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19.25. Und schüttle zu dir den Palmenstamm, so läßt er frische, reife Datteln auf dich herabfallen.

[ Maryam:25 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alA'raf (7)  Ayah: 56


Medina-Musshaf Seite 157

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

7.56. Wala tufsiduu fii al-ardibaAAda islahiha waodAAuuhu khawfan watamaAAaninna rahmata Allahi qariibun mina almuhsiniina

7.56. Work not confusion in the earth after the fair ordering (thereof), and call on Him in fear and hope. Lo! the mercy of Allah is nigh unto the good. (Pickthall)

7.56. Und stiftet kein Verderben auf der Erde, nach ihrer Ordnung, und ruft zu Ihm in Furcht und Hoffnung, die Barmherzigkeit Allahs ist ja nahe den Guthandelnden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

7.56. Und stiftet auf der Erde nicht Unheil, nachdem sie in Ordnung gebracht worden ist! Und ruft Ihn in Furcht und Begehren an. Gewiß, die Barmherzigkeit Allahs ist den Gutes Tuenden nahe. (Bubenheim)

7.56. Stiftet kein Unheil auf Erden, wo alles schon zum Besten gestaltet ist! Bittet Gott in Frömmigkeit und Sehnsucht! Gottes Barmherzigkeit ist denen nah, die gute Werke verrichten. (Azhar)

7.56. Und richtet kein Verderben auf der Erde an, nachdem sie gut gemacht wurde, und richtet Bittgebete an Ihn in Furcht (vor Seiner Peinigung) und in Ersehnung (Seiner Belohnung)! Gewiß, ALLAHs Gnade liegt den Muhsin nahe. (Zaidan)

7.56. Richtet nicht Unheil auf der Erde an, nachdem sie in Ordnung gebracht worden ist (ba`da islaahihaa)! Und betet zu ihm in Furcht (vor seiner Strafe) und in Verlangen (nach seiner Barmherzigkeit)! Die Barmherzigkeit Allahs ist den Rechtschaffenen (al-muhsiniena) nahe. (Paret)

7.56. Und stiftet keinen Verderb auf Erden, nachdem dort Ordnung herrscht, und ruft Ihn in Furcht und Hoffnung an. Wahrlich, Allahs Barmherzigkeit ist denen nahe, die gute Werke tun. (Rasul)

7.56. Und stiftet kein Verderben auf der Erde, nachdem sie in Ordnung gebracht wurde; und erbittet Ihn in Frömmigkeit und Hoffnung. Wahrlich, Allahs Barmherzigkeit ist nahe für die Wohltätigen. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 54 bis 56

In fact, your Lord is Allah alone, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, ( 40 ) and then sat upon the Throne of His Kingdom; ( 41 ) Who makes the night cover the day and then the day follows the night swiftly; Who created the sun, the moon and the stars, all of which are under His Command. Note it well: His is the creation and His the Sovereignty. ( 42 ) Full of blessings is Allah, the Lord of the worlds. ( 43 ) Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret; indeed He does not like the transgressors. Do not spread chaos on the earth after it has been set in order, ( 44 ) and call your Lord with fear and with hope. ( 45 ) Surely, the mercy of Allah is near to the righteous people.

Desc No: 40
Here the word "day"has been used in the sense of period. This word has been used in the same sense in XXII:47: "The fact is that with your Lord a day is equal to one thousand years as you reckon", and also in LXX: 4: "Angels and Gabriel ascend to Him in a day which is equal to fifty thousand years". Allah alone Knows its real significance. (for further explanation see E.N.'s 11-I5 of XLI). 

Desc No: 41
It is very difficult for us to comprehend the nature of "He sat upon the Throne". It is just possible that after the creation of the universe, He fixed some place as the center of His limitless Kingdom, which may have been called "The Throne," from where He is showering His blessings on the whole universe and it is also possible that the Arabic word "Al- 'Arsh" " may have been used figuratively to express His Sovereignty and "seating Himself on the Throne" may mean "the taking of the reins of His Kingdom in His hands" . Anywise, whatever be the details of the Text, the Qur'an mentions this to impress the fact that Allah is not only the Creator of the universe but also its Sovereign as well as Ruler, that after its creation He has not cut off all connections with it and has not become disinterested in its affairs, but is practically governing each and every minute part of it; all the powers of Sovereignty are, in fact, in His hands; that everything is under His Command and is obedient to Him, and the destinies of everyone and everything are permanently in His hands. In this way the Qur'an cuts across the basic misunderstanding that gives rise to the errors like shirk and rebellion against Him. The creed that God has nothing to do with the affairs of the universe, inevitably leads to the belief that someone else is the maker or destroyer of one's destiny, and, therefore, one should bow down before that one or one should consider one's own self to be its maker and become independent of Him.
In this connection, it is worth while to consider the use of words akin to "kingdom" and "kingship", which the Qur'an usually employs to express the relation between Allah and man. Though it is dune obvious that the Qur'an has employed such words, technical terms, figures of speech and a style as may be within the comprehension of human beings, yet some critics with perverted minds have inferred from this use the strange conclusion that this Book is the invention of Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him). The line of their argument is this: "The frequent use of the words like `king' shows that the 'author' of the Qur'an was irresistibly influenced by the system of kingship that was prevalent all around him during the period when this Book was composed; therefore its author cannot be Allah, Who knows that there can be no comparison between Him and a king, etc., etc." Obviously, this argument is very flimsy. The conception of the Sovereign of the earth and the heavens put forward in the Qur'an clearly shows that in contrast to the mortal weak kings of this world, having only a limited authority for a limited period, the King, Allah, is Eternal, All-Powerful, having the supreme Authority, above all others and for all times. This conception of the Sovereignty of `King' Allah falsifies the very basis of the theory of the critics, for no human king can fit in the conception of the `King' laid down in the Qur'an. For in this conception there is no scope for anyone to claim or assume powers of sovereignty like the King, because it requires that man should acknowledge Allah alone as the sole object of worship in the religious sense and the sole sovereign in the civil and political sense. 

Desc No: 42
This is a further explanation of the meanings of `seating Himself on the Throne': "Allah is not only the Creator but is also the Sovereign and Ruler of the universe. After its creation, He has neither relinquished its rule in favour of others nor has He made the whole of His creation or any part of it independent, but He has kept in His own hands the functioning of the whole universe. Day and night are not following each other by themselves but by the Command of Allah, Who has the power, to stop or change the present system totally. Likewise, the sun, the moon and the stars possess no inherent power of their own but are entirely under His Command, and are functioning perforce like slaves under His orders." 

Desc No: 43
43. The original meaning of barkat ("blessing") is growth, increase and development along with greatness, exaltation, permanence and stability. Besides all these meanings, the word carries with it the idea of goodness and welfare. Thus the Text means, "His good qualities and excellences are boundless; His beneficence spreads everywhere; He is the possessor of the highest position that has no limits. Above all, all His excellences are absolutely permanent and stable, without decay or decline." For further explanation see E.N.'s 1-19 of XXV. 

Desc No: 44
According to the Qur'an, the root cause of disorder in the world is that man breaks away from the service of God and, giving himself up to the service of his own self or of others and discarding His Guidance, adopts the guidance of others instead for the building up of his morality, society and culture. As this creates disorder and gives birth to many other kinds of disorder, the Qur'an aims at its eradication. At the same time it warns that disorder is not inherent in the system of the world so that it may be replaced by order. But it so happens that disorder over-whelms the order that was set in it, as a result of man's ignorance and rebellion. In other words, man did not start his life on the earth in ignorance, barbarism, shirk, rebellion and moral disorder, and then reforms were introduced afterwards to remove them by degrees. The fact is that he started life in peace and order, which was corrupted afterwards by the follies and mischiefs of the evil-doers. Then Allah sent His Messengers to eradicate that disorder and to set right the system of life again to bring it back to the original state. That is why they always invited the people to adopt the same old system of peace and order, and to refrain from spreading disorder.
It should also be noted that the point of view of the Qur'an in this matter is quite different from that of the evolutionists who assert that man has gradually come out of darkness into light and his life is being reformed by degrees. In contrast to this, the Qur'an declares that Allah settled man on the earth in full light and started his life with a system based on peace and order. Then afterwards man himself repeatedly followed the guidance of Satan and went into darkness and corrupted the original right and orderly system. Then Allah sent His Messengers over and over again to invite the people to come out of darkness into light and to refrain from disorder. (Please refer also to E.N. 230, AL-BAQARAH).  

Desc No: 45
It has become clear from this sentence that the `chaos' referred to above is that man should adopt someone else as his guardian, protector and helper and invoke that one for help. The order can, therefore, be restored by acknowledging Allah as the sole Guardian and Protector and Helper and by invoking Him alone.  "

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