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8.46. Und gehorcht Allah und Seinem Gesandten, und streitet nicht miteinander, sonst würdet ihr den Mut verlieren, und eure Kraft würde vergehen! Und seid standhaft! Gewiß, Allah ist mit den Standhaften.

[ alAnfal:46 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alA'raf (7)  Ayah: 102


Medina-Musshaf Seite 163

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

7.102. Wama wadschadna li-aktharihimmin AAahdin wa-in wadschadna aktharahum lafasiqiina

7.102. We found no (loyalty to any) covenant in most of them. Nay, most of them We found wrong doers. (Pickthall)

7.102. Und Wir haben bei der Mehrzahl von ihnen keine Abmachung gefunden, und Wir haben die Mehrzahl von ihnen bestimmt als Frevler gefunden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

7.102. Und Wir fanden bei den meisten von ihnen keine Vertragstreue, sondern Wir fanden (, daß) die meisten von ihnen fürwahr Frevler (waren). (Bubenheim)

7.102. Wir fanden in den meisten keine Treue zum Bund mit Gott, sondern fanden, dass die meisten durch und durch Frevler waren. (Azhar)

7.102. Und WIR stellten bei den meisten von ihnen keine Vertragstreue fest. Jedoch stellten WIR die meisten von ihnen als Fasiq fest. (Zaidan)

7.102. Und wir haben gefunden, daß die meisten von ihnen keine Verpflichtung kennen, und daß die meisten von ihnen Frevler sind. (Paret)

7.102. Und bei den meisten von ihnen fanden Wir keine Vertragstreue, sondern Wir fanden die meisten von ihnen als Frevler vor. (Rasul)

7.102. In den meisten von ihnen fanden Wir keine Einhaltung des Bundes (mit Allah). Wir fanden vielmehr, dass die meisten von ihnen Abtrünnige waren. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 100 bis 102

And, have not those people, who inherit the earth after its former occupants, learnt a lesson from the fact that, if We please, We can seize them for their sins? ( 79 ) (But they neglect the realities that teach a lesson) and We seal their hearts: then they do not listen to anything. ( 80 ) These people whose stories We recount to you (can serve as examples to you). Their Messengers came to them with clear Signs, but they would not believe in what they had once denied. Behold, this is how We seal the hearts of the disbelievers. ( 81 ) And We found in most of them no respect for any Covenant; nay, We found that most of them were transgressors. ( 82 )

Desc No: 79
It is a pity that the succeeding nation does not learn any lesson from the mistakes of the fallen nation it replaces. There would be a great guidance for the people if they considered seriously the question why those people, who were ruling over the land before them and were prosperous and flourishing, were utterly ruined and totally destroyed. The answer would show them the erroneous thoughts and deeds which resulted in their ruin. Then they can also realize that the Sovereign Ruler Who seized them for their mistakes and deposed them is All-Powerful even now, is still ruling over the universe and is able to punish them and depose them, if they commit the same kind of errors that their predecessors committed.  

Desc No: 80
According to the Divine Law, the fall of a nation takes place when it neglects to take a lesson from the history of the former people and from the ruins of their monuments, but tries to delude itself. Then Allah does not let them think rightly or accept the admonition of any well wisher. As regards the individuals, the Divine Law is that if a person himself closes his eyes deliberately, the light of the sun does not help him; likewise if he does not want to hear, none else can make him hear.  

Desc No: 81
In v.101, Allah Himself has explained the meanings of the previous verse, "We seal their hearts: then they do not hear anything". From this it is clear that by the `sealing of the hearts-' is meant that state of mind which is caused as a result of the working of the Divine Law. When one deliberately refuses to accept the Truth because of one's ignorance, prejudice, selfishness, lust etc. , then such a person becomes so obdurate that he persists in error without paying any attention to his own observations or to the arguments of his true well-wishers. 

Desc No: 82
The disbelieves showed no respect for any of the three covenants that should be binding on every man. They respected neither the natural covenant that makes man by his very birth the servant of Allah, his Sustainer, nor that collective covenant that binds every individual to the observance of the known social code of the community of which he is a member, nor that personal covenant which every man undertakes with his Allah at the time of distress and helplessness.

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