that state too, which enforces its laws independent of obedience to Allah, and employs its forces to promote evil instead of the good. This struggle is not of a day or two, but of a lifetime, of every moment of the day and night. And it is not a struggle in one field only but on every front of life. It is about this that Hadrat Hasan Basri has said: "Man exerts in the way of Allah, even though he may not strike one sword at any time." 

Desc No: 9
That is, "Allah is not asking you to exert your utmost because he stands in need of any help from you to establish His Godhead and keep it established and sustained. But He instructs you to enter this conflict because this opens the way to your own progress.Through this way only you can get rid of the evil and follow the way of truth; through this way alone you can develop the ability and power to rise as the standard-bearers of goodness in the world and become worthy of Allah's Paradise in the Hereafter. By waging this war you will not do any favour to Allah. but will only be helping your own selves. " 

Desc No: 10
Iman means to believe in and accept sincerely all those things to which the Messenger of Allah and this Book invite; and "good works" are those which are performed in accordance with the guidance of Allah and His Messenger. The good work of the heart and mind is that man's thinking and his ideas and his intentions should be right and pure. The good work of the tongue is that man should refrain from talking evil things, and whatever he says should be just and right and true; and the good work of the limbs is that man's entire life should be spent in Allah's worship and in obedience to His Commands and Law. Two results of the belief and righteous deeds have been mentioned: (1) That man's evils will be wiped off; and (2) that he will be rewarded for the best of his deeds better than what he will actually deserve.
Wiping off of evils means several things: (1) All kinds of sins that man might have committed before his affirmation of the Faith will be pardoned as soon as he believes; (2) the errors that man might have committed after the affirmation of the faith due to human weakness, but not because of a rebellious attitude, will be overlooked in view of his good deeds; (3) man's self reform will automatically take place when he adopts a life of belief and righteousness. and most of his weaknesses will be removed from him.
The sentence, "We shall reward them for the best of their deeds", has two meanings: (1) Man will be given his rewards on the basis of the best of his deeds; and (2) he will be rewarded better and more handsomely than what he will actually deserve for his deeds. This thing has been stated at other places also in the Qur'an. For instance, in Surah Al-An`am. :160, it has been said: "He who will bring a good deed before Allah, will receive a tenfold reward for it", and in Surah AlQasas :4: "Whoever brings a good deed, shall have a better reward than that", and in Surah An-Nisa :40: "Indeed Allah dces not wrong anyone even by a jot: if one does a good deed, He increases it manifold. "   "

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