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[ alMuddatir:22 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah asSura (42)  Ayah: 14


Medina-Musshaf Seite 484

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

42.14. Wama tafarraquu illa minbaAAdi ma dschaahumu alAAilmu baghyan baynahum walawlakalimatun sabaqat min rabbika ila adschalin musamman laqudiyabaynahum wa-inna alladhiina uurithuu alkitaba minbaAAdihim lafii schakkin minhu muriibin

42.14. And they were not divided until after the knowledge came unto them, through rivalry among themselves; and had it not been for a Word that had already gone forth from thy Lord for an appointed term, it surely had been judged between them. And those who were made to inherit the Scripture after them are verily in hopeless doubt concerning it. (Pickthall)

42.14. Und sie hatten sich nicht gespalten, außer nachdem das Wissen zu ihnen gekommen war, aus Neid untereinander, und wenn nicht ein Wort vorausgegangen wäre von deinem Herrn, zu einer festgesetzten Frist, bestimmt wäre zwischen ihnen entschieden, und diejenigen, denen nach ihnen die Schrift vererbt wurde, bestimmt sind sie in zweifelndem Zwiespalt über ihn. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

42.14. Und sie spalteten sich erst, nachdem das Wissen zu ihnen gekommen war - aus Mißgunst untereinander. Und wenn es nicht ein früher ergangenes Wort von deinem Herrn auf eine festgesetzte Frist gäbe, so wäre wahrlich zwischen ihnen entschieden worden. Gewiß, diejenigen, denen die Schrift nach ihnen zum Erbe gegeben wurde, sind darüber in starkem Zweifel. (Bubenheim)

42.14. Die Anhänger der früheren Gesandten wurden erst uneins, nachdem ihnen das Wissen zuteil geworden war. Sie wurden dazu durch Neid und Haß getrieben. Wenn nicht ein Wort von deinem Herrn zuvor gefallen wäre, das ihnen bis zu einer bestimmten Frist (dem Jüngsten Tag) Aufschub gewährt, wäre es um sie geschehen. Diejenigen, denen das Buch nach ihnen zum Erbe gegeben wurde, sind darüber in verwirrendem Zweifel. (Azhar)

42.14. Und sie spalteten sich nicht, außer nachdem das Wissen zu ihnen gekommen war - aus Übertretung einander gegenüber. Und gäbe es kein von deinem HERRN bereits gefälltes Wort bis zu einer festgelegten Frist, würde unter ihnen bestimmt 3 gerichtet. Und gewiß, diejenigen, denen die Schrift nach ihnen vererbt wurde, haben über sie doch einen Verdacht schleichenden Zweifel. (Zaidan)

42.14. Und erst nachdem das Wissen zu ihnen gekommen war, teilten sie sich - in gegenseitiger Auflehnung - (in verschiedene Gruppen). Und wenn es nicht ein Wort von deinem Herrn gäbe, das bereits vorliegt (und ihnen) auf eine bestimmte Frist (Aufschub gewährt), wäre zwischen ihnen (schon) entschieden worden. Diejenigen, die nach ihnen die Schrift als Erbe erhalten haben, hegen darüber bedenklichen Zweifel. (Paret)

42.14. Und sie zerfielen erst dann in Spaltung, nachdem das Wissen zu ihnen gekommen war; denn unter ihnen (entstand) selbstsüchtiger Neid. Und wäre nicht bereits ein Wort von deinem Herrn über eine bestimmte Frist ergangen - wäre gewiß zwischen ihnen entschieden worden. Wahrlich, jene, denen nach ihnen das Buch zum Erbe gegeben wurde, befinden sich in bedenklichem Zweifel darüber. (Rasul)

42.14. Sie spalteten sich erst, nachdem das Wissen zu ihnen gekommen war, aus gegenseitigem Neid und Rivalität. Und wenn es nicht ein vorausgegangenes Wort deines Herrn für eine festgesetzte Frist geben würde, wäre bereits zwischen ihnen entschieden worden. Wahrlich, jene, die die Schrift nach ihnen geerbt haben, befinden sich in bedenklichem Zweifel darüber. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 14 bis 14

The people became divided only after the Knowledge had come to them ( 22 ) just because they wanted to wrong one another. ( 23 ) Had your Lord not already issued the Word to defer their punishment till an appointed time, the matter would surely have been settled between them. ( 24 ) And the fact is that those who were made to inherit the Book after them, are involved in a disquieting doubt concerning it. ( 25 )

Desc No: 22
That is, "The divisions were created not because Allah had fAlled to send the Prophets and the Books, and therefore, the people could not know the Right Way and so invented their own separate religions, sects, schools of thought and systems of life, but divisions appeared after knowledge had come to them from Allah. Therefore, Allah is not responsible for it, but the people who abandoned the clear principles of religion and commands of the Shari'ah and created their own creeds and religions arc themselves responsible for it." 

Desc No: 23
That is, "The motive for creating the divisions was not good, but they resulted from the desire for ostentation, love of an independent entity, mutual rivalry and stubbornness, the urge to humiliate and defeat one another, and greed for worldly wealth and position. When the clever and ambitious saw that if the godly people followed the true religion honestly, there would only be One God before whom the people would bow, there would be one Messenger whom they would acknowledge as. their guide and leader, there would be one Book which they would turn to and there would be a clearly defined creed and code of life which they would be following. In such a system there could be no place of distinction for themselves, on the strength of which they could have their own leadership flourish so that the people should rally round them, and bow to them and also make rich offerings to them. This was the real cause which became the motive of the invention of new creeds and philosophies, new ways and rites of worship and new systems of life, and diverted a large part of humanity from the highway of Divine Religion and misled them into blind alleys. Then the mutual disputes of the factions and their religious, economic and political conflicts gave rise to intense bitterness, which in turn led to bloodshed and violence among humanity. " 

Desc No: 24
That is, all such people who were guilty of inventing false systems and followed them would have been annihilated in the world itself by a torment, and only the righteous ones allowed to survive, which should have indicated as to who was a follower of the Truth and who of falsehood in the sight of Allah. But Allah has deferred this plain decisions till Resurrection, for after such a decision in the world, the trial of mankind becomes meaningless. 

Desc No: 25
It means: After the passage of the time of every Prophet and his closest followers when the Divine Book reached the later generations, they did not receive it with faith and conviction but were involved in doubts and suspicions and confusions about it. There were many causes for this state of affairs, which can be easily understood by a study of the case of the Torah and the Gospel. The earlier generations have not conveyed both these Books to the later generations well preserved in their original state and in their original words and language. They mixed up the Divine Word in them with the human word in the form of their commentary, history, verbal traditions and juristic hair-splitting. They made their translations prevail until the original was lost and only the translations remained. Their historical authenticity also was ruined; so much so that nobody now can say with certainty that the Book in his hand is the same that the world had once received through the Prophet Moses or the Prophet Jesus. Then their elders in the different periods of history initiated such discussions on religion, divinity, philosophy, law, physics, psychology and sociology and invented such systems of thought that the people were lost in them and it became impossible for them to decide as to which was the straight highway of the Truth among the countless crooked ways. And since the Divine Book did not exist in its original, reliable state. they could neither turn to any authority that could help them to distinguish the truth from falshood. 

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