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4.78. Wo immer ihr auch seid, wird euch der Tod erfassen, und wäret ihr in hochgebauten Türmen. Und wenn sie etwas Gutes trifft, sagen sie: "Das ist von Allah." Und wenn sie etwas Böses trifft, sagen sie: "Das ist von dir." Sag: Alles ist von Allah. Was ist mit diesem Volk, daß sie beinahe keine Aussage verstehen?

[ anNisa:78 ]

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Suche im englischen Tafsir von Maududi
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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alWaqi'a (56)  Ayah: 67


Medina-Musshaf Seite 536

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

56.67. Bal nahnu mahruumuuna

56.67. Nay, but we are deprived! (Pickthall)

56.67. Vielmehr wir sind Beraubte!" (Ahmad v. Denffer)

56.67. Nein! Vielmehr ist uns alles verwehrt worden." (Bubenheim)

56.67. und haben keine Versorgung mehr." (Azhar)

56.67. Nein, sondern es wurde uns vorenthalten.“ (Zaidan)

56.67. Nein (mehr noch)! Wir sind (jeden Glückes und Erfolges) beraubt." (Paret)

56.67. Nein, wir sind beraubt." (Rasul)

56.67. Nein, vielmehr sind wir (unserer Versorgung) beraubt." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 63 bis 67

Have you ever considered the seeds that you sow ? Is it you who cause them to grow into crops, or do We? ( 28 ) If We so pleased We could turn these crops into chaff, and you would then be left lamenting, "We have incurred penalties! Ah, we are undone!"

Desc No: 28
The above question drew the people's attention to the truth that they have been developed and nourished by Allah Almighty and have come into being by His act of creation. Now this second question draws their attention to this important truth that the provisions which sustain them, are also created only by Allah for them, as if to say: "Just as in your own creation human effort has nothing more to do than that your father may cast the sperm in your mother, so in the supply of the provisions for you also human effort has nothing more to do than that the farmer should sow the seed in the soil. The land in which cultivation is done, was not made by you. The power of growth to the soil was not granted by you. The substances in it that become the means of your food are not provided by you. The seed that you sow is not made capable for growth by you. The capability in every seed that from it should sprout up the tree of the same species of whose seed it is, has not been created by you. The process for changing this cultivation into blooming crops that is working under the soil and of arranging the required kind of weather and air and water above it dces not owe anything in any way to your planning and skill. All this is the manifestation of Allah's power and providence. Then, when you have come into being only by His act of creation and are being sustained by His provision, how can you then have the right to pose yourself as independent of Him, or save another than Him as your deity?
Although apparently this verse reasons out TauhId, yet if one considers its theme a little more deeply, one finds in it the argument for the Hereafter, too. The seed that is sown in the soil is by itself dead, but when the farmer buries it under the soil, Allah infuses it with plant life, which puts out sprouts and blooms into spring. Thus, these countless bodies are rising from the dead in front of our eyes daily. Is this miracle in any way loss wonderful so that a person may regard the other wonderful miracle of the life hereafter, which is being foretold by the Qur'an, as impossible?   "

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