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91.1. Bei der Sonne und ihrer Morgenhelle

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Medina-Musshaf Seite 419

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

33.11. Hunalika ibtuliya almu-minuunawazulziluu zilzalan schadiidan

33.11. There were the believers sorely tried, and shaken with a mighty shock. (Pickthall)

33.11. Dort wurden die Gläubigen geprüft und von einem harten Beben erschüttert, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

33.11. Dort wurden die Gläubigen geprüft und heftig erschüttert. (Bubenheim)

33.11. Damals wurden die Gläubigen geprüft und schwer erschüttert. (Azhar)

33.11. da wurden die Mumin geprüft und von einer heftigen Ergriffenheit ergriffen. 2 (Zaidan)

33.11. Da (hunaalika) wurden die Gläubigen auf die Probe gestellt und (in ihrem Gottvertrauen) stark erschüttert. (Paret)

33.11. damals wurden die Gläubigen geprüft, und sie wurden in heftigem Maße erschüttert. (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 9 bis 11

O people ( 18 ) who have believed 1 Remember the bounty of Allah, which He has (just now) shown you. When the hosts came down on you, We sent against them a violent wind and the armies which you could not see. ( 19 ) Allah was watching all that you were doing. When the enemies came upon you from above and from below you? ( 20 ) when eyes were petrified due to fear and the hearts leapt up to the throats, and you began to entertain all sorts of doubts about Allah, the believers then were thoroughly tested and severely shaken. ( 21 )

Desc No: 18
In vv. 9-27 an appraisal has been made of the Battle of the Trench and the raid against the Bani Quraiz, ah and were revealed at the end of the raid. One should keep the details of these events in view as given in the Introduction above. 

Desc No: 19
The windstorm did not lash the enemy hordes immediately on their arrival but it occurred when the siege of Madinah had lasted about a month. "Armies which you could not see" implies the hidden powers which operate in the affairs of men under Allah's Command and of which men are wholly unaware. Man regards the occurrence of events and incidents as resulting from apparent causes and does not take into account the hidden forces at work, whereas in most cases these very hidden forces play the decisive role. As these forces function under the Command of Allah's angels, the "armies" may imply the angels as well though there is no indication here of sending the armies of the angels. 

Desc No: 20
It may mean: "The enemies came upon you from every side, and also that those coming from Najd and Khaiber came from above and those coming from Makkah from below you." 

Desc No: 21
"The believers" : All those who accepted the Holy Prophet as Allah's Messenger and became included among his followers, which comprised both the true believers and the hypocrites. In this paragraph Allah has made mention of the Muslim community as a whole. In the following three paragraphs the attitude of the hypocrites has been commented upon, and the next two deal with the Holy Prophet and the true believers. 

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