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5.7. Und gedenkt Allahs Gunst an euch und des Abkommens, das Er mit euch getroffen hat, als ihr sagtet: "Wir hören und gehorchen!" Und fürchtet Allah. Gewiß, Allah weiß über das Innerste der Brüste Bescheid.
7.116. Qala alquu falamma alqaw saharuuaAAyuna alnnasi waistarhabuuhum wadschauubisihrin AAadhiimin
7.116. He said: Throw! And when they threw they cast a spell upon the people ' s eyes, and overawed them, and produced a mighty spell. (Pickthall)
7.116. Er sagte: "Werft ihr!", und als sie warfen, verzauberten sie die Augen der Menschen und wollten Furcht in ihnen wecken und kamen mit gewaltigem Zauber. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
7.116. Er sagte: "Werft (ihr zuerst)!" Als sie nun warfen, bezauberten sie die Augen der Menschen und flößten ihnen Furcht ein, und sie brachten einen gewaltigen Zauber vor. (Bubenheim)
7.116. Er antwortete: "Fangt an!" Als sie warfen, verzauberten sie die Augen der Leute und jagten ihnen Angst ein, da sie großen Zauber darboten. (Azhar)
7.116. Er sagte: „Werft ihr!“ Und als sie geworfen hatten, haben sie die Augen der Menschen verzaubert und ihnen Angst eingejagt. Und sie vollbrachten gewaltige Magie. (Zaidan)
7.116. Er sagte: "Werft (ihr zuerst)!" Und als sie geworfen hatten, bezauberten sie die Augen der Menschen (die zugegen waren) und machten ihnen Angst. Und sie brachten einen gewaltigen Zauber vor. (Paret)
7.116. Er sagte: "Ihr sollt werfen!" Und als sie geworfen hatten, bezauberten sie die Augen der Leute und versetzten sie in Furcht und brachten einen gewaltigen Zauber hervor. (Rasul)
7.116. Er sagte: "Werft (ihr zuerst)." Als sie geworfen hatten, verzauberten sie (damit) die Augen der Leute und versetzten sie in Furcht; sie führten einen grossen Zauber vor. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 109 bis 116
At this the chiefs of Pharaoh's people said to one another, "Indeed this man is an expert magician. He intends to drive you out of your land; ( 88 ) now what do you propose to do?" Then they all advised Pharaoh: "Put him and his brother off for a while, and send heralds to all the cities so that they should bring to you every expert magician". ( 89 ) Accordingly, the magicians came to Pharaoh and said, "Shall we surely get great magic.our reward, if we win ?" Pharaoh answered, "Yes, indeed, and you shall get a position close to me" . Then they said to Moses, "Will you throw down first, or should we throw down?" Moses answered, "You should throw down first". When they threw down their devices, they bewitched the eyes of the people and terrified their hearts: for they had, indeed, produced a great magic.
Desc No: 88 Naturally some questions arise here: How was Prophet Moses a danger to Pharaoh and his kingdom? How could a destitute person of a slave community like him be a menace to a powerful and rich king like Pharaoh, who was the object of worship of his subjects as well? How was the turning of the staff into a serpent menace to his great kingdom which extended from Syria to Libya and from the Mediterranean Sea to Abyssinia? Why did they then raise the alarm that Prophet Moses intended to deprive the great Pharaoh and the members of the royal dynasty and the big chiefs of their kingdom, and drive them out of Egypt? Above all, why was there a danger at all of a revolution, when he had put forward no other claim than that he was a Prophet of Allah; and demanded the freedom of the Israelites? These questions are specially important because so far no political talk had taken place between them. The answer is that the claim to Prophethood in itself implied that Prophet Moses meant to bring about a complete revolution in the existing system of life, including the political system as well. The very fact that a person claims to be a Delegate of the Lord of the universe, contains in itself the demand for total submission of human beings to himself. This is because the Delegate of the Lord of the universe dces not come to live as a subject of and subordinate to anyone else but as the ruler and the guardian. For, it is the negation of his claim to Prophethood to acknowledge the sovereignty of an unbeliever. That is why Pharaoh and his courtiers felt the menace of a political, social and cultural revolution when Moses made a claim to Prophethood. Let us consider the question: Why did the court of the great Pharaoh of Egypt attach so much importance to the claim of Moses, who had no other helper than his own brother, and no other emblem of his appointment from Allah than his miraculous staff and his shining hand? In my opinion there were two main reasons: First, Pharaoh and his courtiers were fully acquainted with the great personality of Prophet Moses. They knew that he possessed a pure and strong character and an extraordinary ability, and was a born leader and commander. Besides this, if we rely on the stories of the Talmud and Josephus, Prophet Moses had acquired education in all the sciences of the age, and was fully trained in the art of war and administration, because these things were considered essential for the members of the royal family in which he was brought up, and had proved himself to be an excellent general in the campaign against Abyssinia. Above all, the hard desert life of eight years or so in Midian had helped to remove the effects of a life of ease in the royal palace. Therefore, when this grand, serene and pious man stood in the court of Pharaoh with the claim of Prophethood, they could not brush aside his. claim as hollow. Secondly, when they saw the miracles of the staff and the shining hand, they were all filled with awe and were inclined to admit that there was, indeed, some supernatural force at his back. Thus there was an apparent contradiction in their calling him a magician and, at the same time, expressing a fear that he would drive them out of the country. This also showed that they had been nonplussed by the very first appearance of the Signs of Prophethood: If they had really considered Prophet Moses to be a magician, they would have never felt and expressed the danger of a revolution from him, for magic has never brought about any revolution in the world.
Desc No: 89 These words of the courtiers of Pharaoh show that they had a clear conception of the distinction between the change produced by a Divine miracle and the effect of magic. They knew that the change brought about by a Divine miracle was real, whereas the effect produced by magic was merely an illusion. That is why they tried to refute the claim of Prophet Moses, saying, "this man is an expert magician". They meant to say that the staff had not actually turned into a serpent but had only appeared so to them to be a serpent because of his magic and they would not acknowledge it as a Divine miracle. Therefore they counselled Pharaoh to gather together all the expert magicians so that they may show that they could also turn ropes and sticks into serpents and remove to some extent from the hearts of the people the awful effect that had been produced in their minds by the miracle of the staff of Moses. "