6.160. Man dschaa bialhasanatifalahu AAaschru amthaliha waman dschaa bialssayyi-atifala yudschza illa mithlaha wahum layudhlamuuna
6.160. Whoso bringeth a good deed will receive tenfold the like thereof, while whoso bringeth an ill deed will be awarded but the like thereof; and they will not be wronged. (Pickthall)
6.160. Wer mit dem Guten kommt, so gibt es für ihn zehnmal Gleiches davon, und wer mit dem Schlechten kommt, so wird ihm nichts vergolten, außer dem Gleichen davon, und sie werden nicht unrecht behandelt. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
6.160. Wer mit (etwas) Gutem kommt, erhält zehnmal soviel. Und Wer mit einer bösen Tat kommt, dem wird nur gleichviel vergolten, und es wird ihnen kein Unrecht zugefügt. (Bubenheim)
6.160. Wer eine gute Tat vollbringt, bekommt zehnfachen Lohn, und wer eine böse Tat begeht, bekommt nur eine ihr gleiche Strafe. Keinem wird Unrecht getan. (Azhar)
6.160. Wer ein Einziges Gutes vollbringt, bekommt dafür das Zehnfache (an Belohnung); doch wer die Schlechtigkeit vollbringt, dem wird dafür mit Gleichem vergolten. Und ihnen wird kein Unrecht angetan. (Zaidan)
6.160. Wenn einer mit einer guten Tat (vor den Richter) kommt, wird ihm zehnmal so viel (als Lohn zuteil). Und wenn einer mit einer schlechten Tat kommt, wird ihm nur mit gleichviel vergolten. Und ihnen wird (dabei) nicht Unrecht getan. (Paret)
6.160. Dem, der eine gute Tat vollbringt, soll (sie) zehnfach vergolten werden; derjenige aber, der eine böse Tat verübt, soll nur das Gleiche als Lohn empfangen; und sie sollen kein Unrecht erleiden. (Rasul)
6.160. Wer (am Tag des Gerichts) mit Gutem kommt, wird das Zehnfache dafür erhalten; und wer mit Schlechtem kommt, wird mit Gleichem vergolten werden. Und (dabei) wird niemand Ungerechtigkeit erleiden. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 159 bis 160
You have nothing to do with those who have split up their religion and become sects. ( 141 ) Their case rests with Allah, and He Himself will let them know what they have done. He, who will bring a good deed before Allah, will receive a tenfold reward for it, and he, who will bring an evil deed, shall receive only that much punishment which he deserves, and no one will be treated unjustly.
Desc No: 141 Though the address is directed to the Holy Prophet, yet all the followers of the True Religion are, through him, included in it. It means that the righteous people should not follow the ways of those who became sects by causing divisions in the True Religion, which has always been the same and is the same today. Its basic principles are that Allah alone is the Deity and Lord of the whole Universe. that none should be set up as His equal or partner in His attributes, powers or rights, that there shall be the next world, in which all human beings shall have to render the account of what they do in this world, and that they should mould their lives in accordance with those broad fundamental principles that have been taught by Allah through His Messengers and Books. This is the True Religion that had been given to mankind from the very first day of its creation. As regards the different religions and sects that came into existence afterwards, they were the result of the changes that were made in the True Religion by different people at different times. Some of them introduced new things into it, others made changes in it to suit their lusts; still others mixed things in it because of their exaggerated reverence. Then they tampered with its creed by mixing with it their whims, their speculations and their philosophies. They changed it also by adding to its commandments their innovations and their self-made laws and by corrupting its regulations by hair-splitting and exaggerating the differences in its details and by rendering important things unimportant and vice versa. They went to two extremes: they adored some Prophets too much and opposed and rejected others. In this way numerous new religions and sects came into existence and divided humanity into fighting groups. Therefore it is essential for a follower of the True Religion to have nothing to do with any of these sects and to keep his own path clear of them. "