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74.4. und deine Gewänder, die reinige,

[ alMuddatir:4 ]

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Medina-Musshaf Seite 550

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

60.9. Innama yanhakumu AllahuAAani alladhiina qataluukum fii alddiiniwaakhradschuukum min diyarikum wadhaharuuAAala ikhradschikum an tawallawhum waman yatawallahumfaola-ika humu aldhdhalimuuna

60.9. Allah forbiddeth you only those who warred against you on account of religion and have driven you out from your homes and helped to drive you out, that ye make friends of them. Whosoever maketh friends of them (All) such are wrong doers. (Pickthall)

60.9. Allah untersagt euch gegen diejenigen, die mit euch wegen der Religion kämpfen und euch aus euren Heimstätten heraustreiben und unterstützen bei eurer Heraustreibung, daß ihr euch mit ihnen befreundet, und wer sich mit ihnen befreundet, also diese, sie sind die Unrechthandelnden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

60.9. Er verbietet euch nur, diejenigen, die gegen euch der Religion wegen gekämpft und euch aus euren Wohnstätten vertrieben und zu eurer Vertreibung Beistand geleistet haben, zu Schutzherren zu nehmen. Diejenigen, die sie zu Schutzherren nehmen, das sind die Ungerechten. (Bubenheim)

60.9. Er verbietet euch nur, euch mit denjenigen zu verbünden, die euch des Glaubens wegen bekämpft, euch aus euren Häusern vertrieben und anderen bei eurer Vertreibung Beistand geleistet haben. Das sind die Ungerechten. (Azhar)

60.9. ALLAH verbietet euch nur diejenigen, die euch des Din wegen bekämpften, 3 euch aus euren Wohnstätten vertrieben und bei eurer Vertreibung Beistand leisteten, dass ihr sie alsWali nehmt. Und wer sie alsWali nimmt, so sind diese die eigentlichen Unrecht-Begehenden. (Zaidan)

60.9. Er verbietet euch nur, euch denen anzuschließen, die der Religion wegen gegen euch gekämpft, und die euch aus euren Wohnungen vertrieben oder bei eurer Vertreibung mitgeholfen haben. Diejenigen, die sich ihnen anschließen, sind die (wahren) Frevler. (Paret)

60.9. Doch Allah verbietet euch, mit denen, die euch des Glaubens wegen bekämpft haben und euch aus euren Häusern vertrieben und (anderen) geholfen haben, euch zu vertreiben, Freundschaft zu schließen. Und wer mit ihnen Freundschaft schließt - das sind die Missetäter. (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 8 bis 9

Allah does not forbid you to treat kindly and act equitably towards those who have neither fought you in the matter of religion nor driven you out of your homes. Indeed Allah loves the just.' ( 12 ) He only forbids you to take for friends those who fought you in the matter of religion, and drove you out of your homes, and cooperated with others in your expulsion. Those who take them for friends are indeed the wrongdoers.' ( 13 )

Desc No: 12
Here a doubt may arise in the minds. It is all right to treat the disbelievers, who are not hostile, kindly, but should only they be treated un-justly? And should the disbelievers, who arc hostile, be treated un-justly? The answer is that in this context, the word justice, in fact, has been used in a special sense. It means: "Justice demands that you should not be hostile to those who are not hostile to you, for it is not justice to treat the enemy and the non-enemy alike. You have every right to adopt a stem attitude towards those who persecuted you for embracing Islam and compelled you to leave yew homes and pursued you even after your expulsion. But as for those who were not partners in persecuting you, you should treat them well and should fulfil the right they have on you because of blood and other relationships. " 

Desc No: 13
The instructions to sever relations with the disbelievers given in the preceding verses, could cause the people the misunderstanding that this was because of their being the disbelievers. Therefore, in these verses it has been made clear that its actual cause is not their disbelief but their hostility to Islam and their tyrannical treatment of the followers of Islam. The Muslims, therefore, should distinguish between the hostile disbeliever and the non-hostile disbeliever, and should treat those disbelievers well who have never treated them evilly. Its best explanation is the incident that took place between Hadrat Asma', daughter of Abu Bakr, and her disbelieving mother. A wife of Hadrat Abu Bakr's was Qutaylah bint 'Abdul `Uzza, who wax a disbeliever and had remained behind in Makkah after the migration. Hadrat Asma' had been born of her. After the peace treaty of Hudaibiyah when the traffic opened between Makkah and Madinah, she came to Madinah to see her daughter and also brought sane gifts. Hadrat Asma' herself has related that she went to the Holy Prophet and asked: "Should I see my mother? And can I treat her as a daughter should treat her mother?" The Holy Prophet replied: "Yes, treat her as your mother. " (Musnad Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim). Hadrat Asma's son, 'Abdullah bin Zubair, has given further details of this incident. He says that Hadrat Asma' in the beginning had refused to sec her mother. Then, when she received Allah and His Messenger's permission she met her. (Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Jarir, Ibn Abi Hatim). This by itself leads to the conclusion that a Muslim's serving his unbelieving parents and his helping his unbelieving brothers and sisters and relatives is permissible when they are not hostile to Islam; Likewise one can spend one s charities also on the indigent among the dhimmis (Al-Jassas, Ahkam al-Qur'an; Ruh al-Ma ani) 

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