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8.30. Und als diejenigen, die ungläubig sind, gegen dich Ränke schmiedeten, um dich festzusetzen oder zu töten oder zu vertreiben. Sie schmiedeten Ränke, und (auch) Allah schmiedete Ränke. Aber Allah ist der beste Ränkeschmied.

[ alAnfal:30 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah arRum (30)  Ayah: 22


Medina-Musshaf Seite 406

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

30.22. Wamin ayatihi khalqu alssamawatiwaal-ardi waikhtilafu alsinatikumwaalwanikum inna fii dhalika laayatinlilAAalimiina

30.22. And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. Lo! herein indeed are portents for men of knowledge. (Pickthall)

30.22. Und eines von Seinen Zeichen ist die Schöpfung der Himmel und der Erde und der Unterschied eurer Sprachen und eurer Farben. Hierin ja sind bestimmt Zeichen für die Wissenden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

30.22. Und zu Seinen Zeichen gehört die Erschaffung der Himmel und der Erde und (auch) die Verschiedenheit eurer Sprachen und Farben. Darin sind wahrlich Zei chen für die Wissenden. (Bubenheim)

30.22. Zu Seinen Zeichen gehört die Schöpfung der Himmel und der Erde und die Vielfalt eurer Sprachen und Hautfarben. Darin sind Zeichen für die Wissenden. (Azhar)

30.22. Ebenfalls zählt zu Seinen Ayat die Schöpfung der Himmel und der Erde und die Vielfalt an euren Sprachen und euren Farben. Gewiß, darin sind doch Ayat für die Wissenden. (Zaidan)

30.22. Und zu seinen Zeichen gehört die Erschaffung von Himmel und Erde und die Verschiedenartigkeit eurer Sprachen und Farben. Darin liegen Zeichen für die Wissenden. (Paret)

30.22. Und unter Seinen Zeichen sind die Schöpfung der Himmel und der Erde und die Verschiedenheit eurer Sprachen und Farben. Hierin sind wahrlich Zeichen für die Wissenden. (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 22 bis 22

And of His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earths ( 31 ) and the difference of your tongues and colours. ( 32 ) Surely in this there are many Signs for the Iearned.

Desc No: 31
That is, "Their coming into existence from nothingness and their being established an eternal law, and the functioning in them of innumerable forces in great harmony and equilibrium, contain many Signs of the reality that One Creator, and One only, has brought the entire universe into existence, and He alone is running this grand system. On the one hand, by reflecting over the origin of the initial energy that assumed the form of matter, then the transformation of the matter into so many elements, then the combination of the elements in a wonderful and wise proportion and coming into being of an awe-inspiring system of the universe, and then the functioning of this system since billions of centuries With such regularity and discipline, every unbiased mind will come to the conclusion that all this could not happen by mere chance, without the. all-embracing will of an All-Knowing, All-Wise Creator. Then, on the other hand, if one sees that every thing from the earth to the farthest stars in the universe is made up of the same basic elements and the same law of nature is working in it, every intellect, which is not stubborn, will certainly admit that this cannot be the result of the godhead of many gods but there is One God Who is the Creator and Sustainer of this whole universe."  

Desc No: 32
That is, "Although your vocal chords are similar, and there is no difference in the structure of the mouth, the tongue and the brains, yet people speak different languages in different regions of the world. Even in the regions where the same language is spoken different dialects are spoken from city to city and from town to town. Moreover, the accent and pronunciation and the style of speech of every person is different from the other. Similarly, although the semen and the formula of your physical structure is the same, yet your colours are so different that, nations apart, even the colour of the two sons of the same parents is not exactly the same. In this verse, attention has been drawn only to two aspects, but if one looks around one will notice an unite variety everywhere in the world. One will find countless differences in the species of man, animal, plants and other things in spite of the basic uniformity in their different members; so much so that no member of the species is exactly identical with the other. Even the two leaves of a tree are not exactly alike. This shows that the world is not a factory in which automatic machines might be working and turning out things in mass production bearing the stamp of their own separate species. But in this factory there is a Master-Artist at work, Who gives individual attention to everything and produces it on a new design with new embellishments and proportions and qualities, and everything thus produced is unique in its own way. His inventive genius is turning out a new model of everything every moment, and His creative power abhors repeating the same design the second time. Anyone who sees this wonderful phenomenon with open eyes, can never be involved in the foolish misconception that the Maker of the universe has gone to sleep after having made it go. This is, on the contrary, a clear proof of the fact that He is ever engaged in His creative activity, and is giving individual attention to each and everything in His creation.  

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