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17.94. Und nichts anderes hielt die Menschen davon ab zu glauben, als die Rechtleitung zu ihnen kam, außer daß sie sagten: "Hat denn Allah ein menschliches Wesen als Gesandten geschickt?"

[ alIsra':94 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah adDariyat (51)  Ayah: 9


Medina-Musshaf Seite 521

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

51.9. Yu/faku AAanhu man ofika

51.9. He is made to turn away from it who is (himself) averse. (Pickthall)

51.9. Es wird von ihm abwendig gemacht, wer abwendig gemacht ist. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

51.9. Abwendig machen läßt sich davon, wer sich abwendig machen läßt. (Bubenheim)

51.9. Von der Wahrheit wird der allein abgebracht, der sich willentlich davon abbringen lässt. (Azhar)

51.9. abgebracht wird davon , wer abgebracht wurde. (Zaidan)

51.9. Manch einer hat sich (ganz) davon abbringen lassen. (Paret)

51.9. Der allein wird von der (Wahrheit) abgewendet, der sich davon abbringen läßt. (Rasul)

51.9. doch (von der Wahrheit) wendet sich nur derjenige ab, der sich (vom Glauben) abkehrt. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 7 bis 9

By the sky of various appearances, ( 5 ) you are at variance with one another (concerning the Hereafter) ( 6 ) ; only such a one is perverted from it who has turned away from the Truth. ( 7 )

Desc No: 5
The word hubuk in the original is also used for the paths and for the waves which are produced on the sand of the desert and the surface of stagnant water by the wind; it is also spoken for the curls in wavy hair. Here, the sky has been characterized by "hubuk" either because the sky is often overcast with clouds of different shapes, which go on changing because of the wind, and no shape lasts nor resembles any other, or because at night one sees the stars scattered in the sky in many different combinations and no combination resembles any other combination. 

Desc No: 6
The oath has been sworn by the sky of various appearances on this difference of views because of the similarity. That is, just as the clouds and the clusters of stars in the sky have different appearances and there is uniformity among them, so are also your views about the Hereafter, each different from the other. Some one says that this world is eternal and no Resurrection can take place. Another say s that this system is not eternal and can come to an end in the course of time, but whatever becomes extinct, including man, cannot possibly be resurrected. Another one regards resurrection as possible but, holds the belief that man in order to be requited for his good and evil deeds is born and reborn again and again in this very world. Some one believes in Hell and Heaven but combines the transmigration of the souls also with it. He thinks that the sinner goes to Hell to suffer the punishment as well as is born and reborn in this world for the sake of the punishment. Some one says that the life in the world is in itself an agony; as long as man's self remains attached to physical life, he goes on dying and taking birth again and again in this very world, and his real salvation is that he should attain annihilation. Some one believes in the Hereafter and Hell and Heaven, but says that God by giving death to His only son on the cross had atoned for the original sin of man, and man will escape the evil consequences of his evil acts by believing in the son. Some other people generally believe in the Hereafter and the meting out of the rewards and punishments but at the same time regard certain holy men as the intercessors, who are such favorites of Allah, or wield such influence with Him, that any one who attaches himself to them as a disciple, can escape the punishment whatever he may do in the world. About these holy men also there is no agreement among their devotees; every group of them has its own separate intercessor. This difference of the views itself is a proof that whenever man has formed an opinion about his own and the world's end, independent of Revelation and Prophet hood, he has formed it without knowledge; otherwise if man in this regard really had some direct means of knowledge there would not have arisen so many different and contradictory beliefs.  

Desc No: 7
The pronoun of anhu in this sentence either turns to the meting out of the rewards and punishments, or to various views. In the first case, it means: "The meting out of the rewards has to take place, in spite of your holding different beliefs about it; but only such a person is perverted from it, who has turned away from the Truth." In the second case, the meaning is: ¦Only such a one is misled by these different views, who has turned away from the Truth." 

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