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3.35. Als ´Imrans Frau sagte: "Mein Herr, ich gelobe Dir, was in meinem Mutterleib ist, für Deinen Dienst freigestellt. So nimm (es) von mir an! Du bist ja der Allhörende und Allwissende."

[ al'Imran:35 ]

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Suche im englischen Tafsir von Maududi
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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alMa'ida (5)  Ayah: 114


Medina-Musshaf Seite 127

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

5.114. Qala AAiisa ibnu maryama allahummarabbana anzil AAalayna ma-idatan mina alssama-itakuunu lana AAiidan li-awwalina waakhirinawaayatan minka waorzuqna waanta khayru alrraziqiina

5.114. Jesus, son of Mary, said: O Allah, Lord of us! Send down for us a table spread with food from heaven, that it may be a feast for Us, for the first of us and for the last of us, and a sign from Thee. Give us sustenance, for Thou art the Best of Sustainers. (Pickthall)

5.114. Isa, Sohn Maijams, sagte: "O Allah, unser Herr, sende auf uns eine Speisetafel vom Himmel herab, die für uns ein Fest ist, für den ersten von uns und den letzten von uns, und ein Zeichen von Dir, und versorge uns, und Du bist der beste Versorger." (Ahmad v. Denffer)

5.114. ´Isa, der Sohn Maryams, sagte: "O Allah, unser Herr, sende zu uns einen Tisch (mit Speisen) vom Himmel herab, der für uns, für den ersten von uns und den letzten von uns, ein Fest sein soll und ein Zeichen von Dir. Und versorge uns. Du bist ja der beste Versorger." (Bubenheim)

5.114. Jesus, Marias Sohn, sagte: "Gott, unser Herr! Sende uns einen Tisch vom Himmel herab, dass es ein Festtag für uns alle sei, für den ersten wie für den letzten, ein Wunder von Dir, und ernähre uns, bist Du doch der beste Ernährer!" (Azhar)

5.114. 'Isa Ibnu-Maryam sagte: „ALLAH, unser HERR! Sende uns einen mit Speisen gedeckten Tisch vom Himmel herab, damit dieser ein immer wiederkehrendes Fest für uns wird - für die Ersten und für die Letzten von uns, und als Aya von Dir, und gewähre uns Rizq, denn DU bist gewiss Der Beste, Der Rizq gewährt.“ (Zaidan)

5.114. Jesus, der Sohn der Maria, sagte: "Du Allah, unser Herr (allaahumma rabbanaa)! Sende uns vom Himmel einen Tisch herab, der (mit seinem Mahl) für uns von jetzt an bis in alle Zukunft eine Feier (`ied) und ein Zeichen von dir sein wird! Und beschere uns (Gutes)! Du kannst am besten bescheren." (Paret)

5.114. Da sagte Jesus, der Sohn der Maria: "O Allah, unser Herr, sende uns einen Tisch (mit Speise) vom Himmel herab, daß er ein Fest für uns sei, für den Ersten von uns und für den Letzten von uns, und ein Zeichen von Dir; und versorge uns; denn Du bist der beste Versorger." (Rasul)

5.114. Da sagte Jesus, der Sohn der Maria: "Allah, unser Herr, sende uns einen (mit Speisen beladenen) Tisch vom Himmel herab, damit er für uns, den ersten von uns wie den letzten von uns, ein Fest und ein Zeichen von Dir sei. Und gewähre uns Versorgung, denn Du bist der beste Versorger." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 109 bis 114

On the Day, ( 122 ) -- when Allah will assemble all the Messengers, He will ask, "What was the response you received?",' ( 123 ) They will answer, "We have no knowledge: ( 124 ) You alone have the full knowledge of all that is hidden." Just imagine the occasion, when Allah will say' ( 125 ) "O Jesus, son of Mary, recall to mind My favour 1 bestowed upon you and upon your mother: I strengthened you with the Holy Spirit; you talked to the people even in the cradle as you talked when you were grown up; I taught you the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel: by My leave you made from clay the likeness of a bird, and breathed into it, and by My leave it became a living bird; by My leave you healed the born-blind and the lepers; by My leave you brought forth the dead. ( 126 ) Also remember that I protected you from the Israelites, when you came to them with clear signs, and the disbelievers among them said, `These signs are nothing but obvious sorcery" and remember also that I inspired the Disciples to believe in Me and My Messenger; then they said, `We have believed and bear witness that we are Muslims." ( 127 ) . (In regard to the disciples), ( 128 ) this incident may also be kept in mind: They said, "O Jesus, son of Mary, can your Lord send down to us from heaven a tray of food?" Jesus said, "Fear Allah, if you are true Believers." They replied, "We only wish to eat of this tray so that our hearts may be re-assured and we may know it for certain that what you have said to us is true, and that we may bear witness to it." At this, Jesus, son of Mary, prayed, "O Allah, our Lord, send to us from heaven a tray of food that it may become a recurring festival to us, to the first of us and to the last of us, and that it may be a Sign from You. Provide for us and You are the best of providers."

Desc No: 122
The Day of Resurrection. 

Desc No: 123
That is, "What was the response of the world to the invitation that you gave towards Islam?" 

Desc No: 124
That is, "We know only of that outward response which was made to our invitation during our lifetime. As regards the real practical response, we have no correct knowledge of it for that is known to You alone." 

Desc No: 125
At first this question will be put collectively to all the Messengers. Then each of the Messengers will stand as a witness individually. Here that question, which will be put to Jesus Christ (Allah's peace be upon him), has been specially mentioned because it fits into the context. 

Desc No: 126
That is, "You brought them back to life after death. " 

Desc No: 127
That is, "It was a favour upon you that the Disciples believed in you, by Our Grace; otherwise you had no power by yourself to convert even a single person out of the disbelievers."
Incidentally, the use of the word Muslims for the Disciples is meant to show that their religion was Islam and not Christianity. 

Desc No: 128
This incident has been inserted here as a parenthesis to show that even his Disciples, who had received his teachings from him directly, considered Jesus a man and servant of God. Therefore, they could never conceive to make their master a god or a partner of God or son of God. This also shows that Jesus also presented himself as a servant without having any authority of his own.
It may be asked, "What was the occasion of inserting this parenthesis here to interrupt the conversation that was being cited?" The answer is that the conversation that would take place on the Day of Resurrection has been quoted here for the benefit of the Christians so that they may learn the lesson and adopt the right way. It is, therefore, quite pertinent to insert the incident mentioned in the parenthesis to impress the same lesson.  "

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