58.10. Innama alnnadschwa mina alschschaytaniliyahzuna alladhiina amanuu walaysa bidarrihimschay-an illa bi-idhni Allahi waAAalaAllahi falyatawakkali almu/minuuna
58.10. Lo! Conspiracy is only of the devil, that he may vex those who believe; but he can harm them not at all unless by Allah ' s leave. In Allah let believers put their trust. (Pickthall)
58.10. Die vertrauliche Unterredung ist ja vom Teufel, damit er diejenigen traurig macht, die glauben, und er schadet ihnen nicht in irgend etwas, außer mit der Erlaubnis Allahs, und auf Allah sollen die Gläubigen vertrauen. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
58.10. Vertrauliche Gespräche sind nur vom Satan, damit diejenigen traurig seien, die gläubig sind. Aber er kann ihnen keinen Schaden zufügen, außer mit Allahs Erlaubnis. Und auf Allah sollen sich die Gläubigen verlassen. (Bubenheim)
58.10. Die heimlichen Gespräche kommen vom Satan, der die Gläubigen traurig stimmen will. Er kann ihnen aber nicht schaden, es sei denn, es ist Gottes Verfügung. Auf Gott allein sollen sich die Gläubigen verlassen. (Azhar)
58.10. Die heimliche Unterredung ist nur vom Satan, damit ihr diejenigen, die den Iman verinnerlichten, traurig macht. Doch er wird ihnen in nichts schaden außer mit ALLAHs Zustimmung. Und ALLAH gegenüber sollen die Mumin Tawakkul üben. (Zaidan)
58.10. Das heimliche Gespräch (das die Heuchler miteinander führen) ist (von niemand anders als) vom Satan (inspiriert). (Er bringt es auf) um die Gläubigen traurig zu machen. Er kann ihnen aber (in Wirklichkeit) nichts anhaben, es sei denn mit Allahs Erlaubnis. Auf Allah sollen die Gläubigen (immer) vertrauen. (Paret)
58.10. Die geheime Verschwörung rührt allein von Satan her, der die betrüben will, die gläubig sind; doch er kann ihnen nicht den geringsten Schaden zufügen, es sei denn mit Allahs Erlaubnis. Und auf Allah sollen die Gläubigen vertrauen. (Rasul)
58.10. Heimliche Gespräche sind (ein Werk) Satans, der damit die Gläubigen betrüben möchte. Doch ohne Allahs Erlaubnis kann er ihnen keinen Schaden zufügen; und auf Allah sollen die Gläubigen vertrauen. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 9 bis 10
O you who have believed, when you talk secretly together, then do not talk of sin and transgression and disobedience to the Messenger but talk of virtue and piety, and fear that God, before Whom you shall all be mustered together. ( 24 ) Conspiring secretly is the work of Satan. This is done in order to cause grief to the believers, whereas it cannot harm than at all unless it be by Allah's leave. And let the believers put their trust in Allah alone ( 25 )
Desc No: 24 This shows that najwa (talking secretly together) by itself is not forbidden, but it s being lawful or unlawful depends upon the character of the people who hold secret consultations and upon the circumstances under which such consultations are held, and upon nature of the consultations themselves, If the people whose sincerity, righteousness and purity of character arc well known, arc seen talking secretly together, nobody would have any misgiving that they were planning mischief. On the contrary, the whispering and secret consultations of the people who are notorious for their evil and wicked character, product in every mind. the suspicion that they arc engaged in a new conspiracy. Likewise, if a couple of persons talk for some time together on some matter secretly, it is not objectionable, but if some people have formed themselves into a gang and constantly engaged in a whispering campaign against the Muslim community, this would indeed be a prelude to some mischief. If nothing else, it would at least stir up divisions among the Muslims. Above all, the thing that decides whether najwa (secret counsel) is lawful or unlawful is the nature of the things talked of it. If two men hold a secret counsel in order to bring a dispute the an end, ar to restore a person's right, or to bring a dispute an end, or to restore a person's right, or to promote a good cause, it is no evil, but rather and act of virtue, On the contrary, if the same secret counsel between two men is held with a view to creating mischief, or usurping the rights of . others, or committing a sin, obviously the object itself would be evil and the secret counsel about it evil added w evil.
In this connection, the teaching given by the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) of social etiquette is: "When three men are sitting together, no two of them should whisper to each other, for this would cause anguish to the third. " (Bukhari, Muslim, Musnad Ahmad Thirmidhi Adu Da'ud). In another Hadith, the Holy Prophet said: "Two men should not whisper together, without the leave of the third, for this would cause him anguish. " (Muslim). This objectionable sort of whispering also applies to the cast when two of the three men start talking in a language which is not understood by the third, and even more objectionable would be that during their whispering they should look towards the third person or gesticulate in a manner as to suggest that he is the topic of discussion between them.
Desc No: 25 This has been saidso that if a Muslim watches some other people whispering, which causes him the doubt that it is directed against him, he should not feel so offended as to start planning a counter-attack on the basis of mere suspicion, or begin to nourish grief, or malice, or undue concern in his heart. He should understand that no one can harm him except by Allah's leave. This conviction would inspire him with such confidence that he would feel delivered of many a useless worry and imaginary danger and leaving the wicked to themselves would remain engaged in peacefully doing his duty. The believer who has trust in Allah is neither a faint-hearted person, whose peace of mind could be ruined by every doubt and suspicions nor so shallow and mean-minded as would lose his cool when confronted by the evildoers and start behaving in an unjust manner himself.