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39.69. Und die Erde wird im Licht ihres Herrn erstrahlen; das Buch wird hingelegt, und die Propheten und die Zeugen werden herbeigebracht; und es wird zwischen ihnen der Wahrheit entsprechend entschieden, und es wird ihnen kein Unrecht zugefügt.
51.55. And warn, for warning profiteth believers. (Pickthall)
51.55. Und erinnere, denn das Erinnern nützt den Gläubigen, (Ahmad v. Denffer)
51.55. Und ermahne, denn die Ermahnung nützt den Gläubigen. (Bubenheim)
51.55. Du sollst unablässig ermahnen, denn die Ermahnung nützt den Gläubigen. (Azhar)
51.55. Und erinnere, denn die Erinnerung nutzt doch den Mumin. (Zaidan)
51.55. Und mahne (mit dem Koran)! Die Mahnung nützt den Gläubigen. (Paret)
51.55. Doch fahre fort, (sie) zu ermahnen; denn die Ermahnung nützt den Gläubigen. (Rasul)
51.55. Und ermahne, denn die Ermahnung kommt den Gläubigen zugute. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 52 bis 55
This has always been so. Whenever a Messenger came to the peoples before them, they said, "He is a sorcerer or a madman. " ( 49 ) Have they reached a mutual understanding concerning this? Nay, but they are all a rebellious people. ( 50 ) So, O Prophet, turn away from them: you are not at all to blame. ( 51 ) But go on admonishing them, for the admonition is beneficial for the believers. ( 52 )
Desc No: 49 That is, ¦This has not happened for the first time that the people are calling the Messenger sent by Allah a sorcerer and a madman when they heard the news of the Hereafter and the invitation to the Oneness of Allah from him. The whole history of Apostleship bears evidence that ever since the Messengers started coming for the guidance of mankind, ignorant people have been repeating the same folly in the same manner. Whichever Messenger came and gave them the warning that they were not the servants of many gods but One God alone is their Creator and Deity and Master of their destinies, ignorant people said that he was a sorcerer, who wanted to beguile and misguide them by his sorcery. Whichever Messenger came and warned them that they had not been created and left irresponsible in the world, but that at the conclusion of their life-work they would have to present themselves before their Creator and Master and render an account of their deeds and in consequence thereof they will be rewarded or punished accordingly, the foolish people cried out that he was a madman and had lost his reason because no one could be resurrected after death. "
Desc No: 50 That is, ¦The fact that the people of different countries and nations adopted the same attitude as against the invitation of the Prophets and opposed them in the same manner in different ages for thousands of years could not be due to the reason that all the former and the latter generations had settled in a conference that whenever a prophet came with his message, he should be given such and such an answer. Then, what could be the reason for the uniformity of their attitude and behavior? There could be no other reason for this than that rebellion and transgression was their common characteristic. As all the ignorant people of every age have been desirous of living a life free of Allah's service and fearless of His accountability, whoever called them to the service of Allah and to lead a God-conscious life, they gave him one and the same fixed answer. " This also throws light on an important truth and it is this: The motives that man has been naturally endowed with for adopting error and guidance, goodness and evil, justice and injustice, and similar other conducts, have been appearing in every age and in every corner of the world in the like manner no matter how different might have been their forms due to advancement of means and resources. Whether the man of today fights by means of the tanks and aircraft and hydrogen bombs and the man of the ancient time fought with stones and sticks, the basic motives for fighting between men have always been the same. Likewise, the atheist of today might heap up his arguments for atheism as he likes, his motives for following that creed are precisely the same as had been of an atheist six thousand years ago and in his reasoning also he is not basically any different from his predecessor
Desc No: 51 In this verse a method of the preaching of religion has been taught, which should be well understood. When a preacher of the truth has presented his message clearly before a person with rational arguments, and has also removed his doubts and objections and answered his arguments, he becomes relieved of his duty of making the truth plain. Even after this if the other person persists in his belief and creed, the responsibility for it does not lie on the preacher of the truth. It is no more necessary that he should pursue the same person, should go on spending his time in discussing things with him, and should make it a point that he has somehow to convince the same one man of the truth. The preacher, in fact, has done his duty; if the other man is not convinced, let hire alone. If the preacher does not any more attend to him, he cannot be blamed for letting a person remain involved in error, because now the other person himself is responsible for his deviation and error.
Desc No: 52 The Holy Prophet has not been addressed here to be taught this method because, God forbid, in his preaching he unnecessarily pursued the people and Allah wanted to stop him from this fact, the actual reason for stating this method is that when a preacher of the truth has done his best to make the people understand his message in a rational way and then seeing the signs of stubbornness in them withdraws from them, the people inveigh against him and start accusing him of indifference and inattention whereas, they, as they say, want to discuss things in order to understand his message. The fact, however, is that they do not intend to understand anything but only to involve the preacher in disputation and waste his time. Therefore, Allah Himself said in clear words: "Turn away from them: you are not at all to blame for showing any indifference towards them." After this nobody could blame the Holy Prophet that according to the Book that he had brought he had been appointed to make them understand his religion: then why he did not answer their objections. "