6.108. Revile not those unto whom they pray beside Allah lest they wrongfully revile Allah through ignorance. Thus unto every nation have We made their deed seem fair. Then unto their Lord is their return, and He will tell them what they used to do. (Pickthall)
6.108. Und verunglimpft nicht diejenigen, zu denen sie anstelle Allahs rufen, -sonst verunglimpfen sie Allah aus Feindschaft, ohne Wissen. Derart haben Wir für jede Gemeinschaft ihr Tun schön gemacht, dann ist ihre Rückkehr zu ihrem Herrn, und Er teilt ihnen mit, was sie getan haben. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
6.108. Und schmäht nicht diejenigen, die sie außer Allah anrufen, damit sie nicht in Übertretung ohne Wissen Allah schmähen! So haben Wir jeder Gemeinschaft ihr Tun ausgeschmückt erscheinen lassen. Hierauf wird ihre Rückkehr zu ihrem Herrn sein, und Er wird ihnen kundtun, was sie zu tun pflegten. (Bubenheim)
6.108. Ihr sollt die Götzen, die die Ungläubigen anstelle Gottes anbeten, nicht schmähen, sonst würden sie vor Wut aus Unwissenheit Gott beschimpfen. Wir haben jedes Volk dabei belassen, sein Verhalten gut zu finden. Am Jüngsten Tag werden alle Völker zu Gott geführt, Der ihnen ihre Taten vor Augen führen und sie dafür zur Rechenschaft ziehen wird. (Azhar)
6.108. Und verunglimpft nicht das, woran sie anstelle von ALLAH Bittgebete richten, sonst verunglimpfen sie ALLAH in übertretender Weise aus Unwissenheit! Solcherart ließen WIR jeder Umma ihr Handeln schön erscheinen, dann aber wird ihre Umkehr zu ihrem HERRN sein, dann wird ER sie darüber in Kenntnis setzen, was sie zu tun pflegten. (Zaidan)
6.108. Und schmäht nicht diejenigen, zu denen sie beten, statt zu Allah, damit sie in (ihrem) Unverstand nicht (ihrerseits) in Übertretung (der göttlichen Gebote) (? `adwan) Allah schmähen! So (wie den heidnischen Mekkanern) haben wir jeder Gemeinschaft (umma) ihr Tun im schönsten Licht erscheinen lassen. Hierauf (aber) werden sie (sterben und) zu Allah zurückkehren. Und er wird ihnen Kunde geben über das, was sie (in ihrem Erdenleben) getan haben. (Paret)
6.108. Und schmäht die nicht, welche sie statt Allah anrufen, sonst würden sie aus Groll ohne Wissen Allah schmähen. Also lassen Wir jedem Volke sein Tun als wohlgefällig erscheinen. Dann aber werden sie zu ihrem Herrn heimkehren; und Er wird ihnen verkünden, was sie getan haben. (Rasul)
6.108. Und beschimpft diejenigen nicht, die sie anstelle von Allah verehren, damit sie nicht in Übertretung und Ignoranz Allah beschimpfen. Wir lassen jeder Gemeinschaft ihr Tun (durch die Teufel) wohlgefällig erscheinen, ehe sie zu ihrem Herrn zurückkehren; und Er wird ihnen kundtun, was sie zu tun pflegten. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 105 bis 108
Thus do We state Our Revelations over and over again indifferent ways so that the disbelievers might say, "You have learnt these (not from Allah but) from someone else;" and so that We may make the Reality plain to those who have knowledge. ( 70 ) Therefore, O Muhammad, go on following what has been sent down to you from your Lord, for there is no god besides that One Lord, and leave these mushrikin alone. Had Allah willed (He Himself could have so arranged that), they would not have committed shirk. And We have not appointed you a keeper over them, nor have you been made their guardian. ( 71 ) And (O Believers), do not revile those whom they invoke besides Allah lest they should, in their ignorance, revile AIIah ( 72 ) (besides committing shirk). We have thus made the deeds of every people seem fair to them. ( 73 ) Ultimately, they shall have to return to their Lord; then He will let them know what they have been doing.
Desc No: 70 The different ways of expression, in which the Revelation has been couched, are a test for the people, because they help to discriminate the counterfeit from the genuine. The same thing has already been stated in Al-Baqarah, II: 26, in connection with the mention of insignificant things like flies, gnats, etc. in the parables of the Qur'an. Just as the mention of these insignificant things helps the seekers in finding the Truth, in the same way the different ways of expression help those, who have knowledge and make use of it, to think deeply about their aims and objects and learn lessons for their own good. On the contrary, those people, who are bigoted, pay no attention to the subject-matter, but begin to think on other lines. For instance, they begin to conjecture how this illiterate man can compose such excellent discourses. Thus, instead of judging the Qur'an from its excellent themes to be the Revelation from Allah, they turn to every other possible source and say, "You have learnt this from such and such a one." Then in the "light" of this so-called successful "Research" into the source of the Qur'an, they conclude that it could not be the Book of God.
Desc No: 71 It means: "You have been appointed to invite the people to the Message and not to keep watch over them like a police inspector. Therefore your only duty is to present the Message to the people and try, your best to convince them of the Truth. After that, if someone does not accept the Truth, leave him alone. You have not been appointed to force the people to accept it so as to leave no worshipper of falsehood within the range of your Prophethood. Therefore you should not worry yourself and try to make them open their eyes which they have deliberately shut. If Allah had, in His Wisdom, willed that there should remain no worshipper of falsehood, He would not have entrusted you with this task. He could have made each and every human being a follower of the Truth, merely by a single word of His Command. But this is not the object of the creation of man. The real object is that man be given the freedom of choice between the Truth and falsehood: And then by presenting the light of the Truth before him, he be tested which one of the two he chooses. Now the right course for you is to follow the Right Way yourself and to invite others to follow it. Then you should make those, who accept it, your friends and not to forsake them in any case, even though they are very intsignificant in the eyes of the worldly people. On the other hand, you should leave those alone who do not accept it and let them go to the evil end to which they themselves want to go and persist in doing so."
Desc No: 72 The followers of the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) have been advised not to lose their balance in zeal for preaching but to remain within proper limits when engaged in discussions and polemics with the non-Muslims and to refrain from offending against their creeds and from vilifying their leaders and objects of worship, for this will repel and alienate them all the more from the Truth.
Desc No: 73 Allah has ascribed their deeds to Himself, for everything that takes place in accordance with the Laws of Nature does, in fact, happens by the command of Allah. (Please refer to E.N. 17 above). As Allah is the Author of all the Laws of Nature, everything happens by His Command: therefore, Allah says, "We have made the deeds of every people seem fair to them." The human beings would, however, express the same thing, saying, "This has happened according to the Law of Nature. " "