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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah al'Imran (3)  Ayah: 97


Medina-Musshaf Seite 062

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

3.97. Fiihi ayatun bayyinatunmaqamu ibrahiima waman dakhalahu kana aminanwalillahi AAala alnnasi hidschdschualbayti mani istataAAa ilayhi sabiilan waman kafarafa-inna Allaha ghaniyyun AAani alAAalamiina

3.97. Wherein are plain memorials (of Allah ' s guidance); the place where Abraham stood up to pray; and whosoever entereth it is safe. And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for him who can find a way thither. As for him who disbelieveth, (let him know that) Lo! Allah is Independent of (all) creatures. (Pickthall)

3.97. In ihm sind klar beweisende Zeichen, die Stätte Ibrahims, und wer es betreten hat, ist sicher, und um Allahs willen obliegt den Menschen das Wallfahren zum Hause, wer einen Weg dazu finden kann, und wer den Glauben verweigert hat, so ist Allah reich ohne die Welten. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

3.97. Darin liegen klare Zeichen. (Es ist) der Standort Ibrahims. Und wer es betritt, ist sicher. Und Allah steht es den Menschen gegenüber zu, daß sie die Pilgerfahrt zum Hause unternehmen - (diejenigen,) die dazu die Möglichkeit haben. Wer aber ungläubig ist, so ist Allah der Weltenbewohner Unbedürftig. (Bubenheim)

3.97. Darin sind klare Zeichen, so die Gebetsstätte Abrahams. Wer dort eintritt, ist in Sicherheit. Alle Menschen, sofern sie die Möglichkeit haben, sind Gott gegenüber verpflichtet, zu diesem Haus (der Kaaba) zu pilgern. Wer aber Gott leugnet, muss sich vergegenwärtigen, dass Gott allmächtig und auf die ganze Welt nicht angewiesen ist. (Azhar)

3.97. In ihm sind deutliche Ayat, (davon) Maqamu-ibrahim. Und wer es betritt, ist in Sicherheit. Und den Menschen ist es ALLAH gegenüber auferlegt, zum Haus zu pilgern - wer von ihnen dazu die Möglichkeit findet. Und wer Kufr betreibt, so ist ALLAH gewiss autark den Geschöpfen gegenüber. (Zaidan)

3.97. In ihm liegen klare Zeichen vor. (Es ist) der (heilige) Platz (maqaam) Abrahams. Wer ihn betritt, ist in Sicherheit. Und die Menschen sind Allah gegenüber verpflichtet, die Wallfahrt nach dem Haus zu machen - soweit sie dazu eine Möglichkeit finden. Wer jedoch ungläubig ist (ist es zu seinem eigenen Schaden). Allah ist auf niemand in der Welt angewiesen (ghanieyun `anil `aalamiena). (Paret)

3.97. In ihm sind deutliche Zeichen - die Stätte Abrahams. Und wer es betritt, ist sicher. Und der Menschen Pflicht gegenüber Allah ist die Pilgerfahrt zum Hause, wer da den Weg zu ihm machen kann. Wer aber ungläubig ist - wahrlich, Allah ist nicht auf die Welten angewiesen. (Rasul)

3.97. In ihm befinden sich klare Zeichen; (es war) der Standort Abrahams, und wer ihn betritt, befindet sich in Sicherheit. Für die Menschen, die den Weg zum Haus auf sich nehmen können, ist die Pilgerfahrt eine Pflicht gegenüber Allah. Wer (jedoch) im Unglauben (verharrt, muss wissen,) dass Allah der Unabhängige gegenüber den Welten ist. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 96 bis 97

Undoubtedly the first house of worship ever to be built for mankind is the one which is at Makkah: it was blessed and made the centre of Guidance for all peoples. ( 79 ) In it are clear Signs: ( 80 ) there is the spot where Abraham used to worship: then it is the sanctuary, and whoso enters it becomes safe and secure. ( 81 ) Allah has, therefore, a right on the people that the one, who can afford to reach the house, should perform Haj there: and the one who disobeys (this Commandment should know that) Allah is All-Sufficient and does not stand in need of any creature of the worlds.

Desc No: 79
Their objection was about the change of giblah to the Ka`abah (Makkah) from the Temple (Jerusalem), which had been the giblah of the previous Prophets. This objection had already been answered in Al-Baqarah, but as the Jews persisted in their criticism, it has again been answered here. It has been asserted that the Ka`abah was built by Abraham long before the Temple and therefore it had priority of time for being the giblah. The Bible itself bears testimony to the fact that the Temple was built by Solomon some 450 years after Moses (I Kings, 6: 1) and made giblah during his reign. (I Kings, 8: 29-30.) On the other hand, all the traditions of Arabia unanimously agree that the Ka`abah was built by Abraham some 900 years before the advent of Moses. The fact that the Ka`abah has priority of time over the Temple is so obvious that none can deny it.  

Desc No: 80
There are such clear Signs in "the House:" to show that Allah has accepted it and approved it as "His House." Though it has been built in a barren place, Allah has provided the people of the neighbourhood with the best of provisions. Besides this, though there was chaos and disorder in the whole of Arabia for about 2500 years before the advent of Islam, yet there reigned peace and security in the Ka`abah and in its surroundings. Not only this: there was because of it, peace for four months every year in the whole of Arabia. Another Sign was the miraculous destruction of Abrahah and his army, when he attacked Makkah in order to destroy the Ka'abah. At the time of the Revelation of the Qur'an, every Arab knew well even the details of this incident and there wen even those who had actually beheld the occurrence. 

Desc No: 81
The inviolable sanctity of the Ka`abah was so much respected even in the dark days of ignorance that blood thirsty enemies dared not touch each other in it. In v. 97, the word kafara does not mean that the one, who disobeys this Commandment of Allah and does not perform Haj even if one can afford it, becomes a disbeliever in the technical sense. It means that the person has adopted the attitude of a disbeliever even after his profession of belief in Allah and His Prophet. This is obvious because the Commandment to perform Haj has not been addressed to the disbelievers but to those who profess to be Muslims. A Muslim judge, therefore, will not declare him to be a disbeliever and apostate for this reason, as if he had gone out of the pale of Islam.
"Allah does not stand .... world :" Allah dces not stand in need of any help from the people, whether they be believers or dis-believers. It is for their own good if they become sincere believers. On the other hand, those people, who reject the Commandments of Allah by word or deed, will not be considered to be Believers by Allah, even if they professed to be Believers  "

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