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12.105. Wie viele Zeichen gibt es in den Himmeln und auf der Erde, an denen sie vorbeigehen, wobei sie sie unbeachtet lassen!

[ Yusuf:105 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alHugurat (49)  Ayah: 3


Medina-Musshaf Seite 515

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

49.3. Inna alladhiina yaghudduuna aswatahumAAinda rasuuli Allahi ola-ika alladhiinaimtahana Allahu quluubahum lilttaqwalahum maghfiratun waadschrun AAadhiimun

49.3. Lo! they who subdue their voices in the presence of the messenger of Allah, those are they whose hearts Allah hath proven unto righteousness. Theirs will be forgiveness and immense reward. (Pickthall)

49.3. Diejenigen, die ihre Stimmen senken beim Gesandten Allahs, diese sind es ja, denen Allah ihre Herzen geprüft hat auf die Gottesfurcht, für sie gibt es Verzeihung und gewaltige Belohnung. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

49.3. Gewiß, diejenigen, die ihre Stimmen bei Allahs Gesandtem mäßigen, das sind diejenigen, deren Herzen Allah auf die Gottesfurcht geprüft hat. Für sie wird es Vergebung und großartigen Lohn geben. (Bubenheim)

49.3. Diejenigen, die beim Gesandten Gottes leise sprechen, sind die Frommen, deren Herzen Gott für aufrichtig erachtet. Ihnen gebühren Vergebung und großer Lohn. (Azhar)

49.3. Gewiß, diejenigen, die ihre Stimmen vor ALLAHs Gesandten dämpfen, sind solche, deren Herzen ALLAH für die Taqwa prüfte. Für sie ist Vergebung und riesengroße Belohnung bestimmt. (Zaidan)

49.3. Denen, die ihre Stimme in Gegenwart des Gesandten Allahs dämpfen, hat Allah das Herz im Hinblick auf die Gottesfurcht einer Prüfung unterzogen (und sie haben die Prüfung bestanden). Sie haben (dereinst) Vergebung und gewaltigen Lohn zu erwarten. (Paret)

49.3. Wahrlich, diejenigen, die ihre Stimmen dämpfen in der Gegenwart des Gesandten Allahs, sind es, deren Herzen Allah zur Gottesfurcht geläutert hat. Für sie ist Vergebung und ein gewaltiger Lohn (bereitet). (Rasul)

49.3. Diejenigen, die ihre Stimmen in der Gegenwart von Allahs Gesandtem mässigen, sind jene, deren Herzen Allah zur Frömmigkeit geläutert hat. Für sie ist Vergebung und eine grosse Belohnung bestimmt. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 2 bis 3

O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the Prophet's voice, nor speak to him loud as you speak loud to one another ( 3 ) lest all your works be rendered void, while you do not know. ( 4 ) Those who lower their voices in the presence of the Messenger of God, are, in fact, those whose hearts Allah has disposed to piety. ( 5 ) For them is forgiveness and a great reward!

Desc No: 3
This is the etiquette that was taught to the people who sat among the audience of the Holy Prophet or came to visit him. Its intention was that the believers should treat 'the Holy Prophet with the highest respect and reverence when visiting him and talking to him. Nobody should raise his voice louder than his: the people should not be unmindful of the fact that they are addressing the Messenger of Allah, and not a common man, or a person of equal rank; therefore, there should be a marked difference between one's tone of conversation with the common people and one's tone of conversation with the Holy Prophet, and no one should talk to him in a voice louder than his.
Although this etiquette was taught for sitting in the Holy Prophet's assembly and its addressees were the people who were living in his time, the people of the later ages also should observe the same respect and reverence on the occasion when the Holy Prophet's name is mentioned, or a command of his is stated, or his sayings are explained. Besides, this verse also points out what attitude the people should adopt when talking to persons of a higher rank and status than themselves. A person's talking before the men of a higher rank in a way as he talks before his friends or the common men, is in fact a sign that he has no respect for them in his heart, and he does not recognize any difference between them and the common people. 

Desc No: 4
This shows what high position the person of the Holy Prophet occupies in Islam. No one beside the Holy Prophet, whatever his rank and status, has a position that unmannerly behavior towards him should deserve in the sight of Allah the same punishment which is, in fact, the punishment for disbelief. In respect of ordinary people it is at the most a sort of rudeness, an uncivilized conduct, but in respect of the Holy Prophet a little lack of reverence is such a grave sin as can destroy all the services of one's lifetime. For the reverence of the Holy Prophet is indeed reverence of that God Who has sent him as His Messenger and lack of reverence for him amounts to lack of reverence to God Himself. 

Desc No: 5
That is, "Only those people give due reverence to the Messenger of Allah, who have passed successfully through the tests and trials set by Allah and proved by their steadfastness that their hearts indeed possess tagva (piety). " From this it follows automatically that the heart which is devoid of reverence for the Holy Prophet is, in fact, devoid of tagva, and a person's raising his voice louder than the Holy Prophet's is not only an uncivilized act outwardly but also a sign of the absence of tagva in his heart.   "

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