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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alAhzab (33)  Ayah: 5


Medina-Musshaf Seite 418

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

33.5. OdAAuuhum li-aba-ihim huwa aqsatuAAinda Allahi fa-in lam taAAlamuu abaahumfa-ikhwanukum fii alddiini wamawaliikumwalaysa AAalaykum dschunahun fiima akhta/tumbihi walakin ma taAAammadat quluubukum wakanaAllahu ghafuuran rahiiman

33.5. Proclaim their real parentage. That will be more equitable in the sight of Allah. And if ye know not their fathers, then (they are) your brethren in the faith, and your clients. And there is no sin for you in the mistakes that ye make unintentionally, but what your hearts purpose (that will be a sin for you). Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Pickthall)

33.5. Ruft sie nach ihren Vätern, das ist richtiger bei Allah, und wenn ihr ihre Väter nicht kennt, so eure Brüder in der Religion und eure Schützlinge, und auf euch ist kein Vergehen in dem, was ihr davon überschritten habt, sondern was eure Herzen absichtlich tun, und Allah ist immer verzeihend, barmherzig. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

33.5. Nennt sie nach ihren Vätern; das ist gerechter vor Allah. Wenn ihr ihre Väter nicht kennt, dann sind sie eure Brüder in der Religion und eure Schützlinge. Es ist für euch keine Sünde in dem, was ihr an Fehlern begeht, sondern was eure Herzen vorsätzlich anstreben. Und Allah ist Allvergebend und Barmherzig. (Bubenheim)

33.5. Nennt jeden nach seinem leiblichen Vater, denn das ist gerechter vor Gott. Wenn ihr jedoch den leiblichen Vater nicht kennt, dann sind es doch eure Glaubensbrüder und Schützlinge. Gott belangt euch nicht wegen unbeabsichtigter Fehler, sondern wegen vorsätzlicher Vergehen. Gott ist voller Vergebung und Erbarmen. (Azhar)

33.5. Nennt sie nach ihren (leiblichen) Vätern! Dies ist gerechter vor ALLAH. Und solltet ihr für sie keine Väter kennen, so sind sie eure Brüder im Din und eure Maula. Und euch trifft keine Verfehlung in dem, wo ihr Fehler schon gemacht habt, sondern nur da, wo eure Herzen es beabsichtigten. Und ALLAH ist immer allvergebend, allgnädig. (Zaidan)

33.5. Nennt sie nach ihrem Vater! Das ist, so dünkt es Allah, am ehesten gerecht gehandelt (aqsatu). Wenn ihr aber nicht wißt, wer ihr Vater ist, sollen sie als eure Glaubensbrüder und Schutzbefohlene (mawaalie) gelten. Und es ist keine Sünde für euch, wenn ihr etwas (Derartiges) versehentlich tut, sondern nur, wenn ihr es vorsätzlich tut. Allah ist barmherzig und bereit zu vergeben. (Paret)

33.5. Nennt sie (eure Adoptivsöhne) nach ihren Vätern. Das ist gerechter vor Allah. Wenn ihr jedoch ihre Väter nicht kennt, so sind sie eure Brüder im Glauben und eure Schützlinge. Und wenn ihr versehentlich darin gefehlt habt, so ist das keine Sünde von euch, sondern (Sünde ist) nur das, was eure Herzen vorsätzlich tun. Und Allah ist wahrlich Allverzeihend, Barmherzig. (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 4 bis 5

Allah has not put two hearts in a person's body, ( 5 ) nor has He made those wives of yours whom you divorce by Zihar your mothers, ( 6 ) nor has made your adopted sons your real sons. ( 7 ) These are the things which you utter from your mouths, but Allah says that which is based on the reality and He alone guides to the Right Way. Call your adopted sons after their fathers' names: this is more just in the sight of Allah. ( 8 ) And if you do not know who their fathers are, then they are your brothers in faith and your friends. ( 9 ) There is no blame on you if you say something unintentionally, but you will surely be to blame for what you say with the intention of your hearts. ( 10 ) Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." ( 11 )

Desc No: 5
That is, "One and the same person cannot be a believer and a hypocrite, truthful and false, wicked and righteous, at one and the same time. He dces not have two hearts in this chest that one should have sincerity in it and the other fearlessness of God. Therefore, a man can have only one kind of character. at a time: either he will be a believer or a hypocrite, a disbeliever or a Muslim. Now if you call a believer a hypocrite, or a hypocrite a believer, it will not change the reality. The true character of the person will inevitably remain the same." 

Desc No: 6
Zihar is a term in Arabic. In old days when an Arab; in the heat of a domestic quarrel, would say to his wife: "Your back for me is as the back of my mother," it was thought that the woman was no longer lawful for him because he had compared her to his mother. About this Allah says: "A woman does not become a man's mother just because he has called her his mother or compared her to his mother. His mother is the woman who bore him. Only his Balling his wife his mother cannot change the reality." (For the Islamic Law concerning Zihar, see Surah Mujadalah: 2-a). 

Desc No: 7
This is what is intended to be said. The two preceding sentences are meant to support and emphasize this same point. 

Desc No: 8
The first reform introduced in connection with the implementation of this Command was that Zaid, the adopted son of the Holy Prophet, began to be .called Zaid bin Harithah, after his real father, instead of Zaid bin Muhammad. Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Nasa'i have related this tradition from Hadrat 'Abdullah bin `Umar that in the beginning the people called Zaid bin Harithah Zaid bin Muhammad. After the revelation of this verse they began calling him Zaid bin Harithah. Moreover, after this Revelation it was forbidden that a person should assign his parentage to any other man than his own real father. Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Da'ud have related on the authority of Hadrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas that the Holy Prophet said: "Paradise is forbidden for the one who called himself son of another person than his own father. " Other traditions bearing on the subject have been related in Ahadith, which have regarded this as a heinous sin. 

Desc No: 9
That is, even in such a case it will not be right to ascribe the parentage of a person to someone else. 

Desc No: 10
It means: "There is no harm if a person is called a son out of love. Likewise, there is no sin if someone calls another one a mother, or a daughter, or sister or brother, etc. out of affection and regard, but if such a thing is said with the intention that the one being called so will be accorded the same status and position and rights and privileges as actually belong to these relations, it would certainly be objectionable and one will be held answerable for it. " 

Desc No: 11
That is, 'Allah has forgiven the errors already committed in this regard; no one will be called to account for them." Another meaning is: "Allah does not call a people to account for actions done unintentionally. He will not punish a person for doing something which he did not do intentionally although it resembled a forbidden act apparently." 

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