40.65. Huwa alhayyu la ilahailla huwa faodAAuuhu mukhlisiina lahu alddiinaalhamdu lillahi rabbi alAAalamiina
40.65. He is the Living One. There is no God save Him. So pray unto Him, making religion pure for Him (only). Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds! (Pickthall)
40.65. Er ist der Lebendige, kein Gott außer Ihm, also ruft zu Ihm, ausschließlich für Ihn die Religion, das Lob ist Allahs, des Herrn der Welten. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
40.65. Er ist der Lebendige. Es gibt keinen Gott außer Ihm. So ruft Ihn an, (wobei ihr) Ihm gegenüber aufrichtig in der Religion (seid). (Alles) Lob gehört Allah, dem Herrn der Weltenbewohner! (Bubenheim)
40.65. Er ist der Lebendige. Ausser Ihm gibt es keinen Gott. Betet ihn allein aufrichtig an! Gepriesen sei Gott, der Herr der Welten! (Azhar)
40.65. ER ist Der Lebendige. Es gibt keine Gottheit außer Ihm, so richtet an Ihn Bittgebete als Aufrichtiger im Din Ihm gegenüber. Alhamdulillah: Alles Lob gebührt ALLAH, Dem HERRN aller Schöpfung. (Zaidan)
40.65. Er ist der Lebendige. Es gibt keinen Gott außer ihm. Betet zu ihm, indem ihr euch in eurem Glauben ganz auf ihn einstellt! Lob sei Allah, dem Herrn der Menschen in aller Welt (al-`aalamuun)! (Paret)
40.65. Er ist der Ewiglebendige. Es ist kein Gott außer Ihm. So ruft Ihn an, in lauterem Gehorsam Ihm gegenüber. Alles Log gebührt Allah, dem Herrn der Welten. (Rasul)
40.65. Er ist der Lebendige; es gibt keine Gottheit ausser Ihm. Dient Ihm also, indem ihr euren Glauben ausschliesslich auf Ihn einstellt. Gepriesen ist Allah, der Herr der Welten. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 64 bis 65
It is Allah Who made the earth a resting-place for you ( 89 ) and the sky a canopy over it, ( 90 ) Who shaped you, and shaped you so well, and Who provided you with pure things. ( 91 ) The same Allah (Who did all this 1 is your Lord. Highly blessed is Allah, Lord of the Universe. He is the Living One: ( 92 ) there is no god but He. Call upon Hun alone, making your religion sincerely His. ( 93 ) All praise is only due to Allah, Lord of the Universe. ( 94 )
Desc No: 89 For explanation, see An-Naml: 61 and E.N. 74 on it.
Desc No: 90 That is, "You have not been exposed to outer space so that heavenly calamities should rain on you and annihilate you completely, but We have built over the earth a fully fortified celestial system (which appears like a dome to the eye), which does not allow any destructive element to reach you; so much so that even the destructive cosmic rays cannot reach you and that is. how you are living peacefully on the earth. "
Desc No: 91 That is, "We had provided for you such a safe and peaceful place of rest even before your creation. Then We created you and gave you a fine body with most appropriate limbs and physical and mental powers of a high calibre. You did not create this erect stature, these hands and feet, these eyes and nose and ears, this talking tongue and this brain, which is a treasure-house of great capabilities, nor were these created by your mother and father, nor had a prophet . or a saint or a god the power to create them. Their Maker and Creator was the All-Wise, All-Merciful, All-Mighty Sovereign, Who created Man with this wonderful body to function in the world, when He decided to bring him into being. Then as soon as you were created, you found by His beneficence a vast table laid out with pure provisions containing items of pure food which is not poisonous but health-giving, which is not bitter and tasteless but tasty, which u not , rotten and stale and stinking but goodsmelling, which is not lifeless dregs but rich in vitamins and useful organic substances, so essential for the proper development and nourishment of yew body. Who has provided in such abundance this water, and corn, vegetables, fruits, milk, honey, meat and condiments, which not only add relish to your food but also provide you vitality and pleasures of life? And who has made the arrangements that these measureless granaries of food should go on coming out from the earth endlessly and their supply should never fail? Just consider this: What would have become of life if there had been no arrangement of food and man had been brought into existence suddenly? Is this not a clear proof that Your Creator is not merely a Creator but is an All-Wist Creator and All-Merciful Lord? (For further explanation, see Hud: 6, An-Naml 60-66 and the E.N.'s thereof):
Desc No: 92 That is, "His is the real and true life. He only is living by virtue of His own power. No one else has the eternal and everlasting lift but He. All others have borrowed and temporary life, which is destined to death and perishable. "
Desc No: 93 For explanation, see E.N.'s :3, 4 of Az-Zumar.
Desc No: 94 That is, "There is none else the hymns of whose praise may be sung and who may be thanked. "