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54.49. Gewiß, Wir haben alles in (bestimmtem) Maß erschaffen.

[ alQamar:49 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alAn'am (6)  Ayah: 135


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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

6.135. Qul ya qawmi iAAmaluu AAalamakanatikum innii AAamilun fasawfa taAAlamuuna mantakuunu lahu AAaqibatu alddari innahu layuflihu aldhdhalimuuna

6.135. Say (O Muhammad): O my people! Work according to your power. Lo! I too am working. Thus ye will come to know for which of us will be the happy sequel. Lo! the wrong- doers will not be successful. (Pickthall)

6.135. Sag: Mein Volk, handelt nach eurem Standpunkt, ich handele ja dannwerdet ihr wissen, für wen letzten Endes die Heimstätte ist, den Unrechthandelnden ergeht es nicht wohl. * (Ahmad v. Denffer)

6.135. Sag: O mein Volk, handelt nach eurer Stellung! Ich werde ebenfalls (so) handeln. Dann werdet ihr (noch) erfahren, wem die letztendliche Wohnstätte gehören wird. Gewiß, den Ungerechten wird es nicht wohl ergehen. (Bubenheim)

6.135. Sprich: "O mein Volk! Macht weiter auf eure Art; ich mache weiter auf meine, und ihr werdet zu wissen bekommen, wem das gute Ende im Jenseits beschieden ist. Die, die Unrecht tun, erzielen keinen Erfolg. (Azhar)

6.135. Sag: ‚Meine Leute! Handelt euren Standpunkten entsprechend, ich handle auch. Und ihr werdet noch wissen, wem das Anschließende vom Jenseits gehört.‘ Die Unrecht-Begehenden werden gewiss keinen Erfolg haben. (Zaidan)

6.135. Sag: Leute! Handelt nach dem Standpunkt, den ihr einnehmt (? `alaa makaanatikum)! Ich werde (ebenfalls) handeln (wie ich es meinerseits für recht halte). Ihr werdet dann (schon noch zu) wissen (bekommen), wem die letzte Behausung (`aaqibatu d-daari) zuteil wird. Den Frevlern wird es nicht wohl ergehen. (Paret)

6.135. Sprich: "O Leute, handelt eurem Standpunkt gemäß, (auch) ich werde handeln. Bald werdet ihr erfahren, wer den endgültigen Lohn der Wohnstatt erhalten wird." Siehe, die Ungerechten sind nie erfolgreich. (Rasul)

6.135. Sprich: "O mein Volk, handelt nach eurem Standpunkt, und (auch) ich werde (entsprechend der Wahrheit) handeln. Bald werdet ihr erkennen, wem der Lohn der ewigen Wohnstätte zusteht." Wahrlich, die Ungerechten werden niemals Erfolg haben. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 132 bis 135

The grade of everyone (for recompense) is determined in accordance with his deeds: and your Lord is not unaware of the deeds of the people. Your Lord is All-Sufficient and is full of compassion. ( 101 ) If He wills, He may remove you and replace you by whomever He wills, just as He raised you from the offspring of other people. Indeed, the thing which you are being promised shall most surely come; ( 102 ) and you have no power to frustrate Allah. O Muhammad, say, "O people, you may do whatever you like in your own way and I am doing whatever I deem right; ( 103 ) but you shall soon know who comes out successful in the end; anyhow the fact is that the workers of iniquity can never attain true success."

Desc No: 101
"Your Lord is All-Sufficient": "He does not stand in need of any kind of help from you, nor does He need anyone to look after His interests. Therefore, you can do him no harm by your disobedience, nor can you do Him any good by your obedience. Even if all of you rebel against Him, you cannot detract an iota from His Kingdom; nor can you add an iota to it, if all of you decide to obey and worship Him. He needs neither your obedience nor your offering. As a matter of fact, he is showering His countless blessings on you without desiring anything in return from you."
In the context in which the sentence, "He is All-Compassionate", occurs, it implies two things. First, "It is only out of compassion for you that Allah is showing you the Right Way and not for His own interest. It will not serve any interest of His if you follow the Right Way and keep away from the wrong ways: nor will it do Him any harm if you swerve from it. As a matter of fact, you will be serving your own interest and avoiding harm to yourselves by following it. Therefore, it is His kindness that He teaches you the right conduct to enable you to attain higher ranks and restrains you from wrong behaviour that will throw you to the lowest depths of degeneration." Second, "Your Lord. is not ruthless: He does not enjoy punishing you for trifling offences and errors. As a matter of fact; He is very kind and sympathetic to all His creatures and rules over them with great compassion. That is why He' forgives and forbears your shortcomings over and over again and shows compassion and leniency to you even though you become guilty of disobedience, sins and crimes. You impudently discard His Commandments, knowing well that He is your Providence; yet He forgives and forbears and gives you respite after respite, so that you may understand the Reality and mend your ways. Had He been ruthless He could have destroyed you instantly and raised up another people to replace you, or destroyed the whole human race and created another species. "  

Desc No: 102
That is, "Resurrection," when all human beings, from the first to the last, shall be brought back to life and presented before their Lord for final judgement. 

Desc No: 103
That is, "If you do not take the warning from Me and do not give up your wrong ways, then you may go on following the ways of your choice, and let me follow my way. Ultimately, both you and I will see the consequences."  "

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