35.7. Those who disbelieve, theirs will be an awful doom; and those who believe and do good works, theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward. (Pickthall)
35.7. Diejenigen, die den Glauben verweigert haben, für sie gibt es schwere Strafe, und diejenigen, die geglaubt und rechtschaffen gehandelt haben, für sie gibt es Verzeihung und große Belohnung. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
35.7. Diejenigen, die ungläubig sind, für sie wird es strenge Strafe geben; und diejenigen, die glauben und rechtschaffene Werke tun, für sie wird es Vergebung und großen Lohn geben. (Bubenheim)
35.7. Den Ungläubigen wird schwere Strafe zufallen. Die Gläubigen aber, die gute Werke tun, werden Vergebung und hohe Belohnung erlangen. (Azhar)
35.7. Für diejenigen, die Kufr betrieben haben, ist eine harte Peinigung bestimmt. Und für diejenigen, die den Iman verinnerlicht und gottgefällig Gutes getan haben, ist Vergebung und große Belohnung bestimmt. (Zaidan)
35.7. Diejenigen, die ungläubig sind, haben (dereinst) eine schwere Strafe diejenigen aber, die glauben und tun, was recht ist, Vergebung und einen hohen Lohn zu erwarten. (Paret)
35.7. Denjenigen, die ungläubig sind, wird eine strenge Strafe zuteil sein. Denen aber, die glauben und gute Werke tun, wird Vergebung und großer Lohn zuteil sein. (Rasul)
35.7. Diejenigen, die ungläubig sind, wird (dereinst) eine schwere Strafe ereilen, während diejenigen, die den Glauben verinnerlichen und rechtschaffene Werke verrichten, Vergebung und grosser Lohn zuteilwerden. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 5 bis 7
O people, the promise of Allah is surely true. ( 10 ) Therefore, let not the worldly life deceive you, ( 11 ) nor let that great deceiver deceive you concerning Allah. ( 12 ) Indeed, Satan is your enemy; therefore, you also should treat kiln as your enemy. He is inviting his followers towards his way so that they may join the dwellers of Hell. Those who disbelieve ( 13 ) shall have a severe punishment, and those who believe and do good works shall have forgiveness and a rich reward. ( 14 )
Desc No: 10 "The promise" implies the promise of the Hereafter to which allusion was made in the preceding sentence, saying: 'All affairs shall ultimately be presented before Allah.
Desc No: 11 "Let not...deceive you": "Deceive you that the world is an end in itself: that there is no Hereafter when one will have to render an account of one's deeds: or that even if there is the Hereafter, the one who is enjoying life here will enjoy life there, too."
Desc No: 12 "Great deceiver": Satan, as is evident from the next sentence. And "deceive you concerning Allah" means: ( Il That he should stake some people believe that Allah does not exist at All; (2) involve others in the misunderstanding that Allah after having once created the world, has retired and has now practically nothing to do with the universe any more; (3) delude others into believing that Allah no doubt is running the universe, but He has taken no responsibility of providing guidance to man: therefore, Revelation and Prophethood are a mere deception; and 14) give still others the false hope that since Allah is All-Forgiving and All-Merciful. He will forgive one whatever sins one might have committed, and that He has some beloved ones too: if one remains attached to them, success and salvation are assured.
Desc No: 13 Those who disbelieve": those who will refuse to believe in this invitation of Allah's Book and His Messenger.
Desc No: 14 That is, Allah will overlook their errors and will reward them for their good deeds not merely with what they will just deserve but much more richly and generously.