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78.35. Weder hören sie darin unbedachte Rede noch Lüge.

[ anNaba':35 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alWaqi'a (56)  Ayah: 70


Medina-Musshaf Seite 536

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

56.70. Law naschao dschaAAalnahu odschadschanfalawla taschkuruuna

56.70. If We willed We verily could make it bitter. why, then, give ye not thanks? (Pickthall)

56.70. Wenn Wir wollten, machen Wir es brennend bitter, also warum dankt ihr nicht? (Ahmad v. Denffer)

56.70. Wenn Wir wollten, könnten Wir es (auf der Zunge) brennend machen. Wenn ihr doch dankbar sein würdet! (Bubenheim)

56.70. Wenn Wir wollten, könnten Wir es bitter machen. Wollt ihr Uns nicht dafür danken? (Azhar)

56.70. Wenn WIR wollten, würden WIR es sauer machen. Würdet ihr euch doch dankbar erweisen! (Zaidan)

56.70. Wenn wir wollten, würden wir es bitter (und ungenießbar) machen. Warum wollt ihr denn nicht dankbar sein? (Paret)

56.70. Wollten Wir, könnten Wir es bittersalzig machen. Warum also dankt ihr (Mir) nicht? (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 68 bis 70

Have you ever seen (with open eyes) the water that you drink? Is it you who cause it to rain from the clouds, or do We? ( 29 ) If We so pleased We could make it salt. ( 30 ) Then why don't you be grateful ( 31 ) ?

Desc No: 29
That is, "We have not only made arrangements of satisfying your hunger, but also of satisfying your thirst, This water that is even more essential for your life than bread has been arranged by Us, not by you The seas in the earth have boon created by Us. It is the heat of Our sun that causes their water to evaporate, and it is Our winds that cause the vapours to rise. Then it is by Our power and wisdom that the vapours collect and form into clouds. Then, by Our command the clouds divide in a particular proportion and spread over different regions of the earth so that the share of the water appointed for a particular region, should reach it. And in the upper atmosphere also We bring about the cool that causes the vapours to change back into water We have not only brought you into being but are also busy making all these arrangements for your sustenance without which you could not survive at all. Then, when the fact is that you have come into being by Our act of creation, arc eating Our provisions and drinking Our water, wherefrom have you got the right that you should pose to be independent of Us and serve another beside Us ? " 

Desc No: 30
In this sentence an important manifestation of Allah's power and wisdom has been pointed out. Among the wonderful properties that Allah has created in water one property also is that no matter what different substances are dissolved in water, when it changes into vapour under the effect of heat, it leaves behind all adulterations and evaporates only with its original and actual component elements. Had it not possessed this property the dissolved substances also would have evaporated along with the water vapours. In this case the vapours that arise from the oceans would have contained the sea salt, which would have made the soil saline and uncultivable wherever it rained. Then, neither could man have survived by drinking that water, nor could it help grow any vegetation. Now, can a man possessed of any common sense claim that this wise property in water has come about by itself under some blind and deaf law of nature? This characteristic by virtue of which sweet, pure water is distilled from saltish seas and falls as rain, and then serves as a source of water-supply and irrigation in the form of rivers, canals, springs and wells, provides a clear proof of the fact that the Providence has endowed water with this property thoughtfully and deliberately for the purpose that it may become a means of sustenance for His creatures. The creatures that could be sustained by salt water were created by Him in the sea and there they flourish and multiply. But the creatures that He created on the land and in the air, stood in need of sweet water for their sustenance and before making arrangement of the rainfall for its supply He created this property in water that at evaporation it should rise clear and free of everything dissolved in it.  

Desc No: 31
In other words, "Why do you commit this ingratitude in that some of you regard the rainfall as a favour of the gods, and some others think that the rising of the clouds from the sea and their raining as water is a natural cycle that is working by itself, and still others, while acknowledging it as a mercy and blessing of God, do not admit that God has any such right on them that they should bow to Him alone? How is it that while you derive so much benefit from this great blessing of Allah, in return you commit sins of disbelief and polytheism and disobedience of Him?" 

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