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24.23. Gewiß, diejenigen, die den ehrbaren, unachtsamen gläubigen Frauen (Untreue) vorwerfen, sind verflucht im Diesseits und Jenseits. Für sie wird es gewaltige Strafe geben,
64.6. That was because their messengers (from Allah) kept coming unto them with clear proofs (of Allah ' s sovereignty), but they said: Shall mere mortals guide us? So they disbelieved and turned away, and Allah was independent (of them). Allah is Absolute, Owner of Praise. (Pickthall)
64.6. Dies, weil immer zu ihnen ihre Gesandten mit den klaren Beweisen gekommen waren, und sie sagten: "Menschenwesen leiten uns recht?" Also haben sie den Glauben verweigert, und sie haben sich abgekehrt, und Allah kommt ohne sie aus, und Allah ist reich, gelobt. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
64.6. Dies, weil ihre Gesandten immer wieder zu ihnen mit den klaren Beweisen kamen, sie aber sagten: "Sollen (etwa) menschliche Wesen uns rechtleiten?" So wurden sie ungläubig und kehrten sich ab. Doch Allah bedurfte (ihrer) nicht, und Allah ist Unbedürftig und Lobenswürdig. (Bubenheim)
64.6. Ihre Gesandten brachten ihnen die Beweiszeichen. Da sagten sie: "Sollen Menschen uns zum rechten Weg leiten?" Sie leugneten und wandten sich ab. Gott ist auf ihren Glauben nicht angewiesen. Gott ist reich und preiswürdig. (Azhar)
64.6. Dies, weil ihre Gesandten zu ihnen doch mit klaren Zeichen zu kommen pflegten, dann sagten sie: „Menschen leiten uns recht?“ Dann betrieben sie Kufr und wandten sich ab. Und ALLAH ist auf niemanden angewiesen. Und ALLAH ist absolut autark, alllobenswürdig. (Zaidan)
64.6. Dies darum, daß ihre Gesandten mit den klaren Beweisen (baiyinaat) zu ihnen kamen, worauf sie sagten: "Sollen (etwa) Menschen (baschar) uns rechtleiten?", ungläubig waren und sich abwandten. Doch Allah war nicht (auf sie) angewiesen (wa-staghnaa llaahu). Er ist reich und des Lobes würdig. (Paret)
64.6. Dies (soll so sein), weil ihre Gesandten mit klaren Beweisen zu ihnen kamen, sie aber sagten: "Sollen Menschen uns rechtleiten?" Also glaubten sie nicht und wandten sich ab, doch Allah hat dies nicht nötig; und Allah ist auf keinen angewiesen, des Lobes Würdig. (Rasul)
64.6. Dies (geschah), weil ihre Gesandten mit eindeutigen Beweisen zu ihnen gekommen waren und sie sagten: "Sollen uns (etwa) Menschen (wie wir) den Weg weisen? So leugneten sie (ihre Botschaft) und wandten sich ab. Doch Allah ist auf niemanden angewiesen, denn Allah ist der Unbedürftige, der Lobenswerte. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 5 bis 6
Has not the news reached you of those who had disbelieved before this, and then tasted the evil results of their deeds? And in the Hereafter there awaits them a painful torment. ( 10 ) They deserved this fate because their Messengers came to them with clear Signs, ( 11 ) but they said, "Shall mere human beings show us guidance?" ( 12 ) So they refused to believe and turned away; then Allah also became indifferent to them, and Allah is indeed Independent and worthy of all praise. ( 13 )
Desc No: 10 That is, "The evil that they tasted in the world in consequence of their misdeeds was neither the real punishment of their crimes nor the full punishment. The real and full punishment they have yet to suffer in the Hereafter. However, the people can learn a lesson from the torment that visited them. They can see how the nations which adopted an attitude of unbelief against their Lord, went an degenerating and consequently met with an evil and disgraceful end." (For further explanation, see E.N.'s 5, 6 of Al-A'raf, E.N. 105 of Hud).
Desc No: 11 The word bayyinet as used in the original has a vast meaning. Bayyin (sing. of bayyinat in Arabic is something which is very clear and manifest. Saying about the Prophets that they came with bayyinat gives the meaning that firstly, they brought such manifest signs as bore clear testimony to their having been appointed by Allah; secondly, they presented whatever they presented with rational and clear arguments; thirdly, there was no ambiguity in their teaching; they clearly explained what was the truth and what was falsehood. what was lawful and what was unlawful, what path man should follow and what he should avoid.
Desc No: 12 This was then the foremost and basic cause of their degenenation and ruin Mankind could not have known the right course of action in the world unless their Creator gave them the correct knowledge, and there could be no practical means of bestowing such knowledge by the Creator unless He blessed some of the human beings with the knowledge and entrusted them with the duty to convey it to other human beings. For this purpose He sent the Prophets with the manifest Signs bayyinat) so that there was-no reasonable ground for the people to doubt their being on the truth. But the people refused to believe that a human being could be a Messenger of God. Then, obviously there could be no other way for them to receive guidance. (For further explanation, see E.N. 11 of Surah Ya Sin). In this connection, however, a strange manifestation of the ignorance and folly of human beings is seen. They have in fact, never shown any hesitation in accepting the guidance of men, so much so that they have caryed out gods of wood and stone according to their guidance, they have made human beings themselves God, the incarnation of God, even son of God. and they have adopted such strange viewpoints by following the guidance of their mis-leaders blindly, which ruined human civilization and morals altogether. But when the Messengers of God came to them with the truth, and they presented the pure Truth before them without any selfish motive, they said, "Shall mere human beings show us guidance?" This amounted to saying that if a human begin misled them, they would follow his guidance willingly, but if he showed the right path to them, his guidance was not acceptable.
Desc No: 13 That is, when they treated the guidance sent down by Allah with indifference, then Allah also became indifferent to them and did not care what pit they fell in. Allah did not stand in need of their aknowledging Him God to sustain and support His Godhead. Nor was He in need of their worship, nor of their praise and adoration. He, in fact, willed to show them the right path only for their own good and well-being. But when they turned away from it, Allah also became heedless of them. Then, neither He gave them guidance, nor remained responsible for their protection, nor saved them from being afflicted with calamities, nor prevented them from bringing about their own ruin for they themselves were not keen for His guidance and help. "