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21.29. Und wer von ihnen sagen sollte: "Ich bin ein Gott außer Ihm", dem vergelten Wir mit der Hölle. So vergelten Wir den Ungerechten.

[ alAmbiya':29 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah anNisa (4)  Ayah: 65


Medina-Musshaf Seite 088

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

4.65. Fala warabbika la yu/minuuna hattayuhakkimuuka fiima schadschara baynahum thumma layadschiduu fii anfusihim haradschan mimma qadaytawayusallimuu tasliiman

4.65. But nay, by thy lord, they will not believe (in truth) until they make thee judge of what is in dispute between them and find within themselves no dislike of that which thou decidest, and submit with full submission. (Pickthall)

4.65. Also nein, bei deinem Herrn, sie glauben nicht, bis sie dich zum Richter machen über das, was umstritten ist zwischen ihnen, dann für sich selber keine Bedrängnis finden, wegen dem, was du entschieden hast, und sie ergeben sich, in völligem Frieden ergeben. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

4.65. Aber nein, bei deinem Herrn! Sie glauben nicht eher, bis sie dich über das richten lassen, was zwischen ihnen umstritten ist, und hierauf in sich selbst keine Bedrängnis finden durch das, was du entschieden hast, und sich in voller Ergebung fügen. (Bubenheim)

4.65. Nein, sie können gewiss nicht eher als Gläubige gelten, bis sie dich über ihre Streitfragen entscheiden lassen, deine Entscheidung willig annehmen und sich völlig fügen. (Azhar)

4.65. Nein, bei deinem HERRN! Sie werden den Iman nicht verinnerlichen, bis sie dich über das richten lassen, was zwischen ihnen strittig ist, und dann von sich aus keine Abneigung dem gegenüber empfinden, was du entschieden hast, und sich deiner (Entscheidung) widerspruchslos fügen. (Zaidan)

4.65. Aber nein, bei deinem Herrn! Sie sind so lange nicht (wirklich) gläubig, bis sie dich zum Schiedsrichter machen über das, was zwischen ihnen umstritten ist, und sich hierauf durch die Entscheidung, die du getroffen hast, nicht bedrückt fühlen, (dir) vielmehr uneingeschränkt beipflichten (wa-yusallimuu taslieman). (Paret)

4.65. Doch nein, bei deinem Herrn; sie sind nicht eher Gläubige, bis sie dich zum Richter über alles machen, was zwischen ihnen strittig ist, und dann in ihren Herzen keine Bedenken gegen deine Entscheidung finden und sich voller Ergebung fügen. (Rasul)

4.65. Aber nein, bei deinem Herrn, sie werden nicht eher Gläubige sein, bis sie dich bitten, über ihre Streitigkeiten zu richten, danach keinerlei Unbehagen gegenüber deiner Entscheidung empfinden und sich ihr vollständig unterwerfen. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 60 bis 65

Prophet, have you not marked those who profess to believe in the Book that have been sent down to you and in the Books that had been sent down before you, and yet want to turn to taghut for the judgement of their cases though they have been bidden to reject taghut? ( 91 ) Satan intends to lead them far astray from the right path. And when it is said to them, "Come to that thing which Allah has sent down and to the Messenger," you see that the hypocrites show hesitation in coming to you. ( 92 ) But how do they behave when a disaster befalls them as a consequence of their own doings? They come to you with oath, ( 93 ) saying, "We swear by God that we only meant to promote the good and bring about a reconciliation between the parties." Allah knows what really is in their hearts: therefore show forbearance towards them and admonish them and give them a piece of advice that may go deep into their hearts. (Tell them) "Every Messenger whom We have sent must be obeyed because Allah has enjoined this." ( 94 ) When they had wronged themselves, the best thing for them would have been to come to you and implore Allah's pardon, and if the Messenger had also asked Allah's forgiveness for them, most surely they would have found Allah Forgiving and Merciful. Nay, O Muhammad, by your Lord, they can never become Believers until they accept you as judge for the decision of the disputes between them, and then surrender to your decision with entire submission without feeling the least resentment in their hearts. ( 95 )

Desc No: 91
In this verse, Taghut clearly stands for the authority that makes decisions in accordance with laws other than Divine and the system of judiciary which acknowledges neither Allah as the Supreme Sovereign nor His Book as the final authority. Hence, this verse is explained that it is contrary to Faith to take one's case for decision to a law court which by its nature is, that of taghut Belief in Allah and His Book makes it obligatory on the Believer that he should refuse to acknowledge such a court as lawful. According to the Qur'an, belief in Allah and disbelief in taghut are correlatives; therefore to acknowledge both at one and the same time is nothing but hypocrisy itself. 

Desc No: 92
This shows that the hypocrites used to bring only such cases before the Holy Prophet as were likely to be decided in their favour, but would refrain from bringing such cases, which they feared, would be decided against them. The same is true of many hypocrites of today: they are ever ready to submit to the decisions of the Islamic Law if and whenever it goes in their favour; otherwise they resort to any law, any custom, and any law court which, they expect, will ensure their interests. 

Desc No: 93
Probably it means that when their hypocritical deeds are exposed and they fear that action will be taken against them; they take oaths to assure the Believers of their innocence.  

Desc No: 94
It clearly defines the position of the Messenger: the Messenger does not come from Allah so that the people should simply acknowledge him as a Messenger and then continue to obey anyone they like. The Messenger is sent with the sole object that the code of life brought by him only should be followed instead of all other codes, and the commandments brought by him from Allah only should be obeyed instead of all other commandments. If anyone does not acknowledge the Messenger in this sense, his acknowledging him merely as a Messenger would be meaningless.  

Desc No: 95
The commandment contained in verse 65 was not meant to be confined to the lifetime of the Holy Prophet, but it was to hold good up to the Last Day. Whatever the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) brought from Allah and whatever way of life he followed and practised under His guidance and inspiration, shall remain the final authority among Muslims for ever and the acknowledgement of that authority alone determines whether one is a true Muslim or not. According to a Tradition, the Holy Prophet said: "None of you can claim to be a believer unless he subordinates his desires and lusts to the way that I have brought." 

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